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Big Sale on Hasbro Zoids Wild Kits

 Hasbro has started a big Ebay sale on the Zoids Wild kits that hit the US. While Liger and Alpha Shadow are sold out, there are still a good few kits to pick up for 50% off. This means picking up a Raptor for $5, or a Triceradogos for $15 (including shipping!) If you've been on the fence about picking these Zoids up, now's the time.

Zoids Wild Official Model Kits Hasbro2021-10-24 19:45:05

- Hasbro "Pincers" Review!

 I've added a review for Pincers from Hasbro's "Built Them To Battle!" Zoids model kit series. I hope to review every Zoid released in this series, and while I don't have the JP version of this kit, I'll be covering the differences of any kits that I have the JP counterparts of. In the mean time this review introduces some of the standard changes between the US and JP editions, as well as box images and instructions.

 Since Zoids Wild is a new stage for Zoids model kits, both in the US and in Japan, I've separated the Hasbro release to its own model kits section. There are so many differences in these kits that I felt that they deserved its own space. This section includes a list of the Zoids, an overview of the differences, and will include all of the reviews we'll be making going forward! I'd really like to cover every kit in this line, if possible.

Site Reviews Model Kits Hasbro2021-03-13 19:31:41

- Hasbro PulseCon 2020 Video Recap!

 Hasbro Pulse has posted their full Day 2 video for Hasbro PulseCon 2020! Those of you who weren't able to catch the livestream can now watch the full segment below. The video should be time stamped, but in case it doesn't work, the Zoids segment starts around 55 minutes in. You can also see that Liger Zero 3D opener!

- Video

- Sped Up Motors

 There was so much information to organize yesterday that I totally forgot to mention the motors! Hasbro representatives discussed motor improvements to the Hasbro kits, which will feature faster motors than their Japanese counterparts. For some Zoids, like Wild Liger, this is a significant difference. These changes contribute to the Battler mechanic that the line is boasting. In other words, line your Zoids up and let them duke it out!

 We've put together a comparison video from official footage. It's not the best comparison since the angle does not highlight the Awakened's speed compared to the standard Wild Liger, but pay attention to how fast the paws are sliding along. This shows the strength of the revamped motors.

- Wild Liger Speed Comparisons

Zoids Wild Videos Official Model Kits Hasbro2020-09-27 15:20:51

- Hasbro PulseCon 2020 Review!

 Well, Hasbro has concluded their online PulseCon 2020! Although the streams were removed shortly after they concluded, recaps will be coming soon. For those who couldn't be online to see it, it was mostly an official announcement of things we already knew about from leaks, now available as formal announcements. The series has been rebranded as Zoids Mega Battlers, with the slogan "Build Them To Battle!" There were a couple minor details also included in the stream, though, which we'll cover below!

 The panel opened with a CGI Liger Zero standing in front of the new Zoids logo. Our hosts discussed what the franchise had been prior to the Zoids Wild revival, with this Liger serving as an introduction to spark the memories of older fans. They then went on to discuss how the Wild kits will be handled: As 3 different classes, Beta, Mega, and Giga Class.

 These classes are based on a combination of size and part count, which reimagines the size classes set by Tomy. For example, Liger is a higher class than Gilraptor because of its part count (45 vs. 67), and Tryke is in the same class as Liger for the same reason (63 vs. 67). These classes are reflected by new price points, and will help buyers tell at a glance how complicated a kit may be. The kits will also have additional markings on the legs to help keep track of which legs go where. For most Zoids this doesn't matter, but it'll help on ones like Needle.

 As announced on CrunchyRoll earlier, the kits hit pre-orders on various websites earlier today. Several kits are available on Amazon, Entertainment Earth has all of them, and Hasbro Pulse has all of the kits available for pre-order at their intended retail price. All kit pre-orders are scheduled to release on February 9th, but fans have observed that other Hasbro Pulse products often show up in physical stores up to a month earlier than that.

