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- Zoids Index Update

 The Zoids Index has received a few updates as well! To start things off, the Command Wolf and Command Wolf AC have had their combat history updated to include everything from ZAC 2100 and later. New profiles include the Elephander, Elephander CT, Elephander FT, Elephander ST, Jagd Führer, Raynos, Shadow Fox (with color variants), Spinosapper, Spinosapper 4-Barrelled Cannon, Sturm Führer, Wardick, and Zabat. Some of these include concept art (or rely heavily on it.)

Site Index2024-04-10 06:55:56

- Zoids Index Update

 Several new Zoids have been added to the Zoids Index! This includes the Black Rhimos (who was just a placeholder before), Death Stinger, Gojulas The Ogre, Iron Kong PK, Liger Zero Jager, Liger Zero Schneider, and Ultra Saurus. There are also some minor quality updates, such as making page format more consistent, tables less redundant, etc.

 Liger Zero and Liger Zero Panzer have been updated to use diorama-based imagery, instead of anime imagery, to match the rest of the Index (which focuses on the core lore wherever possible.) Liger Zero and Liger Zero Panzer now also have a military history section, an expanded Media Appearances section, and Panzer has had its concept art fleshed out a bit. Some of the history segments for the Liger Zero series are shared between them, because the CAS units were really more of a side note in the battle story, almost always taking part in the same battles.

Site Index2023-10-16 00:35:35

- Zoids Index Update!

 So we have a ton of new entries for the Zoids Index, mostly focusing on those obscure Zoid variations everybody knows from the Saga Games and Battle Story. Many of them even include additional images you might not have seen before, from magazines like CoroCoro.

 The following Zoid entries have their basic information, what available weapons info could be filled in between magazines and source parts, and their military history (if featured in the later OFBs.)

 - Boost Liger
 - Blitzer Wolf
 - Gator Radome
 - Geno Scissors
 - Geno Trooper
 - Hel Digunner DT
 - Proto Breaker
 - Redler Interceptor
 - Shield Liger DCS
 - Shield Liger DCS-J
 - Shield Liger Holotech
 - Shield Liger LMA
 - Shield Liger LMB
 - Shield Liger MK-II
 - Slayer Liger
 - Sniper Liger

 Blitzer Wolf also contains discussion about its origin as a custom contest Zoid.

 The following Zoids have color charts as well!

 - Geno Trooper
 - Proto Breaker
 - Shield Liger DCS
 - Shield Liger DCS-J
 - Shield Liger LMA
 - Shield Liger LMB
 - Shield Liger MK-II

 The Blade Liger AB has also received an update covering its Combat History, and the following Zoids have received sections for their primary Media Appearances: Blade Liger, Blade Liger AB, Command Wolf, Geno Saurer, Geno Breaker, and Death Saurer. They're missing a few but they'll be added in steadily. Finally, the Command Wolf, König Wolf, and Liger Zero X have all had their Index images replaced with the stock model kit images to better represent the core Zoid. In Zero X's case, the colors have been digitally altered to account for how washed out the original photos were.

Site Index2022-07-23 00:00:23

- Zoids Index Updates!

 A heap of Zoids have been added to the Zoids Index. The Blade Liger has had its military history, notable facts, temperament, product information, and media appearances (which will be further expanded upon later) updated. On the Republic side, we now also have the Storm Sworder, Hammer Head, Dibison, and Gun Sniper. These include basic military history, weapons info, product information, and a start to media appearances.

 On the Empire side of things, we also have the Geno Saurer, Geno Breaker, Rev Raptor, Sinker, and Lightning Saix. These all have the standard info, military history, equipment information, product info, media info, and concept art where applicable. The Geno Breaker also has a notable variations section along with a color chart!

Site Index2022-01-09 00:11:01

- Small Zoid Index Update

 The remainder of small-scale Zoids from Official Fan Book 1 now have pages in the Zoids Index! This includes Double Sworder, Godos, and Stealth Viper. We'll be moving on to the OFB 2 Zoids from here.

Site Index2021-10-24 19:47:26

- Zoids Index Update!

 We've got a wave of Zoid Index updates, rounding off the Imperial Zoids that appeared in Official Fan Book 1! This includes the Death Saurer, Gator, Helcat, Iguan, Iron Kong, and Saicurtis. All profiles include battle story information, weapon profiles, concepts or wild Zoid info, etc. The Helcat also includes a color chart.

