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- Masterpiece Zoids Section!

 A new section has been added to Model Kits for the Masterpiece Zoids series, including their stock photos and lore. The Anniversary Zoids will be lumped into this page as a sub-category for lack of a better efficient place to put them. It's worth noting however that these ARE separate series, even if they use the same base Zoid. The AZ line will get its own section if it goes beyond 5-6 kits.

Model Kits Masterpiece Zoids Site2022-09-27 13:38:00

- Encyclopedia Update!

 Small update, but the Encyclopedia now includes a page for the Garil Ruins, including references to the real-life location that inspired its anime adaption.

Encyclopedia Site2022-09-27 13:37:44

- Zoids CC Manga Chapter 13.5 Update!

 It has been a long time since we posted the first 10 pages of Chapter 13.5, a story that takes place in between Van defeating the Geno Saurer and departing Porto. The chapter was originally released as part of Corocoro. Finally, the remainder of this chapter is available to read! Translations are by Falcarius, so a huge thanks for helping us complete it~

Books Chaotic Century Manga Site2022-08-30 05:33:29

- Official Fan Book 3 Update!

 The final installment of Official Fan Book 3, the Zoids Remodeling Project 2 chapter has been added. This chapter gives a look at the various Zoid variations featured throughout the Battle Story or associated with its universe (including some of particular public interest, like Liger Zero Mariner, Death Stinger KFD, and more) as well as a few that aren't directly featured. It also shows off some of the Customize Parts that were being released at the time.

 This brings Book 3 to a close. There's going to be a considerable break between this and the start of Book 4 as I work on all the prep-work that goes into getting everything set up (scanning, organizing, patching together double page spreads, etc.) Thank you for your continued patience in the meantime!

Books Official Fan Book Site2022-08-16 17:33:00

- Official Fan Book 4 Update!

 The next segment of Official Fan Book 4 is now available! The AD2002 section takes a look at some upcoming products (from the time), some old products, and provides some the insights about how and why certain products game into existence, such as the SS (Super Small) and BLOX kits. It also includes mention of another theoretical, but ultimately unreleased product: Scaled down versions of the 1/72 motorized model kits! Imagine if we could've had a small, more affordable Mad Thunder?

Books Official Fan Book Site2022-08-15 17:33:45

- 2011 HMM Product Planning Article

 With another milestone for HMM coming up next year, an article has been added for the HMM Zoids 3rd Public Planning Meeting held back in 2011, or in particular, the event page that was once posted about it (but since removed from the website). This article is an interesting look into the predecessors of major events like Stand River, and featured the discussions where Kotobukiya officially decided to release the massive Gojulas for the very first time. As usual, this article relies on machine translations, so may have mistakes. If you're interested in assorted staff discussions, though, give it a read!

Articles HMM Site2022-08-14 18:20:23

- Official Fan Book 3 Update!

 First, as we get back into the swing of things, there's a new update for Official Fan Book 3! It now includes the Guylos Empire Battle Machine Beast Corps, a description of several newer Zoids of the Empire, the Imperial Army Ace Pilot Directory (with translations courtesy of Falcarius!), and the Imperial Army Organization Chart. That just leaves the upcoming & custom Zoids and the product info for this book!

(You may also notice that the book section has changed to include all book series on one page! We hope that this will make it easier to find what you're looking for.)

Books Official Fan Book Site2022-07-23 00:00:25

- Model Kit Section - Kits and PSDs!

 The Zoids Model Kit section has some new images at the top, to better represent model kit instructions. However, there's also a new section! For those who aren't aware, the color charts we do for the Zoids Index mostly use the images from the instruction manuals. Those PSDs have now been released for people to use for their own coloring purposes! They're a great way to build concepts of how you want your custom-painted model kits to look, and include numerous color layers to make things easier. These files are PSDs, intended for use in Photoshop.

Model Kits Site2022-07-23 00:00:24

- Zoids Index Update!

 So we have a ton of new entries for the Zoids Index, mostly focusing on those obscure Zoid variations everybody knows from the Saga Games and Battle Story. Many of them even include additional images you might not have seen before, from magazines like CoroCoro.

 The following Zoid entries have their basic information, what available weapons info could be filled in between magazines and source parts, and their military history (if featured in the later OFBs.)

 - Boost Liger
 - Blitzer Wolf
 - Gator Radome
 - Geno Scissors
 - Geno Trooper
 - Hel Digunner DT
 - Proto Breaker
 - Redler Interceptor
 - Shield Liger DCS
 - Shield Liger DCS-J
 - Shield Liger Holotech
 - Shield Liger LMA
 - Shield Liger LMB
 - Shield Liger MK-II
 - Slayer Liger
 - Sniper Liger

 Blitzer Wolf also contains discussion about its origin as a custom contest Zoid.

 The following Zoids have color charts as well!

 - Geno Trooper
 - Proto Breaker
 - Shield Liger DCS
 - Shield Liger DCS-J
 - Shield Liger LMA
 - Shield Liger LMB
 - Shield Liger MK-II

 The Blade Liger AB has also received an update covering its Combat History, and the following Zoids have received sections for their primary Media Appearances: Blade Liger, Blade Liger AB, Command Wolf, Geno Saurer, Geno Breaker, and Death Saurer. They're missing a few but they'll be added in steadily. Finally, the Command Wolf, König Wolf, and Liger Zero X have all had their Index images replaced with the stock model kit images to better represent the core Zoid. In Zero X's case, the colors have been digitally altered to account for how washed out the original photos were.