- Prices

Beta Class: $9.99
 - Pincers (Kuwaga)
 - Needle (Scorpear)
 - Rapterrix (Raptor)
 - Phobia (Spideath)

Mega Class: $19.99
 - Ruin (Gilraptor)
 - Tanks (Gannontoise)

Giga Class: $29.99
 - Liger (Wild Liger)
 - Alpha Shadow (Hunter Wolf)
 - Tryke (Triceradogos)

- Discussion

 First off, there's been a lot of discussion about what this means for Extra Large (XL) Zoids. Kits like Death Rex and Genospino. It's too early to say that these kits won't appear as a new class later, and it wouldn't make much sense to announce a class during the stream when it has no products publicly revealed yet. It's also possible they'll end up in the Giga Class, at a higher price point. Death Rex has almost the exact same number of parts as Wild Liger.

 There's also been some discussion regarding the changes to the molds. New product photos revealed quite a few with the Tryke. We discussed these changes with other Zoids in an earlier post, complete with comparison photos. While some have observed that Needle looks like all of its points have been rounded down, this is actualy an issue with the TakaraTomy product photos being sharpened for Cool Factor. The Tomy Scorpear has the same blunted points.

 All figures will have the following changes: Eyes pre-assembled and attached to the head, two-tone body colors, and additional pilot figures based on the anime pilots. The official product still shows stats for the Beta Class Zoids, and even includes a Rider Role. Boxes have been reimagined, and each kit will come with a playmat for the Battler aspect.

Triceradogos Changes:
 Our newest updated Zoid Design! The Tryke reimagines how Triceradogos works. Instead of the huge spike coming out of its forehead, the entire frill shield moves forward, with the two horns attached to the top. There's been mixed reception about this change, but personally, I find it more fitting of the Triceratops stereotypes. I'll categorize the changes below.

Blue: The horns are now attached to the frill itself.

Purple: The entire frill comes forward, instead of the spike jutting out.

Green: To accommodate this change, the spike has been redesigned from the ground up to look like a mechanicam rail.

Red: Additional mechanical parts have been aded behind the head to flesh out that space, now that the rail sits higher than the spike. A result of its smaller size.

- Official Information

 In the Zoids Wild animated series, Zoids beasts are massive mechanical creatures that resemble animals we know today. While many roam free, others have been captured by the evil Dark Metal Empire who hack their systems and force them to be their weapons. The heroic Team Freedom have banded together with Zoids partners to fight the Dark Metal threat.

 ⚫In the Zoids Wild animated series and video game, Zoids beasts are massive mechanical creatures that resemble animals we know today. Their giant animatronic bodies are heavily armorized and house technologically advanced weaponry based on their unique forms.

 ⚫Includes a battle mat where 2 Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)

 ⚫Each Zoids toy comes with an attachable mini figure of their human partner.


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle. This Mega Battlers pack comes with 29 pieces to build the beetle-type Pincers figure. Once built, wind it up to activate its animatronic motion. As the figure moves, reposition it into a dynamic battle move called a Dark Blast and unleash the Pincer Jab move!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)

Type: Beetle-type
Dark Bast: Pincer Jab
Team: Dark Metal
Skill: Ambush
Rider: Router
Rider Role: Messenger
Characteristics: Predatory winged hexapod beetle Zoid. Wing speed is higher than can be observed by the naked eye. Known for antler-like pincers used to jab at opponents.

Battle Stats:
 Speed = 7
 Attack = 5
 Stamina = 6
 Defense = 5
 Dark Blast = 5
 IQ = 3


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle. This Mega Battlers pack comes with 33 pieces to build the scorpion-type Needle figure. Once built, wind it up to activate its animatronic motion. As the figure moves, reposition it into a dynamic battle move called a Wild Blast and unleash its Sting Spear move!

 Includes a detailed battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! Each Zoids figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Needle figure comes with a detailed Battalia figure that can ride on its back!

Zoid Type: Scorpion-type
Wild Blast: Sting Spear
TEAM: Freedom
Skill: Surprise Attacks
Rider: Battalia
Rider Role: Mechanic
Characteristics: Predatory octopod arachnid Zoid. Small, hides easily for surprise attacks. Can see in the dark. Known for grasping pedipalps and venomous stinger. Poison from stinger can melt other Zoids.

