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Browsing Zoids Wild

- ZW47 Burning Liger / CDW Impact Gatling Set

 Rounding off the Burning Liger releases, ZW47 is a combined set. You can buy both the Burning Liger and the Impact Gatling in the same purchase with this item, scheduled to be released on October 24th for 3,500 yen.

- Stream

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-09-23 17:06:25

- ZW48 Gilraptor LC!

 The gorgeous Republican colored Gilraptor LC is now up on the TakaraTomy Mall! This kit is scheduled for an October 24th release, for 3,000 yen. It features white armor and a possibly metallic-blue frame, and includes the A-Z Laser Gun and A-Z Impact Laser Gun in silver, the only non-limited release of this weapon so far. Combine them together to create the A-Z Long Range Laser Gun! Takara Tomy has posted pictures of the unpainted kit. View its official page here.

- Gilraptor LC Information

Length: 8.4 m
Height: 4.5 m
Width: 3.3 m
Weight: 36.0 t
Max Speed: 250 km/h
 A-Z Impact Laser Gun Kai
 A-Z Laser Gun
 Hook Claw
 Wing Shotels
 Head Radar
 Jet Boosters

A Deinonychus Zoid that slashes enemies with the large claws on its feet, and the third claw on its back, the "Wing Shotel". The Gilraptor LC (Laser Custom) is a custom machine that's equipped with an additional A-Z Laser Gun and A-Z Impact Laser Gun, allowing it to provide support fire from the rear. By connecting the two weapons, you can also make an A-Z Long Range Laser Gun, which can be fired from a long distance. It's also capable of moving at high speeds with its superior spring-loaded legs and the Jet Boosters on its back. It has a Head Radar with highly developed sensory function on the top of its head, which allows it to coordinate with multiple units to detect enemy movements and ensure that they're killed.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-09-23 17:05:55

- Liger The Arthur Public Sale!

 CoroCoro Premier (Pal-Shop) has announced a Zoids Wild 2020 campaign, which will include a public sale for Liger The Arthur! Liger The Arthur is available through their online webstore for 3,910 yen. Some of you may remember the last CoroCoro Premier sale, which featured the Death Rex Purple Dragon Form for 8,250 yen. While that kit is still available, CoroCoro Premier is also offering a Zoids Wild Liger The Arthur + Death Rex Purple Dragon Form Special Set for 12,160 yen. So if you missed the Death Rex, and want to pick up both Zoids now, consider this set! The combined set will have free shipping, while the individual sales will not, so you can save 1380 yen by buying the set.

 All of the above items are scheduled to start shipping out around late September. You'll need to use a deputy service, like From Japan, White Rabbit Express, etc. to purchase from this website.

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-09-23 17:05:37

- Zero Grizis Review Video!

 Takara Tomy's official youtube channel has posted a video of the Zero Grizis, including concept art and comparisons to other Zoids! Definitely check it out if you're considering getting one of these big boys.

- Video

Concept Art Model Kits Videos Zoids Wild2020-09-23 17:05:21

- My Zoids Contest 2021!

 Takara Tomy has posted an announcement for a My Zoids Contest 2021! The placeholder page is here, and if it's anything like the last one, it'll include three categories with various rare items as prizes.

Events Official Zoids Wild2020-09-23 17:03:52

- Zoids Battle Card Hunter Updates!

 Zoids BCH's twitter has posted two new large card scans, the Zero Phantoth Nacht and Liger The Arthur Chaos.

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Fix!

 So, this is a rather embarassing update, but apparently in the process of working on Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Chapter 2, I missed an entire page! I don't know how this was missed on the two or three subsequent proofreads of the translation, but there it is. The missing page has been uploaded (along with the directory links fixed), and Cutter no longer magically teleports from one Zoid to another! Huzzah!

Books Site Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2020-08-30 21:02:53

- Zoids Index Update!

