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Browsing Zoids Wild

- New Rare Bone Zoid Page!

 TakaraTomy has made a dedicated page on their website for the Rare Bone Ver. 2023 kits, which shows off additional images of each, and some nice dino-themed graphics. These two kits are scheduled to release at Dino Expo on March 14th, for 3,850 yen each (tax included.) I haven't seen a confirmation of an after-event resale, but the former Gilraptor Rare Bone was sold on TakaraTomy Mall after the initial event sales.

Events Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2023-02-20 19:58:34

- Dino Exhibit Limited Kits!

Dinosaur Exhibit 2023 is starting on March 14th, running until June 18th! During this time, tons of dinosaur-related exhibits will be on display in Japan. This year, the key graphic for the exhibition is Zuul Vs. Gorgosaurus. To celebrate the exhibit this year, TakaraTomy will be releasing Gilraptor Rare Bone Ver. 2023 and Ankyrox Rare Bone Ver. 2023! These are the closest kits within the same series to mirror the main graphic, and they both look excellent in the bone scheme. Although the Gilraptor has already seen a Rare Bone release, this one will be brand new colors. We've thus far seen the package design and stock photo for each of these kits.

Events Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2023-02-19 22:21:56

- Zoids Wild Arena Second Test Phase!

 The second testing phase for the Zoids Wild Arena app recently concluded, though the team has expressed interest in holding more tests, with Polygon Gaming evidently planning to hold multiple gaming sessions.

 So, what changed in this play test?

 A slew of new cards were added to the game, which introduced additional gameplay styles. For example, the ability for cards to replicate themselves under certain conditions, and the introduction of Corrupted machines, which have different gameplay effects and can be summoned to the battlefield under certain conditions. This could be used to clog your enemies' field, preventing them from summoning more powerful Zoids while ensuring that the Zoids on their field either damaged the Commander, the other Zoids, or at the very least, weren't some insane rex running around. The game also provided roughly 20 cards per day, compared to the previous 25.

 The game balance felt better overall; it wasn't quite as hard to catch up from a short bad luck streak as it was in the first play test. However, some of the new options also felt quite overpowered (such as replicating Zoids being able to use status effects from tactics cards.) It's still lovely to see the BCH variants getting some new life, and the Official Website has been updated with a card viewer that lets you view, so far as I've noticed, every card currently released in-game!

Games Zoids Wild NFT Arena Official Zoids Wild2023-02-19 22:19:39

- Medabots x Zoids Wild Collab!

 Medabots S, a mobile game for the Medabots series, is collaborating with Takara Tomy to bring two Zoids Wild Zero inspired medabot skins to the game, Beast Liger, Genospino, Rising Liger, Fangtiger (themed after the Aldridge version), Fire Genospino, and Sniptera. The collab also includes character artwork of Medabots characters wearing Zoids Wild ZERO inspired outfits.

- Zoids Wild NFT Arena

 In a rather unexpected turn of events, korean gaming company ACT Games will be launching an NFT-based Zoids Wild project. Western fans are quite adverse to anything block chain adjascent, and with the game relying heavily on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, obviously, reviews have been less than positive. For now, we'll just cover what we know about the game itself.

 Twitter account ZoidsWild (Wait, this name was never claimed before now?) serves as the game's official account, and they have a gorgeous promo video as their top post. This is the same style of video used for the Zoids Wild Infinity Blast opening, and it's well worth a watch, even if you're not into the game concept.

 Fans were apprehensive about the game's website in its earlier iteration, which featured mostly reused assets, such as loading screens from Infinity Blast falsely rebranded as "Concept Art" (it is not concept art for this game at all) as well as reused models and assets from the switch games. This shady opening didn't do the developers any favors, but it seems things are now moving along in full swing. The site also featured profiles for some of the associated cards, with animated Zoid images and basic stats. The nice part about this is that, while it's still reused data (mostly the existing profiles), it's nice to see them in English.

 The game was shown off at Licensing Japan, a large game licensing event, where various promotions were exhibited. The Teaser Clip confirmed that further asset reuse extended to the variations from Battle Card Hunter, such as the Spideath Dusk. While this is also somewhat controversial, it'll be interesting to see some of those BCH variants without lighting effects obscuring their true colors.

 Since then, the Twitter account has been introducing various Zoids that'll star in the game, including Rising Liger, Blade Liger, Beast Liger, and Wild Liger, with an additional concept video of the Wild Liger.

- ZWR08 Xenorex Storm XA

 February saw pre-orders open for the Xenorex Storm XA, the final installment thus far in the Zoids Wild Biographies line. It also included the end of the Zoids Wild Senki storyline, which after the last episode, was transitioned into a web-story format and published on TakaraTomy's website. The kit was first teased in January, with a clear nod towards the Storm Sworder from Tomy's old Zoids line. Afterwards, the kit was posted to the TakaraTomy Mall for 4,400 yen (tax included), with a release date of July 2022. The story was published on its site page.