 Speed = 5
 Attack = 5
 Stamina = 6
 Defense = 4
 Wild Blast = 6
 IQ = 6


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle. This Mega Battlers pack comes with 27 pieces to build the Velociraptor-type Rapterrix figure. Once built, wind it up to activate its animatronic motion. As the figure moves, reposition it into a dynamic battle move called a Dark Blast and unleash its Velocistrike move!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Rapterrix toy comes with a detailed Deleters figure that can ride on its back!

Type: V-Raptor-type
Dark Blast: Velocistrike
Team: Dark Metal
Skill: Group Combat
Rider: Deleters
Rider Role: Grunt
Characteristics: Predatory bipedal dinosaur Zoids. Smaller than their D-Raptor cousins, but bear similar sickle-shaped talons used for slashing. Low intelligence. Most effective in groups.

Battle Stats:
 Speed = 4
 Attack = 4
 Stamina = 7
 Defense = 2
 Dark Blast = 6
 IQ = 4


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle. This Mega Battlers pack comes with 35 pieces to build the spider-type Phobia figure. Once built, wind it up to activate its animatronic motion. As the figure moves, reposition it into a dynamic battle move called a Wild Blast and unleash its Capture Claw move!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Phobia toy comes with a detailed Snare figure that can ride on its back!

Type: Spider-type
Wild Blast: Capture Claw
Team: Freedom
Skill: Capture
Rider: Snare
Rider Role: Infiltration
Characteristics: Predatory octopod arachnid Zoid. Stealthy. Quick reflexes. Known to track and trap \ prey within the grip of eight cage-like legs or tangle them within silk.

Battle Stats:
 Speed = 5
 Attack = 4
 Stamina = 7
 Defense = 5
 Wild Blast = 5
 IQ = 7


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle. This pack comes with 45 pieces to build the Deinonychus raptor-type Ruin figure. Once built, switch on to activate motion. The figure's motion automatically unleashes a motorized battle move called a Dark Blast! As the Ruin figure moves, his Dark Claw Dark Blast move will activate!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Ruin toy comes with a detailed Drake figure that can ride on his back!

Type: D-Raptor-type
Dark Blast: Dark Claw
Team: Dark Metal
Skill: Blitz Attacks
Rider: Drake
Rider Role: Striker (Dark Warrior)
Characteristics: Predatory bipedal dinosaur Zoid. Fast-moving. Bears large, sickle-shaped talons including two on back used for striking at prey.

(The Mega+ Zoids do not have stats listed on the website)


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle! This pack comes with 53 pieces to build the turtle-type Tanks figure. Once built, switch on to activate motion. The toy's motion automatically unleashes a motorized battle move called a Wild Blast! As the Tanks figure moves, his Laser Canon Wild Blast move will activate!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each Zoids toy comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Tanks figure comes with a detailed Analog figure that can ride on his back!

Type: Turtle-type
Wild Blast: Laser Cannon
Team: Team Freedom
Skill: Long-range Attacks
Rider: Analog
Rider Role: Intel
Characteristics: Defensive quadrupedal amphibious Zoid. Can withstand powerful attacks due to tough outer armor. Slow. Bears a large hidden cannon used at long range to keep back attackers.


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle! This pack comes with 63 pieces to build the triceratops-type Tryke figure. Once built, switch on to activate motion. The toy's motion automatically unleashes a motorized battle move called a Wild Blast! As the Tryke figure moves, his Wrecking Ram Wild Blast move will activate!

 Includes a battle mat where Giga Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each Zoids figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Tryke toy comes with a detailed Bastion figure that can ride on his back!

Type: Triceratops-type
Wild Blast: Wrecking Ram
Team: Team Freedom
Skill: Close-range Combat
Rider: Bastion
Rider Role: Defense
Characteristics: Defensive quadrupedal dinosaur Zoid. Slow. Known for large cranial horns and shields used for powerful ramming attacks and fending off attacks at close range.

Alpha Shadow:

 Zoids figures are building toys that battle! This pack comes with 58 pieces to build the wolf-type Alpha Shadow toy. Once built, switch on to activate motion. The toy's motion automatically unleashes a motorized battle move called a Wild Blast! As Alpha Shadow figure moves, his Sonic Howl Wild Blast move will activate!