 The Zoids Index has been updated with fleshed out profiles for Bazootle, Gilraptor, Kabtor, Mirage Fox, Scorpear, and Gannontoise. These profiles include a brief overview and weapon descriptions. Gilraptor has the start of a color guide as well, with more to be added at a later date.

Index Site Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:02:38

- Zoids Wild Concept Update!

 The Zoids Wild concept art page has received a facelift, to match our current design for the other anime series' concept pages. The page also now includes things like anime renders (the 3/4, side, front, etc. view of the Zoids) and finished character reference sheets, so that you can find everything in one place. We still have a few left to add.

Concept Art Site Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:02:19

- Hasbro Zoid Instructions!

 You've probably already heard about this all over social media, but a couple week ago, a whole slew of Zoids instructions surfaced on Hasbro's Customer Care website. This included large images of the box arts, names, and designs of several of the Zoids, including: Tanks (Gannontoise), Alpha Shadow (Hunter Wolf), Tryke (Triceradogos), Liger (Wild Liger), Ruin (Gilraptor), Needle (Scorpear), Pincers (Kuwaga), and Rapterrix (Raptor). Zoids were divided into 3 classes: Giga, Mega, and Beta.

 The instructions included manga-style artwork done by Moritya himself, the artist of the Zoids Wild and Zoids Wild 2 mangas. Much of this artwork is brand new, which was an exciting development. To improve playability, the boxes for these kits fold out into a playmat, which can be used for a wrestling game. Who doesn't love pitting their Zoids against each other? Besides Arashi


1. Start with Zoids battler on the orange hexagon with all feet on the mat.

2. Ready, Set, Unleash! Knock your opponent's battler off the mat to score 1 point. Having two or more feet off the mat means the battler has been knocked off.

3. First battler to 3 points wins the match!

 Aside from that, all kits have continued the trend from last year's leaks, with each kit's body color being divided into 2 colors. The eyes are pre-attached, and with beautiful artwork and every Zoid getting a pilot figure, these are considerably different from their Japanese counterparts. We have no release date or price at the moment, but keep your eyes peeled for more news!

Hasbro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:02:05

- Zoids Wild: Zero Grizis Customizations!

 TakaraTomy has been posting a large number of Zero Grizis customs to fill out the summer vacation! This is split up between youtube videos and posts by Zoids Official over on Twitter. So far we have the following creations, some of which can be created in the upcoming Zoids Wild: Infinity Blast game for the Nintendo Switch.

Name: Zero Grizis Ikadzuchi
Concept: A form that specializes in combat using modified close-range weapons, mainly weapons obtained from the defeated Genospino.

Name: Zero Grizis Death Bone
Concept: (None)

Name: Grand Rizis
Concept: We've unearthed a hideously powerful-looking Zoid!

Name: Blue Buster Grizis
Concept: Members of an organization performed digital remodeling simulations, and modified a Zero Grizis based on those remodeling plans.

Name: Zero Grizis Ver. CAMO
Concept: We aimed to remodel it based on the world view of ZOIDS, as well as the highly designed product.

- Video 1

- Video 2

- Video 3

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:01:49

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!

 A new blog post over at Revolver shows off the Saber Liger! This new Liger replaces the Armd Liger, which was wounded in a recent chapter of EX-ZERO, and will be featured in the October issue of Hobby Japan Magazine. Many have confused this Liger for a character from a new series. It is from the side-story featured in HJM, in which the Zoids are customized with every chapter. It is unrelated to any new anime or manga.

 The modeler, Yutakakoubou over on twitter, has also posted photos of the Saber Liger and Armd Liger to the ZAOD2020 tag on twitter. ZAOD, Zoids All Owners Discussion, is a modeling event in Japan where fans can come from all over to display their kits. The event is being held online this year, and I highly recommend checking out the tag to see some truly insane and amazing Zoid customs.

HJM Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2020-08-30 21:01:35

- Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed Trailer!

 A new trailer has dropped for Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed! You can view the trailer below, posted by Outright Games over on Youtube. The game comes out October 16th, 2020, for Nintendo Switch.

