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Browsing Zoids Wild

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Book!

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO, the official side-story published in Hobby Japan Magazine during 2020, has announced a brand new book! This book will include the entire story as it was posted earlier, as well as some additional content, apparently, including a new story written exclusively for the book. For now we've removed our EX-ZERO section out of respect for this upcoming sale. At the time that it was posted, I honestly hadn't expected a book! It's scheduled to be released in late July for 3,300 Yen, and is currently available on sites like HLJ and Amazon JP! HJM's twitter posted some clean images of the first Chapter, while Revolver posted teasers of the new story, Senki EX, which is still running on HJM.

Synopsis: Republican unit Blood Blood Corps is a unique task force with the intent purpose of capturing and testing upcoming Imperial technology. The group is led by Shishio Ryuu and his Armd Liger, a specialized liger with auxiliary arms used to snatch weapons off of its opponents from the Empire. As the story evolves, they discover the earliest Laser weapons, considered to be a gateway weapon to Zi's most devastating power, the Charged Particle Cannon. The Blue Bloods make it a top priority to capture this laser equipment, to prevent the Republic from losing irreparable distance in the arms race. With each new battle, Shishio's Armd Liger gains more and more equipment from its defeated opponents. Every chapter features a newly remodeled and evolved Armd Liger. Necessary changes for our team to keep up their fight with Lieutenant Cutter, a strange young man from the Empire who has an unusual effect on the Zoids that he pilots.

Timeline: Zoids Wild EX-ZERO is unique in that it's carefully crafted to fit within the world of Zoids Wild ZERO, the anime. The story begins before the anime series and makes numerous references to the show. This includes a new Regeneration Cube side-story, a chapter exploring the recovery of additional Genospino parts, and ultimately even meeting characters from the Zoids Wild ZERO anime. If you liked the anime, and understand Japanese, you'll enjoy this story. If you don't understand Japanese, it still has lots of nice diorama style images (as seen in this post), customizing examples, and hopefully more!

Books HJM Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2021-06-19 12:34:49

- Zoids Wild 2+ Book!

 EX-ZERO isn't the only book! We'll also be getting a compilation book of the Zoids Wild 2+ manga soon! The book will be released late July for 670 Yen, and is available on AmazonJP. The manga has been serialized in CoroCoro Comic over the past year, and as of the August issue, the manga will end. It features tons of high-detail Zoids art and I highly recommend picking it up! Check out some sample images here and here.

Synopsis: Zoids Wild 2+ picks up shortly after the end of Zoids Wild 2, following Tetsuro, pilot of the Xenorex, and his young partner, Arkya. They're members of ZIB, a secret organization that tracks and fights crimes involving Zoids. The world has gotten more complicated after the planet's magnetic field began to increase, so they have their work cut out from them. Especially when it comes to the new enemy of their story, the Burning Liger, a mysterious Zoid with a mind of its own that seeks to eliminate the ZCF.

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 2+2021-06-19 12:34:36

- Zoids Wild Senki Episode 6!

 Zoids Wild Senki Episode 6 is live! This episode featured some amazing and absolutely brutal combat, so I highly recommend giving it a watch. The way that Xenorex fights is awesome, and the manner that the Burning Ligers express themselves is also neat. The official website has been updating occasionally, featuring Zoid images and cast listings, etc.

- Episode

Official Videos Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Senki2021-03-13 19:30:20

- ZW57 Xeno Evolution Arms "Buster Unit"!

 A review video has been posted for the ZW57 Xeno Evolution Arms "Buster Unit" and the ZW58 Xenorex Buster XA! These kits are scheduled to release on March 27th for 1,000 yen and 3,500 yen respectively, but unfortunately stock has been very low. I don't think any of the standard stores still have them available, so you may need to do some shopping around, or order through the TakaraTomy Mall.

- Introduction Video

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-03-13 19:30:05

- New Burning and Xeno Limited Photos!

 The official twitter account has posted new photos of the Burning Liger "Legend Blue" and Xenorex "Death Red"! These kits really do look nice in the opposing colors. They're part of the recent Japan-only campaign, raffled in exchange for shipped in barcodes from applicable Zoids-related purchases.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-03-13 19:29:35

- Zoids BCH All Star Battle Finale!

 Zoids Battle Card Hunter has announced that it'll be running an "All Star Battle" campaign. This campaign begins on April 1st, and will rerelease over 50 Wild Rare cards from the earlier sets! Unfortunately, this will be the final update for Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter. The game is set to be discontinued starting in May. This is a shame, as the game had many cool variations, attack styles, and has even been running its own story. Its been an amazing ride, and the game ran for quite a long time. A huge shoutout to the creative individuals who worked on it!

- ZW Biographies: Wild Liger Updates!

 A new video has been released for the Wild Liger Clive Diaz Spec., the first Zoid of the Zoids Wild Biographies line. This Liger is based on Diaz's Liger from Zoids Wild Zero, and the video shows off all the custom work done for it. The video also mentions expanding upon lore that wasn't able to be covered during the course of the show, such as how Diaz came to pilot this Liger. The kit is available on the TakaraTomy Mall for 4,950, and while it is scheduled to be released in late July, you only have until March 31st to order!

- Introduction Video

- Xeno Evolution Arms Buster Unit!

 The Xeno Evolution Arms "Buster Unit" (Scheduled for March 27th for 1,000 Yen) and the ZW58 Xenorex Buster XA (Scheduled for March 27th for 3,500 Yen) are now available on the TakaraTomy Mall! Along with box art and product photos. Buster XA will contain a new color scheme exclusive to this set.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-02-21 01:47:08

- ZW56 CDW Twin Pile Bunker

 With the Buster Unit update we also saw the ZW56 CDW Twin Pile Bunker added to the TT mall! Looks like this weapon fits both of the current Senki Zoids, and has a rather nice design. It is scheduled for March 27th, for 1,000 yen.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-02-21 01:46:55

- HMM Zoids Wild Fangtiger Update!