 Includes a battle mat where Giga Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each Zoids toy comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Alpha Shadow toy comes with a detailed Apex figure that can ride on his back!

Type: Wolf-type
Wild Blast: Sonic Howl
Team: Team Freedom
Skill: Tracking
Rider: Apex
Rider Role: Warrior
Characteristics: Predatory quadrupedal canine Zoid. Slender and powerfully built, this type is known for its speed, agility, and tracking senses.


 Zoids figures are building toys that battle! This pack comes with 67 pieces to build the lion-type Liger figure. Once built, switch on to activate motion. The toy's motion automatically unleashes a motorized battle move called a Wild Blast! As the Liger figure moves, his King Claw Wild Blast move will activate!

 Includes a battle mat where Mega Battlers figures can face-off in epic battles! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Each figure comes with an attachable human partner figure. This Liger toy comes with a detailed Arashi figure that can ride on his back.

Type: Lion-type
Wild Blast: King Claw
Team: Team Freedom
Skill: Forward Attacks
Rider: Arashi
Rider Role: Leader
Characteristics: Predatory quadrupedal lion-tiger hybrid Zoid. Legendary. Very rare. Proud. Known for massive claws and teeth. Often distrustful and not easily bonded.

- Final Word

 It's only fitting that Hasbro PulseCon is The Iron Bible's 777th documented News Post. May it be symbol of good luck, and I look forward to seeing more news from Hasbro!

Hasbro Zoids Wild Official Events2020-09-26 21:34:50

- Catch Hasbro PulseCon on Youtube!

 We know Hasbro has made some announcements recently regarding the Zoids Wild Series, but the franchise is also getting a 20 minute panel at Hasbro's PulseCon. Which, due to current limitations, is being streamed live on youtube at 10:50 ET on the 26th. If you're interested in other Hasbro brands, the con will begin on the 25th at 11 AM ET. You can view a live countdown timer here. We'll keep you posted on any announcements made at the panel!

Zoids Wild Official Hasbro Events2020-09-24 16:34:27

- Zoids News From Hasbro!

 An article posted by Crunchy Roll discusses a recent Hasbro announcement regarding the Zoids franchise. The article introduced Tanks (Gannontoise) and Ruin (Gilraptor), two "Mega Battler" packs (model kits) that'll be released by Hasbro. These kits are listed at a retail price of $19.99, which is almost $10 less than their Japanese counterparts (retail $30), with both kits being released on February 9th, 2021. Kits are recommended for ages 8 and up.

 As we already knew, Hasbro kits will include figures of the pilot characters that they have in the show, making all Hasbro kits distinct from the Japanese release. They will also have two-toned bodies instead of black, and a few will have mold changes. They'll be available at most major retailers, and also available for pre-order on HasbroPulse.com starting September 26th at 5:00 PM ET. More information will be revealed in the Zoids panel at Pulse Con, on September 26th, 10:50am ET.

 Aside from toy news, the article also announces that the remaining Zoids Wild (Hasbro dub) episodes will be released on Netflix on October 1st. All in all, lots of exciting news!

Zoids Wild Official Model Kits Hasbro2020-09-23 17:07:35

- Hasbro Zoid Instructions!

 You've probably already heard about this all over social media, but a couple week ago, a whole slew of Zoids instructions surfaced on Hasbro's Customer Care website. This included large images of the box arts, names, and designs of several of the Zoids, including: Tanks (Gannontoise), Alpha Shadow (Hunter Wolf), Tryke (Triceradogos), Liger (Wild Liger), Ruin (Gilraptor), Needle (Scorpear), Pincers (Kuwaga), and Rapterrix (Raptor). Zoids were divided into 3 classes: Giga, Mega, and Beta.

 The instructions included manga-style artwork done by Moritya himself, the artist of the Zoids Wild and Zoids Wild 2 mangas. Much of this artwork is brand new, which was an exciting development. To improve playability, the boxes for these kits fold out into a playmat, which can be used for a wrestling game. Who doesn't love pitting their Zoids against each other? Besides Arashi


1. Start with Zoids battler on the orange hexagon with all feet on the mat.

2. Ready, Set, Unleash! Knock your opponent's battler off the mat to score 1 point. Having two or more feet off the mat means the battler has been knocked off.

