The September Issue of CoroCoro included a promo code for a demo of the upcoming Nintendo Switch game, Zoids Wild: Infinity Blast! This code has already been leaked into the wild, and we've got some early looks at the game! First, a special edition of the game will be released in late November for 6570 yen, and include a Rising Liger Infinity Blue full model kit, sporting metallic blue armor. In other news, Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed, the English patch
The demo released through the play store (via code D3GM-3304-448B-Y0SB) includes 6 starting Zoids: Beast Liger, Cannon Bull, Gabrigator, Gannontoise, Gilraptor, and Scorpear. The game sports a roster of 24 additional Zoids, locked out as silhouettes. There's a wide array of customization options, including different weapons and changing different parts of the Zoid to different colors (with roughly 5 shades for each color). The game carries on King of Blast's
lovely loading screens (courtesy of Spooks), which look great! There are plans to have a tournament held via youtube in the autumn.
Now, let's move on to speculation! The game is confirmed to include some old Zoids, including the Blade Liger and Geno Breaker. The silhouettes imply even more. Please note, this is NOT a confirmed list! From the silhouettes, we're guessing it also includes: Fang Tiger, Fang Tiger Kai (?), Rising Liger (?), Drei Panther (?), two variants of Command Wolf, Blade Liger, Gusock, Hunter Wolf, Wild Liger, Grachiosaurus, Triceradogos, Sonic Bird, Knuckle Kong, Stegosage, Dimepulsar, Death Rex, Genospino, Gilraptor, Geno Breaker, Iron Kong, Death Stinger, Zero Grizis, and possibly even Ultrasaurus (though this one is harder to guess). The roster is a huge improvement over the previous game, and we're likely to see DLC later on!
In other news, Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed, the English port of Zoids Wild: King of Blast coming to international stores has been announced to include the DLC that was released for the Japanese version of the game!