The gorgeous Republican colored
Gilraptor LC is now up on the TakaraTomy Mall! This kit is scheduled for an October 24th release, for 3,000 yen. It features white armor and a possibly metallic-blue frame, and includes the A-Z Laser Gun and A-Z Impact Laser Gun in silver, the only non-limited release of this weapon so far. Combine them together to create the A-Z Long Range Laser Gun!
Takara Tomy has posted pictures of the unpainted kit. View its official page
- Gilraptor LC Information
Stats: | Weapons: | Equipment: |
Length: 8.4 m
Height: 4.5 m
Width: 3.3 m
Weight: 36.0 t
Max Speed: 250 km/h
A-Z Impact Laser Gun Kai
A-Z Laser Gun
Hook Claw
Wing Shotels
Head Radar
Jet Boosters
A Deinonychus Zoid that slashes enemies with the large claws on its feet, and the third claw on its back, the "Wing Shotel". The Gilraptor LC (Laser Custom) is a custom machine that's equipped with an additional A-Z Laser Gun and A-Z Impact Laser Gun, allowing it to provide support fire from the rear. By connecting the two weapons, you can also make an A-Z Long Range Laser Gun, which can be fired from a long distance. It's also capable of moving at high speeds with its superior spring-loaded legs and the Jet Boosters on its back. It has a Head Radar with highly developed sensory function on the top of its head, which allows it to coordinate with multiple units to detect enemy movements and ensure that they're killed.