 Some tweets also showed off various combinations of the Storm parts with other Zoids. one showed a combo between the Storm XA, Scissors XA, and Buster XA. The wings can also evidently be used on the Burning Liger.

- Xenorex Storm XA Promotional Video

- Zoids Wild x Duel Masters Collab!

 Earlier in the year a collaboration was announced between Zoids Wild and Duel Masters! Duel Masters was releasing a Duel Masters Super Complete Works 20th Perfect Box. While this box contained mostly Duel Masters goods (3 a4 size books containing card catalogs and illustration collections, limited cards, autographed illustrations, a poster, and assorted gifts) the box also contained the Bolmeteus White Dragon model kit, which was a variation of the Xenorex with completely new (and limited) parts! The box was released on July 29th, for 28,600 yen.

 A dedicated page showed off most of the box contents as well as the gorgeous limited edition art for the Bolmeteus White Dragon. Zoids Official also showed off the special promotional page featured in CoroCoro.

- Bolmeteus White Dragon Promo Video

- Zoids Wild Biographies: Rising Liger Panzer!

 Back in November, Zoids Official teased a new Zoids Wild Biographies kit, which turned out to be the Rising Liger Panzer! The story is already up for this kit (in the link, it's in Japanese) and the kit is available for pre-order for 5,500 Yen (including tax) until January 31st. Since this is through TTMall, you'll need to use a proxy like White Rabbit Express to order. It's scheduled for release in late May 2022.

- ZWR06 Psycho Genospino!

 On September 29th, Zoids Official tweeted this teaser of the next Zoids Wild Biographies kit. This kit is still available on the TT Mall for 9,350 yen, and will remain available until November 15th. It's scheduled to be released in March of 2022. You can read the Japanese version of the Biographies story on the TakaraTomy Website.

- Promo Video

 In the last couple days a promo video was released for the Psycho Genospino reveal, which mentioned the end of Zoids Wild Senki. It spent a short time describing the history of the Psycho Genospino, including that it inherited the Zoid Factor of the Zero Grizis, and is able to absorb the Zoid Factor of other Zoids using the purple Reactor Bones. What was formerly a flamethrower on the default Genospino has been converted into an Infinity Buster, a weapon that gathers the absorbed Zoid Factor from its body and fires it. The Psycho Geno Sawzer on the back is also able to improve its sharpness by charging the blades with Zoid Factor.

 For now, it seems implied that the Psycho Genospino story is the conclusion of the Zoids Wild Senki series. The end of the below video mentioned that TT will be publishing a new Photorama sequel to Zoids Wild Senki. Given that this is essentially what the Biographies line has been so far (stories with photo diorama images), we can probably expect it to be the same format, possibly carried out through Zoids Wild Biographies.

 The story and video also elude to a new lion-type that the Republic planned to donate to the Empire. This will likely be a new variant like the Psycho Genospino, but we don't know much yet.

- Sniptera Imperial Guard Promo Video!

 ZWR05 Sniptera Imperial Guard got a brief promo video over on twitter! This kit is already past its pre-order date, but will be releasing soon. For now, you can check out its images and story over on the official website.

Big Sale on Hasbro Zoids Wild Kits

 Hasbro has started a big Ebay sale on the Zoids Wild kits that hit the US. While Liger and Alpha Shadow are sold out, there are still a good few kits to pick up for 50% off. This means picking up a Raptor for $5, or a Triceradogos for $15 (including shipping!) If you've been on the fence about picking these Zoids up, now's the time.

Hasbro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-10-24 19:45:05

- Sniptera Melville Version!

 The next Zoid in the Zoids Biographies lineup was announced a little while ago. The Sniptera Melville Version! This beautiful blue Sniptera is much closer to the mass production specs used in the anime, which makes a cool addition to any airforce style setup. It's scheduled for release in January 2022, for 4000 yen. You can already view it on the TakaraTomy Mall and TT's website, which also has the story posted. It was posted with one teaser image.

 In celebration of this kit, two pieces of artwork were posted to the Zoids Official twitter account. There was another (unrelated) piece posted a while ago on Father's Day.

- Hunter Wolf Victor Spiegel Version!

 While the pre-order period for this particular Zoid has already ended, it received a pretty solid twitter coverage. You can check out the posts to see a lot of large photos of this nicely-detailed Zoid. Link, Link, Link, Link.

- Zoids Wild 2+ Book Release!

 Zoids Wild 2+ has been released as a book! This is a manga full of tons of high-detail Zoids art centered around the Senki Zoids (Xenorex and Burning Liger). Its cover art has been revealed, and we've also gotten to see some new illustrations made just for the book!

