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Browsing Zoids Wild

- Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter Updates

 Battle Card Hunter is rolling strong with their latest expansion, which introduces story cards and a number of new Zoid varieties. Their latest commercial showed off the Gatling Fox Shadow! And some other cool things.

Rising Liger GCU showed up as a new boss starting on April 30th. Omega Rex was available from April 30th as well. Liger The Arthur is available as a boss from May 28th until July 1st, alongside Sonic Bird DBU. We also have images for Raptoria Raffine, and the Sonic Bird Secret Rare card.

Battle Hunter Senki 3B, Commercial 5

Battle Hunter Senki 3B, Commercial 4

Battle Hunter Senki 3B, Commercial 3

- Zoids Artwork

 The artist of the two Zoids Wild Wixoss collaboration cards has posted the images over on Pixiv! Yuji Kaida has also posted a large, beautiful image of an old fan favorite, the Gojulas Mariner!

Official Zoids Wild2020-05-27 11:42:17

Zoids Wild Dubtitles Update!

 Episodes 12 and 13 have been added to the dubtitles page for Zoids Wild. Episode 13 is generally where everyone agrees this series makes its mark. It sets into motion many of the stronger story aspects of Wild, so if you've not given the series a chance so far, we recommend at least watching this episode. On the note of watching, we've also changed it from the youtube release to a dual-audio blu-ray release, generously provided by Mecha! So you can truly appreciate the fights that take place. We will update our older files to be timed to these files shortly.

Dubtitles Site Zoids Wild2020-04-22 21:08:35

CoroCoro Liger the Arthur Video!

 CoroCoro has posted a video going through the various Ligers released throughout the generations! They also show off Liger The Arthur, which looks amazing in the metallic silver. You can see the various armor additions, the Wild Blast, etc.

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-04-22 21:07:55

CoroCoro Limited: Liger The Arthur!

 News on Liger The Arthur is ramping up! CoroCoro posted an article with some cool new images of the kit, and Zoids Official posted a spread from the recent issue of CoroCoro Comic! Liger the Arthur will be available as a mail-in purchase using the applicable postcard from CoroCoro Comic. It will cost 4,600 yen and will be limited to the first 12,000 orders.

 So, what options are available to overseas users? While we've found one service willing to attempt the mail-in order, it would come at an additional $20 fee, and from what I can find most services that would try also have added fees. With mail already backing up on a global scale, the best bet for overseas buyers seems to be to wait for its release and use Yahoo Japan. The markup of such limited kits is usually around $10-$20 anyway, so you can avoid the hassle. Some services are offering extended warehouse storage due to these trying times, and if you use Celga, although it is manual and slower to purchase and get updates from, they have free unlimited storage. So you could have them hold your item indefinitely while we weather these difficult circumstances.

ZW42 Kill Scythe!

 TakaraTomy has announced the next new Zoid, the Kill Scythe! We've been seeing a lot of this little guy in the new Zero anime OP, various commercials and WIPs, etc. but we finally have some data. Kill Scythe is a small-scale windup kit that will be released on May 23rd for 1,500 yen. You can view it and its box art on the TakaraTomy Mall, its info page on TakaraTomy's Official Website, and a DHM article which includes a couple of additional photos. We've also added its data to the model kit section!

 A mantis-type Zoid that specializes in close-range combat. Although it has low offensive strength on its own, it's an army-type unit that becomes a threat against large Zoids when it attacks in a group. When it falls into a dying state, it drops the powerful time bomb on its stomach on the enemy. At the command of the Captain's machine, they release their Machine Blast all at once and attach to the enemy, tearing apart the enemy's armor with the electromagnetic scythe and the chainsaw knife.

Excavation Site Center of Continent, Forest Zone
 Most of the time they had dropped their time bombs before becoming fossilized, but in rare cases they can be found with them still attached. Since these cases require careful attention, the excavation takes twice as long.

Wild Blast: Kill Crush
Length: 4.2 m
Height: 3.3 m
Weight: 9.2 tons
Max Speed: 175 km/h
IQ: 90
Equipment: Chainsaw Knife, Electromagnetic Scythe, Shield Wing, Smoke Discharger, Time Bomb, Twin Radar Antenna

- Kill Scythe Build Review Video

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-04-18 20:35:04

Rising Liger Ruby!

 The page for Rising Liger Ruby has been active for a while! We also got a promo image from Zoids BCH on Twitter. As we know, this is part of the Great Excavation Event for Zoids Wild: Battle Card Hunter, where users can win Rising Liger Ruby 'ticket' cards to enter a raffle for a chance to win. 150 lucky winners will walk away with a Rising Liger Ruby, and 1000 winners will walk away with a Gravity Cannon Unit Red Clear Ver. A short commercial for the new expansion also shows off this Zoid.

ZW39 Sonic Bird News!

 A new commercial has been released for the Sonic Bird! In addition, DHM has posted an article that takes a look at the recent campaign bonus parts. It includes a shot of the Sonic Bird equipped with some of the weapons.

- Sonic BirdCommercial

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-04-18 20:34:32

Zoids Zero Concepts!

 The Anime twitter posted a digital image of the running Wild Liger stock art! They also posted a concept art for the Sonic Bird's Cockpit.

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2020-04-18 20:34:21

Artwork and Zoids Wild 2 Images

 Moritya posted some artwork from Zoids Wild 2 of Liger The Arthur and its pilot, Lance! This includes some teaser pages from the manga. Some additional teaser pages were posted in another post. Meanwhile, Yuji Kaida posted a high res image of the Green Horn box!

