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Browsing Zoids Wild EX ZERO

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Makes A Return!

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO will once again be available through the stories section of the Books page! You can find the introductions, prologue, and the first chapter available at the moment. In case you're wondering why it's just the first chapter, when before we had more, it's because I made the decision to go back and redo these chapters. They were done quite a long time ago and are now outdated with many inaccuracies. Though they'll still contain some errors, I feel this is an important step to take before publishing them on the website, as the former quality just isn't up to the current standard.

 The chapters will now merge both book content and magazine content. In some places this is going to get a little chaotic, as the content for the profiles, for example, doesn't always match.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Site Books2024-01-30 13:54:57

- New EX Customs Website!

 Professional model kit customizer Kyosuke Ozawa, who makes the customs for Zoids Wild EX-ZERO and the continuation of it has made a new Wordpress Blog called Leo Works! This site has photos of some of the customs that they've created in their career, while working alongside Hobby Japan, including some elusive ones such as the Cutter Berg Exclusive Gilraptor. Be sure to check it out!

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Official Model Kits2022-01-09 00:09:41

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Book!

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO, the official side-story published in Hobby Japan Magazine during 2020, has announced a brand new book! This book will include the entire story as it was posted earlier, as well as some additional content, apparently, including a new story written exclusively for the book. For now we've removed our EX-ZERO section out of respect for this upcoming sale. At the time that it was posted, I honestly hadn't expected a book! It's scheduled to be released in late July for 3,300 Yen, and is currently available on sites like HLJ and Amazon JP! HJM's twitter posted some clean images of the first Chapter, while Revolver posted teasers of the new story, Senki EX, which is still running on HJM.

Synopsis: Republican unit Blood Blood Corps is a unique task force with the intent purpose of capturing and testing upcoming Imperial technology. The group is led by Shishio Ryuu and his Armd Liger, a specialized liger with auxiliary arms used to snatch weapons off of its opponents from the Empire. As the story evolves, they discover the earliest Laser weapons, considered to be a gateway weapon to Zi's most devastating power, the Charged Particle Cannon. The Blue Bloods make it a top priority to capture this laser equipment, to prevent the Republic from losing irreparable distance in the arms race. With each new battle, Shishio's Armd Liger gains more and more equipment from its defeated opponents. Every chapter features a newly remodeled and evolved Armd Liger. Necessary changes for our team to keep up their fight with Lieutenant Cutter, a strange young man from the Empire who has an unusual effect on the Zoids that he pilots.

Timeline: Zoids Wild EX-ZERO is unique in that it's carefully crafted to fit within the world of Zoids Wild ZERO, the anime. The story begins before the anime series and makes numerous references to the show. This includes a new Regeneration Cube side-story, a chapter exploring the recovery of additional Genospino parts, and ultimately even meeting characters from the Zoids Wild ZERO anime. If you liked the anime, and understand Japanese, you'll enjoy this story. If you don't understand Japanese, it still has lots of nice diorama style images (as seen in this post), customizing examples, and hopefully more!

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Official HJM Books2021-06-19 12:34:49

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Update!

 Chapter 5 of Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been added, along with scans for HJM's October 2020 issue! This is the second to last chapter, but don't worry, there's plenty more planned. In this chapter, Shishio finally awakens, but his Liger does not. Will they be able to awaken the newly remodeled Armd Liger before it can be destroyed by the enemy sniper's Gun Jaguar?

Site Books Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2021-02-07 05:11:06

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Chapter 4!

 Chapter 4 of Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been added to the books and articles directories! In this chapter, Cutter wakes up in a strange village, with an even stranger artifact nearby. Soon he meets the village guardian, a Zoid that has been appearing in his dreams. Why does the elusive Kagura Fox seem so familiar?

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Site HJM Books2020-12-08 16:03:43

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO News!

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has concluded as of the December issue of Hobby Japan Magazine, and Revolver posted an image showing off all of the customs from the magazine! Soon after, it was announced that there's going to be a Zoids Wild EX-ZERO All Works Exhibition held on December 20th! At this exhibit people will be able to see all of the customs that appeared throughout the series, which is a great send off for the final chapter.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Official Books2020-11-23 19:52:56

- Zoids Wild EX Zero Blog!

 Revolver posted a new blog post, detailing the Saber Liger, the most recently liger variant to appear in the EX-ZERO side story. It discusses the build, and also confirms that Saber Liger is indeed inspired by the older Zoid, the Saberlion.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Official HJM2020-09-23 17:04:22

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Fix!

 So, this is a rather embarassing update, but apparently in the process of working on Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Chapter 2, I missed an entire page! I don't know how this was missed on the two or three subsequent proofreads of the translation, but there it is. The missing page has been uploaded (along with the directory links fixed), and Cutter no longer magically teleports from one Zoid to another! Huzzah!

Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO Site Books2020-08-30 21:02:53

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!