 During this process I also went back and added Wild Zoid info to the Gojulas, Gordos, and Red Horn. We'll probably be adding speculative segments to each Zoid index that has a corresponding species match to the wild Zoids featured in the Zoids Bible. These are not all confirmed 100% to be the basis for those used in the military, but there are some very obvious direct references. Either way, I felt that this was information that people would love to see. I'll try to include specific notes on any that aren't confirmed ancestors.

Site Index2021-08-03 19:12:54

- Zoids Index Update!

 As the Fan Books move forward, I'll be adding details from the earlier books to the index and info areas of the site! This time we've got the Brachios, Hel Digunner, Molga, Red Horn, and Redler. These profiles all include equipment information, battle story info, stats, etc.

Site Index2021-02-21 01:49:05

- Character Index Update!

 The Character Index is also finally getting some updates! Characte profiles have been added for Arthur Borgmann, Brick Spantz, L.G. Halford, Payle Geordot, Stefan Skorzeny, and Tommy Paris. Their profiles include battle story information up to Official Fan Book 2, the Zoids they've piloted, and images of the pilots where available. Not all of them actually got official artwork.

Site Index2021-02-21 01:48:53

- Zoids Index Update!

 The Zoids Index has been updated with fleshed out profiles for Bazootle, Gilraptor, Kabtor, Mirage Fox, Scorpear, and Gannontoise. These profiles include a brief overview and weapon descriptions. Gilraptor has the start of a color guide as well, with more to be added at a later date.

Zoids Wild Site Index2020-08-30 21:02:38

- Zoids Index Updates

 Temporary indexes (basically stats only) have been added for the Berserk Fuerher, Bamburian, Ankyrox, Arosaurer, and Bazootle. Larger indexes have been added for the Barigator and Guysack. Guysack includes a beginning color guide!

Site Index2020-06-05 01:08:55

- Command Wolf Index Update!

 The Command Wolf's index page has been updated with pre-modern era info, covering its history as a wild Zoid. This was all covered in the Zoids Bible already. I'll also be overhauling the index soon to incorporate the Zoids Stats page, so that a good chunk of the Zoids at least have an index page with their stats and weapon lists.

 The current standard of not launching a page until I've collected all description stuff, compiled custom cut weapon images, media appearances, and sometimes color schemes has proven woefully ineffecient. As a result I'll be shifting to smaller index pages which begin with just stats and maybe a primary image. Don't worry, those fleshed out index pages won't be going anywhere, but I'll be adding to pages gradually as I organize info and images for them. This will at least give visitors some quick reference when they need it.

Site Index2020-06-01 09:30:18

Zoids Index Updates!  [Site]

 Two articles have been added to the Zoids Index: Gojulas and Fangtiger! Fangtiger is also our first to include citations, which I'll slowly be working on adding to the earlier articles where necessary. This includes the basics, such as weapon lists and explanations, concept art, and a general overview.

Site Index2020-01-11 23:10:14

Zoids Index Update!   [Site]

    Three new Zoids have been added to the Zoids Index! The Gojulas, the Gordos, and the Saber Tiger. This includes some media appearances, brief segments on a part of their military history, and weapon specifics. The Saber Tiger includes color variations, for many of the different weapon assortments seen on the basic Saber Tiger.

Site Index2019-10-06 05:00:00

Zoids Index Update!   [Site]

    Two new entries have been added to the Zoids Index, the Brastle Tiger and the Shield Liger! This includes basic stats, equipment lists, media appearances, and color variations. The Shield Liger also has a military history section.

    Military histories will be added to profiles as we handle the fan books, documenting the Zoids war involvement by year. This'll be for most official war Zoids. Some oddities who don't have clear timelines may not have this. The Command Wolf (basic only) also has the relevant war history added to its index profile. We're gonna be working to get most of the Fan Book 1 Zoids into the index, but they may not all include color variations.

Site Index2019-09-14 11:00:00

Zoids Index Updates!  [Site]

    A page has been added for Awakened Wild Liger and Wild Liger Guren Ver. in the Zoids Index. These Zoids don't have much lore within the Zoids Wild universe, so the pages are relatively short.

