- Hasbro Zoid Instructions!

 You've probably already heard about this all over social media, but a couple week ago, a whole slew of Zoids instructions surfaced on Hasbro's Customer Care website. This included large images of the box arts, names, and designs of several of the Zoids, including: Tanks (Gannontoise), Alpha Shadow (Hunter Wolf), Tryke (Triceradogos), Liger (Wild Liger), Ruin (Gilraptor), Needle (Scorpear), Pincers (Kuwaga), and Rapterrix (Raptor). Zoids were divided into 3 classes: Giga, Mega, and Beta.

 The instructions included manga-style artwork done by Moritya himself, the artist of the Zoids Wild and Zoids Wild 2 mangas. Much of this artwork is brand new, which was an exciting development. To improve playability, the boxes for these kits fold out into a playmat, which can be used for a wrestling game. Who doesn't love pitting their Zoids against each other? Besides Arashi


1. Start with Zoids battler on the orange hexagon with all feet on the mat.

2. Ready, Set, Unleash! Knock your opponent's battler off the mat to score 1 point. Having two or more feet off the mat means the battler has been knocked off.

3. First battler to 3 points wins the match!

 Aside from that, all kits have continued the trend from last year's leaks, with each kit's body color being divided into 2 colors. The eyes are pre-attached, and with beautiful artwork and every Zoid getting a pilot figure, these are considerably different from their Japanese counterparts. We have no release date or price at the moment, but keep your eyes peeled for more news!

Tagged  Hasbro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-08-30 21:02:05