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 2+2021-08-03 19:10:20

- Zoids Wild ZERO Update!

 So, due to my undying love of modern VFX, I've gone ahead and started detailing episodes for Zoids Wild ZERO! The ZERO anime section now includes summaries for the first 6 episodes, including screencaps, character and Zoid lists, notable facts, translations of the Zoids Profile text at the end of the episodes (translations of the spoken profile overview coming soon), and translations of some of the glyphs that appear in each episode! A huge thanks to the Zoids Discord Community, which helped piece together the glyph alphabet used in the show, and Falcarius, who already did a lot of the ground work for translating the earlier episode glyphs!

Site Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2021-06-19 12:37:49

- Zoids Wild Biographies Model Kit Section!

 Zoids Biographies has been an interesting line so far. While we'll cover all the general releases in the product news sections below, I thought I'd go ahead and make a dedicated section for it in model kits. The amount of dedicated effort going into this series makes it distinct from the general Wild section. This new page will include machine translations of the stories, re-written for better readability. They aren't perfect, but if you'd like to see what all happens in the Biographies storyline, check it out! Right now we've got the first 3 stories available.

Books Site Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Biographies2021-06-19 12:37:34

- ZWR01 Wild Liger Clive Dias Version!

 So, since it has been so long since we've posted news, we have some catching up to do here. Most of these Biographies kits are no longer on sale, but I'll be covering the details nonetheless.

 While we've already shown the announcements for the Clive Dias liger, some interesting updates have been posted since then. First is an image of the box which shows that they'll have brown cardboard boxes with black printed details. This is also the first time we'll be seeing more solid English spellings for some of the Wild ZERO characters. Another post from Zoids Official shows what looks to be an out-of-the-box photo set. The kit and all of its painted details really do look great! Last but not least, you can now view the official product page and TT Mall page. Its pre-order period is already over, but it was sold for 4,500 yen (+ tax) and is scheduled to release in July.

- Introduction Video

- ZWR02 Fangtiger Douglas Aldridge Version!

 Our second reveal for Biographies was the Fangtiger Douglas Aldridge Version! This kit held its pre-order period during April, and is scheduled to release in September for 4,500 Yen. Zoids Official posted the following Teasers for it: Teaser 1, Teaser 2, Teaser 3, and Teaser 4.

 This kit includes newly molded features, including the option to have the Z-O Visor or not, and has additional equipment in the form of the A-Z Rocket Launcher, All-Weather High-Powered Boosters, and A-Z Laser Guns. New attachment parts have been added to the Panthera Armor on its back to allow the weapons to be attached, and the Twinned Fangs on the back are painted with metallic red. You can view its official product page here and its TT Mall page here.

- Introduction Video

- ZWR03 Proto Beast Liger!

 The next kit announced was Proto Beast Liger! This little Liger from the beginning of Wild ZERO is immensely popular. There've been a huge number of customs people have made for it, and it's no surprise that it received so many added posts. Both the official product page and TT Mall page are already up. The kit had its pre-order period in May, and is scheduled to release in October for 4,500 Yen. With this particular kit, Zoids Official also posted a Video teaser! Here are the initial images: Teaser 1, Teaser 2, Teaser 3, and Teaser 4.

 Let's get to the many twitter posts. This post shows a close-up of the boosters attacked to its back, using new joint parts. In the show, Leo used these to try to jump Aegis Valley. The kit includes all of the parts necessary to make a full Beast Liger, armor complete, in the Proto colors! Either with boosters, or without. You can see a comparison between Proto and normal Beast Liger here. It's the first kit in the Wild series to feature painted cylinders. The armor around the jaw has been customized to mirror how it looked in the anime. This is a nice touch, since they could've just left it an open gap where the armor attaches. The final molded parts difference is the leg armor which removes all of the white fins from the normal kit.

- Commercial Video

- Introduction Video

- ZWR04 Hunter Wolf Victor Spiegel Version!

 The fourth, and currently-available pre-order for Zoids Wild Biographies is the Hunter Wolf Victor Spiegel Version! My personal favorite, this kit is once again based on the pilot version from Zoids Wild ZERO. You can view its official product page here and its TT Mall page here. The kit is scheduled to release in November for 5,390 Yen (Tax Included).

 Like Aldridge's Fangtiger, this kit includes the option to have the Z-O Visor or not. It's equipped with the A-Z Super Electromagnetic Blade, All-Weather High-Powered Boosters, and the Sniptera's Force Barrel Gatlings. New molded attachment points have been added to its back to accomodate the additional weapons. The A-Z Super Electromagnetic Blades are painted in red metallics. It includes the head parts to make the original Hunter Wolf (without the ZO Visor).
* Spelling is still out on this one. The video uses Spieger, but the Fangtiger video also uses both Aldridge and Aldrich, so we'll wait to see what spelling the box uses.

- Introduction Video