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Zoids Wild Zero News!  [Official]

- New Opening Theme!

 Zoids Wild Zero has been announced to be getting a brand new opening theme, which can be heard on various streaming services starting April 1st. The new opening is Player, by MAGIC OF LiFE. You can hear examples of their music on their Youtube channel. It's really wonderful! This also confirms that the series will go for quite a while longer. Surely Blu-Ray announcements cannot be far off?

- Anime Site Update!

 The official website for Zoids Wild Zero has had a huge update! It now includes a wide variety of character and Zoid profiles, instead of just those from the first couple of episodes. This includes character stock art and Zoid images of both the basic and Blast forms.

- Concept Art!

 We have lots and lots of concept art posted by the anime twitter account! the Empire's small communication device, Sally's Pendant (which contains a tiny Zoid Core, it looks like!), Raptoria's Cockpit, Imperial Empress Fiona's everyday clothes, Aysel's expressions, Col. Diaz's Parents, Col. Shelley, Republican President Crestwood, and most beautiful of all, the Republican Immigration Ship!

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2020-02-12 04:44:03

Zoids Wild Teaser Images!  [Official]

 Multiple teaser pages have been posted from the recent Zoids Wild 2 chapters, including ones that show off modified Zoids and the Rising Liger!

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild 22020-02-12 04:43:12

Zoids Wild BCH Images!  [Official]

 We have some new card & art images from Zoids Battle Card Hunter! Rising Liger and Genospino Rampage Form. Rising Liger comes from CoroCoro, but there's also codes on the back that can be used to get the Genospino card. Then we have the basic Genospino, Bazootle Lagoon, and the secret rare card for the Genospino.

Zoids Wild EX-ZERO!  [Official]

 Zoids Wild EX-ZERO, the side-story produced for Hobby Japan Magazine, continued with its second chapter in the March 2020 issue! HJM also held their own panel at Wonder Festival, where they went over important information for the series. This included the fact that EX-ZERO will be a bi-monthly series, published every 2 months. It takes place before Zoids Wild Zero, which is an interesting time in the series' history.

 The booth also featured a Gilraptor Cutter Spec. that isn't featured in the actual story, though we've yet to see pictures of this Zoid surface online! Similarly, they displayed anime-style character artwork that we hope to see soon. Chapter 2 features a Stylaser, and a keen customization continuation from Chapter 1. The Armd Liger not only keeps its captured weapons from Chapter 1, but is more battle worn from the fight!

HJM Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild EX ZERO2020-02-12 04:40:58

Mono Magazine Zoids Wild Feature!  [Official]

Mono Magazine in Japan published an article on Zoids Wild in their February 2020 issue. This features an image of the Rising Liger based off of a very old Saber Tiger image of the same theme, which you can see in the comment section!

mono Official Zoids Wild2020-02-12 04:38:03

2020 World Hobby Fair (Winter)!  [Official]

 The World Hobby Fair just happened in Japan, so we're going to go over some of the event details! This year's theme is customizing, and as such, the 30 finalists from the My Zoids Contest were lined up at the venue to be voted on. The event also had a customizing booth for visitors to display their Zoids in and add assorted equipment, as well as various other entertainment, such as music and BCH events.

 The customization contest gave the opportunity to win a number of prizes, including the Awakened Wild Liger, Kabtor Rare White, Kuwaga Rare White, Gilraptor Rare Bone, and Fang Tiger White Tiger Form.

- Weapons from WHF!

 The event had a number of weapons you could obtain through various methods, with a total of 9 separate parts. You can expect to see more of these weapons in the future, so don't worry if you aren't able to obtain them!

Remodeling Booth: You could bring your Zoids to the remodeling booth and customize them with various items! The event may have gone by a ticket number system if it turned out to be crowded. From this base, you could obtain the: Horn Blade, Arc Knife, Grinder Cutter, Attachment Frame, Auto Saw, and Panzer Faust.

Voting For The Contest: By voting for the contest, attendees could get the Wing Cutter (one per person.)

Purchase Bonus: By purchasing Zoids Wild Series products at the sales corner inside the Zoids booth, you could obtain the Square Shield and the Mega Lance.

- Beast Liger Optical Camouflage Spec.!

 The Beast Liger Optical Camouflage Spec, a former CoroCoro 100 limited was on sale at the venue for 3,850 yen. Zoids Official posted some photos of this kit, an all clear Beast Liger.

- Wild Variation Diorama & Art!

 The bottom of the event page also posted some of the artwork from the instruction manuals, which show alternate versions of the Zoids! It's awesome to see clean digital images of these variations, some of which we've seen on twitter. The twitter posts were accompanied by custom model kits of the variations, a few of which appeared in a display at the WHF event.