Concept Art Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 22020-04-18 20:34:08

Zoids Wild Kit Updates!  [Official]

 Omega Rex has just released, so we've got a fair amount of content for it. First off is the build video, showing the full construction process. Second is a for fun video posted by TakaraTomy Toys. Last but not least, we have a new commercial for the Zoid! The commercial shows the upcoming Kill Scythes, mantis-type Zoids.

- Omega Rex Commercial

- ZW39 Sonic Bird

TakaraTomy Toys also just posted a video of the Sonic Bird's basic walk cycle. It's interesting how the wings move with each step!

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-03-30 10:50:06

New Zoids Wild Zero Key Visual!  [Official]

 There's a new key visual for the Zoids Wild Zero anime series! This was recently posted on twitter, and features a gorgeous landscape with the Rising Liger, Omega Rex, and our first look at the Sonic Bird. The purple lining behind Omega Rex also bares a striking resemblance to the mysterious Zoid from CoroCoro...

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2020-03-30 10:49:33

New Zoids Wild Zero Radio Program!  [Official]

 It looks like we'll also be getting a new radio program for Zoids Wild Zero! We had one of these that ran during Zoids Wild, too. This time it'll be co-starring the two lead actresses, the voice actors of Sally and Aysel. The program will be destributed by Onsen every week on Thursday, starting from April 2nd. It's likely that we'll also see the new OP and ED of Zoids Wild Zero on this date, as the singles are releasing immediately after! The Anime ZW Twitter account posted a variation of the new key visual for this announcement, featuring just the Rising Liger.

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2020-03-30 10:49:17

ZW Battle Card Hunter Update!  [Official]

 ZW Battle Card Hunter has posted the page for their sixth volume, featuring the starting collection of cards. Some rarer cards, including the special rares are not listed here, but it's a nice start! Featuring a new variant, the Omega Rex Breaker, as well as Liger the Arthur.

 They've even posted a page discussing some of the Special Rares, which contain story content on the card. We'll get some rough translations of what these say soon! In the mean time, the page contains a scrollable image for the continuous card background.

Zoids Artwork!  [Official]

 Moritya posted some artwork of the Zoids Wild 2 and Liger The Arthur comic characters! It's always nice seeing clean images of the characters~ Yuji Kaida also posted some amazingly clean images of the Death Stinger ZS and Blade Liger Mirage box arts from the old Tomy motorized line. It's wonderful seeing large images of these after so long.

NJR Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 22020-03-30 10:48:26

ZW Zero Concept Art!  [Official]

 This week we got concept art of Frank Land's metallized right arm. Although we've seen this in the show, it'll be interesting to see how it develops in the future.

ZW Customs from DHM!  [Official]

 Dengeki Hobby Magazine as posted a new custom article, featuring Zoids Wild customs based on the instruction manual variations. It goes in depth into the build process, with WIP photos and more!

Zoids Wild Dubtitles Page!  [Site]

 While Zoids Wild hasn't been picked up by any major subtitle groups, the entire series has now been dubbed in Hong Kong. As such, to tide people over until proper subs become available, a new page has been added for "Dubtitles." These are subtitles timed to the Japanese youtube release, using the script from the English Hong Kong dub. We hope to do at least 2-3 episodes a week. For now we have episodes 8 ~ 11 available. Falcarius was also kind enough to provide his original Subtitle files, which are proper translations of the episodes. This is why we didn't start at episode 1. Subs are always better!

Dubtitles Site Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Anime2020-03-19 03:46:06

CoroCoro Limited: Liger The Arthur!  [Official]

 We've seen a bit more of Liger The Arthur! Aside from appearing in the BCH commercial (below), we also saw an article from CoroCoro, which showed a profile image and one of the new images from CoroCoro Comic. We're still waiting to hear more about the application process.

 Interestingly, we received a couple of concept sketches from Moritya, the designer of the Arthur and the manga artist for Zoids Wild and Zoids Wild 2. He showed us 2 different concepts for potential ligers. Liger The Arthur was shown with a giant metallic silver lance ((Purification??) Gungnir), and matt dark blue armor. The second concept, Galaxy Liger, showed a Light Saber type Beam Sword, metallic silver equipment, clear light blue armor, red clear visor, and white matt secondary armor.

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-03-19 03:45:20

ZW39 Sonic Bird!  [Official]

 All info for the Sonic Bird has been released! Aside from TT Toy's post on Twitter showing off the motorized movement, CoroCoro also posted on article showing off a fancy diorama image. Its page has been posted to both the Zoids Wild website and to the TakaraTomy Mall, where you can see box art images. Speaking of, we've added pages for ZW 38 ~ 41 to the model kit section.

Sonic Bird:
  Length: 8.9 m
  Height: 4.5 m
  Weight: 39.8 t
  Maximum Speed: 552 km/h
  IQ: 120

Wild Blast: Sky Slash

 - Assistance Vernier
 - A-Z Wing Sword
 - Crest Sword
 - Rapid-Fire Machinegun
 - Rudder Sword
 - Sonic Wing
 - Stabilizer Tail
 - Twin Jet Engines

- Sonic Bird Build Review Video!

 A build review video has been posted for the Sonic Bird. Most interesting is that this video contains pieces of concept art of the Zoid. It also shows off some of the customization examples, as usual.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-03-19 03:45:02