- Episode 25: The New Liger

Characters: Van, Fiona, Irvine, Moonbay, Dr. D, Rudolph, Medlanik, Dennis, Raodo, Stinger
Zoids: Zeke, Blade Liger, Command Wolf IT, Dark Horn, Guysack SS, Zaber Fang STS

    Irvine, Moonbay, and Rudolph have been captured by Stinger! Tied to posts, they're forced to wait beneath the blazing sun. Stinger reveals his new intentions. He plans to capture Zeke. What is peculiar is that Organoids are viewed to be so rare, that they are often considered myths. Interesting that Stinger should recognize the light of one, especially when each is different.

    In another location Van rushes back towards camp, hoping to make things right with his friends, when out of the ground Stinger's specialized Guysack breaks the surface, piloted by Dennis. He attacks Van with every intent to stop him, regardless of how much force may be required. Van, being the obnoxious kid that he is, stumbles upon an emergency hatch opening that allows him to open the cockpit and steal the SS (Shame Dennis. Overpowered by a child.)

    In a heroic effort he opens fire on Medlanik's Dark Horn, but in a matter of moments a newer, far more vicious Zoid shows up. The Stinger Special Zaber Fang rises from the dunes and throws off the covering sand. The specialized Zoid launches a chemical gas shell, the object to paralyze Van. As soon as it kicks in he opens fire and mercilessly destroys his own Guysack, as well as gunning down Medlanik's Dark Horn.

    To stop Stinger's combat advance Rudolph steals the Command Wolf IT and crashes into the Zaber Fang. He quickly rises and knocks the Zoid down with little to no effort, prompting Van to take the smilodon on with a simple hand held machinegun. His efforts are met with the result that you'd expected -- he's shot from his hover board and lands in the reeling light of the Shield Liger.

    As his mind is flooded with communications from Fiona he finds himself in the Zoid's cockpit. Things have changed, been renewed, and reconfigured. The light dissolves and a new Zoid stands before Stinger. A sleek white and blue Liger with a set of golden blades upon its back. With no damage from the oncoming assault the Liger lets out a booming roar and tears the Zaber Fang into two halves with a single strike of the Blades.

    Although the battle is won, the victory is slightly hollow. Medlanik has escaped with Rudolph's Imperial ring.

- Deleted Scenes From Episode 25

    Comments: Look! Adults are being threatened this time! Welp, for a minute anyway.

- Screenshots