 A new blog post over at Revolver shows off the Saber Liger! This new Liger replaces the Armd Liger, which was wounded in a recent chapter of EX-ZERO, and will be featured in the October issue of Hobby Japan Magazine. Many have confused this Liger for a character from a new series. It is from the side-story featured in HJM, in which the Zoids are customized with every chapter. It is unrelated to any new anime or manga.

 The modeler, Yutakakoubou over on twitter, has also posted photos of the Saber Liger and Armd Liger to the ZAOD2020 tag on twitter. ZAOD, Zoids All Owners Discussion, is a modeling event in Japan where fans can come from all over to display their kits. The event is being held online this year, and I highly recommend checking out the tag to see some truly insane and amazing Zoid customs.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Official HJM2020-08-30 21:01:35

- Zoids Concept Art!

 Recently we saw a tweet with concept art of Electra Gate, a rebel mentioned in Zoids Wild Zero, which confirmed some plot details that were being discussed. We also got concept art for the Flying Continent in Episode 36. Just today, we got to see a cool look into the development of the Blue Blood Corps logo from Zoids Wild EX-ZERO on Revolver's Blog.

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Update!

 Chapter 3 has been added to Zoids Wild EX-ZERO! This chapter introduces the Sniptera, and also a clear connection to the anime world of Zoids Wild Zero. This is interesting, as there was mention in an earlier interview that they would've liked to include Zoids like the Genospino without contradicting the lore of the show. I'm sure we can all also appreciate flying sort of cats!

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Site Books2020-07-11 22:57:44

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Blog!

 A new blog has been started by Revolver which shows off some additional photos of the customs appearing in Zoids Wild EX-ZERO. It also has some character art, which was formerly only shown off at Wonder Festival! The blog states that EX-ZERO will run for a total of 6 chapters, and the most recent chapter, originally scheduled for the July issue, has been moved to the August issue due to Corona. So if you're collecting, be sure to pick up August!

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Official2020-06-30 00:27:27

Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Update!

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been given its own page over in the books section (last image in the stories category). It is also still linked through the HJM article. With this change, Chapter 2 has also been added! Please bare in mind that this uses automatic translation, so will have some mistakes. All scans are there, though, including story pages, advertisements, etc.

 I also wanted to ask for some opinions. The books section right now has every volume posted separately. Do you like this format, or would you rather each series only have a single image, leading to a main page, like what the Official Fan Books have? You can cast your vote through this Straw Poll.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Books HJM Site2020-04-18 20:38:09

Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!  [Official]

 A third chapter of Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been published in the May issue of Hobby Japan Magazine. This seems to feature a Sniptera and another variant of the Armd Liger, with its ever-evolving equipment tests.

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Official HJM2020-03-30 10:48:42

Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!  [Official]

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO, the side-story produced for Hobby Japan Magazine, continued with its second chapter in the March 2020 issue! HJM also held their own panel at Wonder Festival, where they went over important information for the series. This included the fact that EX-ZERO will be a bi-monthly series, published every 2 months. It takes place before Zoids Wild Zero, which is an interesting time in the series' history.

 The booth also featured a Gilraptor Cutter Spec. that isn't featured in the actual story, though we've yet to see pictures of this Zoid surface online! Similarly, they displayed anime-style character artwork that we hope to see soon. Chapter 2 features a Stylaser, and a keen customization continuation from Chapter 1. The Armd Liger not only keeps its captured weapons from Chapter 1, but is more battle worn from the fight!

Zoids Wild EX ZERO Zoids Wild Official HJM2020-02-12 04:40:58

DHM & HJM Section Revamps!  [Site]

 Our sections for Dengeki Hobby Magazine and Hobby Japan Magazine (found under articles) have received some much needed care. Both have been divided into pages organized by year, to cut down on the mass thumbnail loading spam. The main page now, instead, contains tables for the magazines throughout the years. This is a simple checklist, mostly for my own reference, to include what magazines I currently own (and will eventually post- as scans are cleaned up), what ones are known to (or not to) contain Zoids content, and what ones are currently unknown.

 With this update, Dengeki Hobby Magazine has also received some updates. You can now find scans for April, November, and September 2002. This contains some neat stuff, like the old Wild Liger statue used in the box art, a Gojulas Mariner custom (well, lots of Giggles content), and some concept art from the Smack Zoids series.

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!

 On the topic of HJM, the January 2020 issue launched a new series known as "Zoids Wild EX-ZERO". This featured a battle story esque plotline, using custom models in diorama settings to deliver the story. Custom examples were included following the story, and it was heavily implied that it would continue in later issues. However, the February issue contained no Zoids content at all. Here's hoping that more will be added in later issues!

 In the mean time, an automatic translation of the new story, Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been posted! You can find this both under the HJM 2020 page (in the header for that month), and in the books section. As this relies on automatic translation it is bound to have a lot of mistakes, and is provided only as a convenient way to better read those automatic translations. The page includes all content published during that month.