As the very first anime series, Zoids follows the adventure of Bang Freiheit and an ancient Zoidian girl named Fine (who you may recall from their English names, Van and Fiona). Together they search for the meaning of Zoid Eve, a mysterious power from Fiona's past, and try to recover Fiona's long lost memories. Along the way, they become involved in the ongoing conflict between the Helic Republic and Guylos Empire, which rapidly escalates as the political landscape of the Guylos Empire begins to shift.
In a time after the war, Zoids Battles have evolved for the purpose of entertainment, retaining the purpose of Zoids as combat weapons to pit against each other on pre-established battlefields. With a common goal to improve one's rank and reach the ever-elusive Class S, Zoid Warriors from all over the world participate in sanctioned battles. However, that's not the only side of the fight. Certain organizations seek to illegally hijack.
Focused on Sanctioned Battles, Zoid Combat has evolved to take place in prebuilt arenas, raising the risk as every Zoid is forced into close proximity with nowhere to hide. Teams fight to achieve the greatest fame, and Mach Storm, our protagonists, run a sustainable delivery business on the side. This is no easy task with fully built wild Zoids and bandits occupying the land between cities. Even with all of this going on, Mach Storm pilot RD is also searching for the legendary 'Alpha Zoid.'
Zoids Genesis takes place in a post-apocalyptic era, where villages have become reliant on Generator Trees that ensure the land remains healthy. However, when Ruuji's village is attacked by the rising Digald Empire, and their tree is damaged, Ruuji begins a journey to find a mechanic that can help repair the great tree. Along the way, he becomes heavily integrated into the Resistance Army, and with his legendary Zoid, the Murasame Liger, tries to bring an end to the Empire that has put his home at risk.
This era of Zoids finds us on Earth, where a young boy, Arashi, dreams of getting his very own Zoid! After forming a bond with the Wild Liger he sets out on an adventure, finding new friends along the way. However, his journey isn't all sunshine and rainbows. The Death Metal Empire is quickly rising in influence, and with its leader, Gallagher, having the monstrous Death Rex at his disposal, it seems impossible to overcome this thread.
Zoids Wild Zero follows a boy named Leo and his friend, Buzz Cunningham as they try to assist a mysterious young girl in finding her lost grandfather. The girl, Sally Land, is pursued by the Empire, and as their journey progresses, they realize that she has connections to strange technology. Technology responsible for many unexplained phenomenon occuring all across the globe. His Zoid, Beast Liger, seems to respond directly to this technology, but why? What secrets will this strange technology unlock?
At a time where resources are growing thin, thanks to a global population boom, the Empire is struggling to keep up with the Republic. Their response to this is the development of the Burning Liger, a Zoid that utilizes the Core Drive System. It's the Empire's hope that this vicious cat will secure their dominance in the war! However, they're up against the Republic's advanced Xeno Rex, which uses cutting edge technology to demonstrate different evolved forms in combat.