Site Index2019-06-25 12:00:00

Zoids Index Updates!  [Site]

    Three new Zoids have been added to the Zoid Index. These include the Camouflage Battleship, the Blade Liger, and the Liger Zero Panzer. The Camouflage Battleship is the unnamed carrier in the Chaotic Century anime. We went with its identifying title from the DVD concept art for the name. The Liger Zero Panzer is based on the Battle Story, for the most part. We may add a separate page at some point for Bit's specific Panzer, but in the mean time we include noted differences between it and the Battle Story Panzer. The Blade Liger is a full profile including a color chart.

- Smack Zoids! Index Updates

    I've gone back and adjusted a lot of the data from our Smack Zoids! article to fix mistakes and rewrite things for better flow. The Zoids involved in our two current articles have also been added to the Zoid Index, so that people can find specific info with relative ease. Any related Zoid pages have also been updated to reflect the concept art seen in this section.

The pages added include:
    Atrocious Wolf
    Blade Liger MK-II
    Command Wolf MK-II (Concept)
    Konig Wolf Silver Fang
    Liger Zero Phantom
    Liger Zero Shield
    Powered Wolf
    Prototype Konig Wolf
    Proto Wolf (Western Type)
    Rapidly Wolf
    Spino Liger
    Tyranno Liger
    Ultimate Liger

Site Index2019-04-29 11:00:00

Zoids Index: Liger Zero X!  [Site]

    Liger Zero X has been added to the Zoids index! This includes basic stats, equipment overviews, some of its combat history, etc. Donner has also received a new, much cleaner image mirroring its colors in the game. A seperate page is available for the Liger Zero X that was featured in The Iron Bible. We'll add pages for the other Zoids in this promo video since they include a lot of nice individual markings, etc. We may also make separate articles for those that differ in equipment from the standard (Battle story) design.

    Also fixed the link to the Liger Red Hiou, as well as some of the Fan Book links that weren't working.

Site Index2018-10-08 06:00:00

Character & Zoid Index Updates!  [Site]

    Arashi's profile has been added to the Character Index. The Wild Liger has also been added to the Zoid Index, complete with equipment overview, concept art, etc. While I'll be slowly fleshing out the profiles for Zoids Wild, it's worth noting that the equipment lists are rather tentative. The boxes list features, not distinctly 'equipment' so some redundant items may either make it onto the list or some relevant ones left out by mistake.

- Quad Liger

    Quad Liger has also been added to the Zoid index! This includes a decent amount of backstory on the Zoid, as well as the images that were available from the old web comic. If you have any further imagery for this Zoid, please contact us!

- An Army of Liger Zeros!

    I've barely scratched the surface of adding Liger Zero to the Zoid Index. The sheer volume of content surrounding this Zoid means that the section is vastly incomplete, but a basic Liger Zero page has been added. It includes weapon lists, concept art, etc.

    I'll be working on adding the alternate color variations before I start focusing on the CAS units. For now, that includes the Liger Zero EM, Liger Zero Midnight Shield, Liger Blue Souga, and Liger Red Hiou. While the EM contains minimal information (it is, after all, usually left out of media in favor of the X) the Hiou and Souga include a bit of story info. Including the fact that they're both actually smaller than the typical Liger Zero! See their individual pages in the Zoid Index for more.

- Slight Image Updates!

    Unfortunately my scanner never has and never will be good enough to pick up the Cyberdrive Zoid images. I have, however, updated their pages with ~slightly better~ scans that more accurately reflect the colors. This means no more lavender Espada. Updated images include: Zerstoer, Feuer Wolf, Espada de Plata, and Donner.

Site Index2018-10-08 01:00:00

Character Index Revamp!  [Site]

    The Character Index has been revamped with a more consistent format between profiles. This will lead to a cleaner format down the line. For now, there've been large updates to Irvine and Zeru's profiles. Pages have also been added for Gard Krueger, Juno Hera, and Leviathe. Since we only have a few profiles right now this doesn't affect much, but I'm hoping there'll be more additions soon as we go through other media sections and integrate their character information.

Site Index2018-09-05 05:00:00

Command Wolf Index Variations!  [Site]

    The Zoids Index has been updated with the Command Wolf, Command Wolf AC, Command Wolf AU, Command Wolf EM, and Command Wolf HT variations. This includes only information personally verified on-site, we'll add to these pages as we gather more information on them. Each page includes many of the color variations known for these Zoids! You may also notice the AU and AC only have information for additional equipment. This is typically how we'll treat variations, since basic info is covered on the base unit page.

Site Index2015-09-18 05:00:00

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