- Zoids Wild Arena Second Test Phase!

 The second testing phase for the Zoids Wild Arena app recently concluded, though the team has expressed interest in holding more tests, with Polygon Gaming evidently planning to hold multiple gaming sessions.

 So, what changed in this play test?

 A slew of new cards were added to the game, which introduced additional gameplay styles. For example, the ability for cards to replicate themselves under certain conditions, and the introduction of Corrupted machines, which have different gameplay effects and can be summoned to the battlefield under certain conditions. This could be used to clog your enemies' field, preventing them from summoning more powerful Zoids while ensuring that the Zoids on their field either damaged the Commander, the other Zoids, or at the very least, weren't some insane rex running around. The game also provided roughly 20 cards per day, compared to the previous 25.

 The game balance felt better overall; it wasn't quite as hard to catch up from a short bad luck streak as it was in the first play test. However, some of the new options also felt quite overpowered (such as replicating Zoids being able to use status effects from tactics cards.) It's still lovely to see the BCH variants getting some new life, and the Official Website has been updated with a card viewer that lets you view, so far as I've noticed, every card currently released in-game!

Tagged  Games Zoids Wild NFT Arena Official Zoids Wild2023-02-19 22:19:39