CoroCoro Limited: Liger The Arthur!

 News on Liger The Arthur is ramping up! CoroCoro posted an article with some cool new images of the kit, and Zoids Official posted a spread from the recent issue of CoroCoro Comic! Liger the Arthur will be available as a mail-in purchase using the applicable postcard from CoroCoro Comic. It will cost 4,600 yen and will be limited to the first 12,000 orders.

 So, what options are available to overseas users? While we've found one service willing to attempt the mail-in order, it would come at an additional $20 fee, and from what I can find most services that would try also have added fees. With mail already backing up on a global scale, the best bet for overseas buyers seems to be to wait for its release and use Yahoo Japan. The markup of such limited kits is usually around $10-$20 anyway, so you can avoid the hassle. Some services are offering extended warehouse storage due to these trying times, and if you use Celga, although it is manual and slower to purchase and get updates from, they have free unlimited storage. So you could have them hold your item indefinitely while we weather these difficult circumstances.

Tagged  CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 22020-04-18 20:37:05