- Episode 40: The Zoid Hunters

Characters: Van, Fiona, Thomas, Irvine, Hiltz
Zoids: Zeke, Blade Liger, Dibison, Command Wolf IT, Whale King, Desert Heldigunner, Pteras (Yellow), Pteras (Helic Republic) Rev Raptor

    It has come to the attention of the Guardian Force that many sleepers left over from the war have gone missing. Van is sent to find out why, stowing away in a Rev Raptor to sneak into their fortress. He finds himself far above the ground, in a mobile transport known as the Whale King.

     Once on board Van is captured by someone he least expected. He wakes up to find Irvine working for the Zoid Hunters, and his old friend explains that he's been after the reward for a man's prized Zoid collection. They fake Van's death (and murder by Irvine) so that they can investigate further on their own. A horrifying truth about what these Zoids are being used for comes to light.

- Deleted Scenes From Episode 40

    Comments: Because of the sheer length of these clips they had to be moved to Photobucket, as Youtube wouldn't allow them. We apologize for the slow load time, but there haven't been any good alternatives. This was mostly clipped for alcohol and some gun violence.

- Screenshots