Arashi's profile has been added to the Character Index. The Wild Liger has also been added to the Zoid Index, complete with equipment overview, concept art, etc. While I'll be slowly fleshing out the profiles for Zoids Wild, it's worth noting that the equipment lists are rather tentative. The boxes list features, not distinctly 'equipment' so some redundant items may either make it onto the list or some relevant ones left out by mistake.
- Quad Liger
Quad Liger has also been added to the Zoid index! This includes a decent amount of backstory on the Zoid, as well as the images that were available from the old web comic. If you have any further imagery for this Zoid, please contact us!
- An Army of Liger Zeros!
I've barely scratched the surface of adding Liger Zero to the Zoid Index. The sheer volume of content surrounding this Zoid means that the section is vastly incomplete, but a basic Liger Zero page has been added. It includes weapon lists, concept art, etc.
I'll be working on adding the alternate color variations before I start focusing on the CAS units. For now, that includes the Liger Zero EM, Liger Zero Midnight Shield, Liger Blue Souga, and Liger Red Hiou. While the EM contains minimal information (it is, after all, usually left out of media in favor of the X) the Hiou and Souga include a bit of story info. Including the fact that they're both actually smaller than the typical Liger Zero! See their individual pages in the Zoid Index for more.
- Slight Image Updates!
Unfortunately my scanner never has and never will be good enough to pick up the Cyberdrive Zoid images. I have, however, updated their pages with ~slightly better~ scans that more accurately reflect the colors. This means no more lavender Espada. Updated images include: Zerstoer, Feuer Wolf, Espada de Plata, and Donner.