- Video 3

Games Official Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:01:20

- Concept Art and Renders!

 We only have a few of these this week. First is a concept art for Kai's Z-Arm from Zoids Wild 2 (along with some teaser pages), posted over on Moritya's Twitter. Then a beautiful high-quality Gilraptor render, and finally concept art of Joshua Conrad's notebook.

- Zoids Wild: Battle Card Hunter Updates!

 BCH has gotten a new commercial! Aside from that, the twitter account has posted large images for the Fangtiger Empire Ace Ver. and Rising Liger LBC.

- Commercial

- New Liger CoroCoro Image!

Zoids Official posted a look at the full image of the new Liger, which appeared in CoroCoro. The scale of the Gilraptor being crushed in its jaws implies that the upcoming series will be returning to 1/72 scale, or very close to it.

CoroCoro Text

 Mecha lifeform hobby items that you build and mobilise!!

An evil new Liger approaches!!!
 Ligers are the stars of "Zoids Wild", and the veil is finally lifted on their fourth generation!! Is this one seriously "evil"!?

This Liger's an enemy!!!?
 Generations of Ligers have fought for peace!! But the fourth generation... is a dark-side Zoid that fights for itself!!

Ferocious gimmicks made possible because it's evil!!
 A goody-two-shoes wouldn't be able to survive on the intensifying Zoid battlefield!! What are its overly ferocious weapon gimmicks, made possible because it's an evil enemy!?

And the new Liger - was born for you!!!
 More than anything else, the Liger is everyone's Zoid!! A joyous revolution breaks out so it can be delivered into your hands!!

 Next issue, the new Liger awakens!!

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-08-14 03:03:06

- ZWIB Rising Liger Infinity Blue Version!

 A secondary video was posted to TakaraTomy's Youtube Channel. This discusses the game in a little more detail, but also reveals our first good look at Rising Liger: Infinity Blue Version! This is a full kit that'll come with the special edition of the game, not just an armor. It features metallic blue armor, a metallic bone structure, and bright silver parts.

- Zoids Wild Infinity Blast Gameplay

- ZW Long Range Buster Cannon!

 The above video also brought up a Zoids Wild series remake of the Long Range Buster Cannon! Featured in the recent episodes of Zoids Wild Zero, this weapon is a remake of the classic "Gojulas" cannons. It has standard pegs so that it can be equipped to various Zoids Wild kits. Details for how to obtain it will be released at a later date.

- Zombie-Kun's Survival Guide!

 Another series, Zo-Zo-Zo-Zombie-Kun has recently received a new toy series! In celebration CoroCoro Online did a collaboration article. A survival guide for how to deal with Zombie Zoids! In this article, the zombie-Zoid dubbed ZZ, created from a Beast Liger, rampages throughout a base! Since this is just a fun little one-off we decided to go ahead and include a rough google translation of it over in the books section.

Books CoroCoro Site Zoids Wild2020-08-11 21:20:34

- The New Liger Is The Enemy!?

 CoroCoro posted an exciting article revealing the new liger. The article is vague but gives us an awesome look at its face.

 It's finally time to unveil the fourth generation of the protagonist Liger machines of Zoids Wild!

 However, something is wrong. This is different from the successive ligers who've fought for peace, with a confusing figure and atmosphere... Is this Liger an enemy!!!?

 The information known at this time will be published in the September issue of CoroCoro!

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-08-11 21:20:21

- Zero Grizis Videos Galore!

 We have a few videos for Zero Grizis, including this Twitter Video showing off a small mock battle between the Grizis and a... rather unlucky group of Kill Scythes. There's also a Build Video on CoroCoro Next, and a Diorama Video featuring Grizis and Grizis Dark Form. This video also shows off the customized examples shown in CoroCoro, which used purple-silver spraypainted weapons. These weapons are similar to the Purple Version weapons being released for the next campaign!

Model Kits Official Videos Zoids Wild2020-08-11 21:19:50