Our gang has decided to help Rudolph return to Guygalos, banking on hopes that he'll be able to stop Prozen. Along the way they stop in at a bar to call Prime Minister Homaleph, only to find that the phones in the area have all been disconnected. If that weren't enough the bar maid doesn't believe for an instant that Rudolph is really the crowned prince, and with good reason! They find that Prozen as launched a preemptive strike and placed Rudolph's obituary in the papers to ensure that any "imposters" can be captured and disposed of, while discrediting Rudolph's word everywhere.
With these happenings it's easy to guess that the road block ahead is a trap. To make their travels safer, Irvine, Van, and Rudolph decide to move over the mountain on foot. Meanwhile, Moonbay dresses up as a bride and pretends to be heading to her wedding. She only needs to get the Command Wolf and Blade Liger across the order.
Unfortunately the Imperial Army catches onto their plan. Van and his buddies end up captured by Imperial forces in the mountains, but with the aid of a familiar Command Wolf pilot from New Helic City they manage to flee the cages.
As the episode closes the man that saved their lives, Rokai, tears off his arm band. He disbands from the Imperial Army, forced to run from his own homelands and start anew.
- Deleted Scenes From Episode 27
Comments: Alcohol. The scene for Rokai was greatly extended in the Japanese version.