3. First battler to 3 points wins the match!

 Aside from that, all kits have continued the trend from last year's leaks, with each kit's body color being divided into 2 colors. The eyes are pre-attached, and with beautiful artwork and every Zoid getting a pilot figure, these are considerably different from their Japanese counterparts. We have no release date or price at the moment, but keep your eyes peeled for more news!

Zoids Wild Official Model Kits Hasbro2020-08-30 21:02:05

Supposed Hasbro Zoid Leaks!   [Possible Leak]

    The internet has been flooded with images of Zoids Wild kits from Hasbro. Fans have been waiting for this for a long time, and a lot has developed in the last few days. Where is this leak from, and what do we know? We'll go over everything below.

    We first learned about Hasbro's handling of Zoids Wild at Mipcom. We saw a brand new logo, which matches these boxes. The tag line was "Build Them To Life!", which has been changed to "Build Them To Battle". We also recently heard from TakaraTomy's 2019 financial report that they planned to see Zoids Wild aired on tv and toys distributed in the UK and US markets during fiscal 2019, which in Japan lasts until the end of March. So, this leak was released at a good moment to fit in with our current timeline.

    It originally surfaced from In Demand Toys on Facebook, a shop in the UK that sells a variety of products. They responded to inquiries about the source, answering that the images came from Hasbro itself. This likely means a mass dispatched catalog sent out to stores and distributors.

    What do we know about the toys themselves? Well, to start with, they'll be in plastic packaging with a small window, showing viewers that the kits come pre cut, with no hassle or sharp tools needed. The toys will also have some minor differences from the Japanese release.

    The first and most minor is that the bodies of the model kits appear to be split into two different colors. Black and a faint brown. The clear caps also seem to have different colors, shades, and transparencies from their overseas counterpart.

    Second, out of the five different kits we saw this week, two had significant mold changes. The most notable is the Gannontoise, which is a complete overhaul. Some fans have theorized this is due to the strict regulations of how gun toys must look in the US, but at this time that is only conjecture. We've color coded the changes below.

    Gannontoise Changes: See Image
    - Hinge joint on neck is changed (blue)
    - Gun barrel is changed (purple)
    - Gun attachment is changed (pink)
    - Back cover now attaches using a large hinge on the lower back (orange)
    - Spine no longer opens up with back shell (yellow)
    - Attachment for side armor is changed, may or may not still open up (green)
    - Caps have become a more solid color (cyan)

    Spideath Changes: See Image
    - Back armor plate now covers entire abdomen
    - This covers the black body underneath (red)
    - It also fuses the detail plate on the top (pink)
    - A weapon peg has been removed from both sides (green)
    - The caps have been changed to a less transparent purple (orange)

    These changes are hit or miss, and not all fans are happy. Especially those who have been waiting for Wild to come overseas so that they could buy the same kits without paying international shipping fees. On the other hand, people who want both versions will be happier knowing that they will have some differences between them.

    Aside from that, the renewed boxes are excellent. The amazingly detailed artwork will draw immediate attention to these toys, along with their crisp packaging design. It's a huge step up from what Hasbro has offered in the past. Even if some names are uh. Interesting.

    - Gannontoise --> Tanks
    - Gilraptor --> Ruin
    - Kuwaga --> Pincers
    - Raptor --> Rapterrix
    - Scorpear --> Needle
    - Spideath --> Phobia

    Perhaps most hyped about this announcement is the appearance of small pilot figures to ride on the Zoids. Though these are not 100% confirmed, they are present on the unpainted, unfinished product photos, which strongly implies that they'll be a part of the kit. Fans have wanted the individual pilots since Wild began, and if they are present, it's a big difference between domestic and international releases.

    It's important to remember that these aren't likely marketing product photos. They've not been painted or touched up, and some details may change between now and their final release.

Hasbro Zoids Wild Model Kits2019-10-07 05:00:00