Characters: Van, Fiona, Irvine, Moonbay, Dr. D, Rudolph, Rosso, Viola, Herman, O'connel, Schubaltz, Ralph, Mueller, Prozen, Hardin
Zoids: Zeke, Blade Liger, Command Wolf IT, Gustav, Zaber Fang SS, Storm Sworder, Black Redler
Our main team ends up in a mild argument over which way they should go. In an attempt to race to the next town Van, Fiona, and Rudolph split apart from Irvine and Moonbay, choosing to take the faster path near Ebonei Air Base of the Guylos Empire.
As they cross over the mountains they come to find that the base has been severely upgraded. What used to be a couple of Redlers are now an entire air force of customized Zoids, an effort spear headed by Regent Prozen. It's not long before the Blade Liger is noticed and they fall under attack. It's not only the Blade Liger, but Zeke who is targeted by the aggressive pilots.
Lieutenant Schubaltz, who came to the base to assist in the test runs of the Black Redlers recognizes Rudolph as the true emperor, but his attempts to reconnect with their former lord are blocked by Ralph, who claims that Rudolph is an imposter. Even when Schubaltz insists to the contrary he is told that rather or not Rudolph is the real one is irrelevant; he is no longer of any use to the Empire.
Just as the battle is proving dire a silver light rockets downwards from the sky. Two Storm Sworders from the Red River base, piloted by Rosso and Viola shred the opposing Redlers, never eluding to their identity and unrecognized by our pilots. They confirm that Rudolph is safe then leave without proper introductions, supposedly saved by Dr. D and Herman.
In a moment of distraction, provided by the Storm Sworders, Schubaltz breaks free from Ralph's soldiers and starts a self destruct sequence for the Ebonei Base.
- Deleted Scenes From Episode 29
Comments: Prozen running around in his birthday suit. Look, no wrinkles! Also, bombing and gun threats (at adults this time!)