Index Site2022-07-23 00:00:23

- Zoids Wild ZERO Update!

 Summaries have been added for Episode 7 through 10 of Zoids Wild ZERO! This includes a ton of screencaps, automatic translations of the text in the Zoid profiles at the end, notable facts from the episodes, and best-guess translations of screen glyphs that appeared during them.

 In addition, the Zoids section for this series has been expanded. The icon gallery now properly links to the Zoids' profile pages, which covers their website profiles (where applicable), all variations, weapons info, history within the anime series, and screenshot examples for almost everything up until Episode 10. Organizing the many variations can be a little tricky, so my apologies if the pages are cluttered!

Site Zoids Wild Zero2022-07-23 00:00:22

- Zoids Wild Biographies Update!

 The Zoids Wild Biographies section has been updated with a page for the Hunter Wolf Victor Spiegel Special! This includes an automatic translation of the Wolf's story, and official product photos posted by the company.

Books Site Zoids Wild Biographies2022-07-23 00:00:21

- Model Kit Review: Rayse Tiger!

 A new model kit review has been uploaded to the NJR Section for the RZ-075 Rayse Tiger! This is quite an interesting kit, with some new gimmicks and unusual build conventions. That's not just counting the glow in the dark or LED-tube based features, either. A highly recommended kit, and cheap to pick up on Yahoo Japan.

Model Kits Reviews Site2022-07-23 00:00:20

- New OJR Model Kit Section!

 In the continued effort to expand the model kit info on the site, a new section has been added dedicated to the OJR (Original Japanese Release), a fan-coined term for the 80s kits. For now this includes a (not 100% complete) thumbnail list, but in the future will be expanded to include the box lore from these Zoids as well.

Model Kits Site2022-07-23 00:00:19

- Smack Zoids! Update!

 Well, its been a hot minute since we looked at this series. The Smack Zoids articles have received a section for The World of Super-Large Zoids, which includes coverage on the huge transporter Zoids seen in the March 2002 issue. This includes translations of their text blurbs courtesy of Falcarius.

Articles Site Smack Zoids!2022-07-23 00:00:18

- Official Fan Book 3 Update!

Official Fan Book 3 has been updated with profiles for the Helic Republic Zoids, pilots, and hierarchy! OFB3 introduces the use of charts to measure Zoid abilities for speed, fire power, maneuverability, etc. It also introduces some of our favorite Zoids, such as the Liger Zero!

Books Official Fan Book Site2022-01-09 00:12:20

- New Custom: König Wolf Silver Fang!

 A new custom has been added to the bottom of the model kits page, the König Wolf Silver Fang! This is a page I've been excited about adding for a long time. Though this kit was finished in 2020, 2021 was such a chaotic year for me that it took forever to finish the photo taking and page setup. Silver Fang is a 3D printed conversion kit for the Tomy (motorized) König Wolf, developed, 3D modeled, and printed by the amazing Torrigan, who put countless hours into making sure that every single detail was perfect. Before starting work on this project, I never imagined I'd get my hands on a Silver Fang, and I'm eternally grateful!

 As this has been such a long-standing holy grail for me (over a decade!) I've made the files available for visitors of the website, so you can download and print your own version! The custom page goes into more detail about what you need to watch out for. My only request is that the files not be used for commercial purposes, either directly or indirectly. I'd love for this conversion kit to remain free above the cost of materials, so that everyone can enjoy it~

Custom Zoid Projects Model Kits Site2022-01-09 00:12:08

- New Custom: Bio Tricera Pyrite!

 A second new custom, the Bio Tricera Pyrite, has also been added to the model kits page. This is a straight repaint, utilizing a used Bio Tricera sold to me by another fan. It was a good test in dealing with silvers, as I've wanted to see how to best paint Bio Zoid armor for a while. All in all pleased with the results!

Custom Zoid Projects Model Kits Site2022-01-09 00:11:54

- Zoids Galaxy Quest Planet Zi Update!

 Chapter 10 of Zoids Galaxy Quest is now available! In this chapter, Kugo and company encounter a new BLOX Zoid, but it's not quite like the monsters they've met before. Though the meeting is short, they're immediately thrown back into danger.

Site Zoids Planet Zi Galaxy Quest2022-01-09 00:11:42

- Zoids Rubber Keychain Reviews!

 A page has been added under Assorted for the unusual Zoids Genesis Rubber Keychains. These are pretty cool products, and worth checking out.

 I've also added pages for some assorted Genesis products (towels, clocks, toothbrushes, etc.) Over the next year I'll be trying to slowly expand product pages using magazine/book scans in lieu of photos for products not currently owned. There aren't many resources for assorted Zoids goods, and I'd love to collect that information in one place, where people can view what products have existed and just how vast the Zoids franchise truly is!

Assorted Reviews Site2022-01-09 00:11:26

- Starting Model Kit Updates

 Work has begun on a model kit page update. First and foremost, images have been replaced with tables. They still contain Zoid images, but now also include text so that people don't have to know the Zoid's number to find it in the list. You can now ctrl + F to immediately jump to the Zoid's name. Though a little clunkier looking, this should hopefully help the overall browsing experience.

 In addition, I've begun expanding individual kit series pages with thumbnails for kits that don't yet have pages, so that there's still a visual reference list for what kits are in each series. These lists aren't entirely complete yet, but are still being worked on. To improve visibility, the image transparency of kits without pages has been increased, and pages with reviews will now have a green border around the image to make them more visible.

Site2022-01-09 00:11:16