 Kotobukiya has posted a LABO article detailing the upcoming HMM Fangtiger! Like Wild Liger, they are starting off with some CG renders mostly, but it still gives us a decent look at the Zoid. Fangtiger comes with Wild Blast effect parts for both Bacon and Fangtiger, just like Wild Liger did. The Kotobukiya Direct exclusive bonus is Z-Cap Supreme Yellow Version. The kit is up for pre-order on most of your typical websites. Be advised that on Amazon, it is not able to be cancelled after April 4th! It's scheduled for an August release for 9,000 Yen.

HMM Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-02-21 01:46:42

- Zoids Wild EX-ZERO Update!

 Chapter 5 of Zoids Wild EX-ZERO has been added, along with scans for HJM's October 2020 issue! This is the second to last chapter, but don't worry, there's plenty more planned. In this chapter, Shishio finally awakens, but his Liger does not. Will they be able to awaken the newly remodeled Armd Liger before it can be destroyed by the enemy sniper's Gun Jaguar?

Books Site Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2021-02-07 05:11:06

- ZW: Clive Diaz's Personal Wild Liger

 Zoids Official started teasing their next new Zoid! It was apparent from the first picture that this would be Lieutenant Colonel Clive Diaz's personal Wild Liger, as seen in the Zoids Wild Zero anime. This kit has been the first kit announced for the upcoming line, Zoids Wild Biographies! This has really interesting implications. A ton of people have made customs of this specific Liger. The question is, how many kits will we see from this line? Will they all be based on the anime customs? There are so many amazing possibilities. I'll also be looking forward to seeing how it looks out of the box, and how many painted details are included. For now, you can check out the official product photos on the TakaraTomy Mall and a brief video on Twitter that shows off the movements.

- Diaz's Wild Liger Clips

 With the exciting announcement of this kit I decided to put together a series of clips showing off some of its features in the show. This video contains spoilers. You have been warned!

- ZW55 Xenorex Scissors XA

 We'd already heard about the ZW54 Xeno Evolution Arms "Scissor Unit", which is now available on the TakaraTomy Mall, and is scheduled for a February 20th release for 1,000 yen. Now, they've announced a second version: The ZW55 Xenorex Scissors XA, which features the unit in swapped colors, installed onto a white Xenorex. This kit is scheduled for release on February 20th, for 3,500 yen.

- New Products Video

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-02-07 05:09:23

- ZW58 Xenorex Buster XA

 Zoids Infinity Coliseum gave us a sneak peak at the color alternate for the upcoming Xeno Evolution Arms "Buster Unit". The Xenorex "Buster XA" will be printed in black, with a slightly off-black tone used for the Xeno Evolution Arms.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2021-02-07 05:09:10

- ZW53 Ignition Booster!

 A new video has been posted to show off the ZW53 Ignition Booster. In this video they try it out on different Zoids, and really show off how good it can look with different setups. Especially with all those motorized parts.

- Video

Model Kits Official Videos Zoids Wild2021-02-07 05:08:51

- Zoids Wild 2+ Teaser Images!

 The new manga by Moritya is in full swing, printed each month in CoroCoro Comic. Some teaser pages of the February Issue have been posted over on twitter. The Zoids look amazing.

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 2+2021-02-07 05:07:22

- Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter!

 It wouldn't be an update without some BCH~ Liger The Arthur "Dragon Slayer" and Geno Breaker Phantom appeared as boss encounters starting on January 28th. Dragon Slayer is noted to be an evolved Arthur! Zero Grizis Berserk also appeared at that time. Images have been posted for the Fang Liger Extreme Release Form and Zero Grizis. Blade Liger General AB, Genospino Mare, and Stegosage Trance are also available in the game. The general AB looks amazing.

- Zoids Infinity Coliseum!

 A few new episodes of Zoids Infinity Coliseum have been posted, but rather than post a whole bunch of videos, we'll be going with links. Episode 17, Episode 18, Episode 19, Episode 20.

- Burning Liger Vs. Xenorex Super Showdown Campaign!

 TakaraTomy has announced a rather large campaign, with four entirely unique items up for grabs! From December 26th ~ February 28th, participants who purchase selected products (ZW45 Burning Liger, ZW47 Burning Liger CDW Impact Gatling Set, and ZW52 Xenorex) can remove the barcodes from the box and mail them in to the campaign address to participate in a special raffle that'll award 600 lucky winners with unique prizes.

 The campaign includes brand new Burning Liger Legend Blue (100 available), Xenorex Death Red (100 available), Z-Cap Republic Clear Purple Version (200 sets available), and Z-Cap Empire White Version (200 sets available). Winners are drawn at random, and the Burning Liger and Xenorex kits are sold separately. The prizes are armor parts. This campaign is limited to residents of Japan.

Model Kits Official Z Cap Campaigns Zoids Wild2020-12-26 16:54:10

- ZW51 Zoids Random Kit Vol. 1!

 The identity of ZW51 has been debated for a while, and it seemed odd to see releases up to ZW53 before ever catching wind of it. Now we know why. As it turns out, ZW51 is a blind kit box featuring one of 6 random kits! That's a lot of Zoids to squish into one number. The kit is scheduled to release on January 30th for 1,000 yen. Buyers will get one of the 6 following Zoids at random. Kuwaga SS (Sky Stealth), Gosock HA (Heavy Armed), Spideath NA (Ninja Attacker), Kuwaga FB (Fire Bomber), Gusock IC (Ice Commander), or Spideath Zi (Zi Model), which seems to be a shout out to the original Zenebas color scheme!

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-12-26 16:53:57