Characters: Van, Fiona, Irvine, Moonbay, Viola, Jarro, Rosa
Zoids: Zeke, Shield Liger, Command Wolf IT, Gustav, Godos, Redler, Pteras
Our group is continued their travels, this time towards Mount Iselina. After the group is separated in the thick fogs of the mountain, Irvine and Fiona become stranged. Van and Moonbay encounter the Monster of Mount Iselina -- only to find out that it's a simple Godos belonging to a member of the Colony at the top of the mountain.
At the town they get food, water, and well needed rest. Van shares stories with a proud young girl, Rosa, but in time Viola and her Redler catch up with them. Viola confronts Van, hoping to murder him for his crimes against the former Alcabalino gang, but when she's halted by her younger sister, Rosa, she struggles to find answers. After years, Rosa had always believed that Viola had departed to become a member of the Imperial Army. She was raised to believe that mercenaries were bad people, and begins to cry at the very thought of Viola being one of them.
Out of the goodness of his heart, Van begins to unravel a story that tells Rosa that he's the bandit that he's been talking about -- and that the Imperial Army, or Viola, have been trailing him to arrest him for his crimes. Viola plays into the plot and threatens Van at gun point to leave her home village, and never return.
- Deleted Scenes From Episode 11
Comments: Moonbay was prepared to protect her friends in this scene, but more guns. Interestingly cases of /drawing/ guns is also removed in most cases.