 The customs displayed at the event were part of a huge diorama, which showed off stock kits, variation customs, and repainted kits. It was an impressive display! Also on display were the Armd Liger and friends from the new Zoids Wild EX-ZERO story that was published in Hobby Japan Magazine. The Armd Liger was customized into the Heavy Armor Custom, which had Cannon Pull's cannons and shoulder armor equipped. This lines up with what happened at the end of the first story.

Events Official Zoids Wild2020-02-12 04:34:45

ZW Model Kit Section Update!  [Site]

 The Zoids Wild model kit section has been brought up to date, to include basic product details on all currently announced (standard-release) Wild kits. This includes build videos, weapon names, etc. We've got a lot of Wild kit news to cover in the official franchise announcements below!

Model Kits Site Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:09:51

Zoids Wild Crowdfunding Campaign!  [Official]

 Zoids has seen the start of its first crowdfunding campaign! Measuring at a massive 50 x 44 cm, ZOIDSWILD The ART of BATTLEFIELDS is a book that showcases tons of the beautiful Zoids works seen in CoroCoro Comic and other outlets. It's wonderful to see these beautiful photos without all of the text that clutters them in the accompanying magazine.

 In addition, if the project is funded, everyone who pledged the required 11,000 yen (roughly $110) will receive the Fang Tiger "White Tiger Form" armor parts set, a set that was currently one of CoroCoro's 100 limiteds. They will also receive a special poster of the cast from the Chaotic Century manga. The poster is printed in the same size as the book, so there will be no creases in it.

 The cover of the book features a 1/1 scale Wild Liger cap, which is fitting for the recent series. The book also has a double fold to see the panorama style diorama images.

 So, what do we need to know? First off, the crowdfounding is available to residents of Japan only. If you try to support from another country, your pledge will be cancelled. However, services like From Japan, Celga, and White Rabbit Express will be able to help you relay your support. The project is currently 15% funded with 27 days to go, ending on January 31st.

  End Date: January 31st
  Crowdfunding Rewards: * Pledge costs 11,000 Yen
   x1 "ZOIDSWILD The ART of BATTLEFIELDS" book (50 x 44 cm)
   x1 Fang Tiger "White Tiger Form" armor parts set
   x1 Large Poster by Michiro Ueyama
  Proposed Schedule: (In the event of successful funding
   Project Starts December 27th, 2019
   Project ends January 31st, 2020
   Book Delivery planned for mid April 2020
   Armor parts delivery planned for late May 2020
* Crowdfunding schedules are subject to change
* Price includes shipping and taxes

 The Zoids Crowfunding Twitter account has posted a lot of the interior art, at a nice, clear resolution. Definitely take a look, and expect even more beautiful pieces in the actual book, should it get funded~

Wild Liger, Fang Tiger White Tiger Form, Wild Liger, Death Rex, Gatling Fox, Kid Lineup, CoroCoro Weapons, Hangar Lineup, Empire Zoids, Beast Liger, Liger Poster, Battle Wars, Book size comparisons.

- Crowdfunding Video

Books Events Official Site Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:09:08

Zoids Wild Official Fan Book Vol.1!  [Official]

 The crowdfunding isn't the only momentus occasion! Zoids Wild released its first Fan Book on December 27th! You can purchase it here for 990 yen. So, what all is in it? The book contains profiles featuring images from earlier issues of CoroCoro, along with small fact files. Many of those profiles contain a tiny thumbnail of concept art for the Zoid as well. There are a couple custom examples.

 Aside from that, the book also contains a new chapter of Zoids Wild 2, featuring how Kai (as a child) first encountered the Beast Liger! It contains a second manga chapter, this time from Ueyama, telling the story of how Irvine met Tornado.

 The book also comes with a carrying case made out of thin plastic, which is large enough to fit a medium scale Zoid. This should be perfect for people who like to travel with a kit! A limited card of the Rising Liger is also included.

- Example Video

ZW35 Drei Panther!  [Official]

 We have a ton of Wild and HMM kit news to sort through, so let's start with the Drei Panther! This cat was released on December 26th, for a price of 4,000 yen. It gets its name (Drei - German for Three) from the three blades hidden inside of its Shadow Shields. The whole unit is designed to emphasize stealth, silently sniping enemies with the guns on its back. As a side note, the Drei Panther is the smartest of all currently released feline Zoids in Zoids Wild, by far.

 TakaraTomy posted a couple of videos of its Machine Blast on twitter, and you can view its images and box art on the TakaraTomy Mall. It has a build video up on youtube already. You can also check out this tweet to see its beautiful smile~

Technical Information:
  Wild Blast: Drei Slasher, Length: 8.1 m, Height: 4.2 m, Weight: 49.8 t, Max Speed: 206 km/h, IQ: 145

  3-Barreled Silent Gun
  A-Z Drei Blade
  Air Intake
  Horizontal Armour
  Night Vision Scope
  Shadow Claw
  Shadow Shield
  Stabilizer Armour
  Z-O Visor

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:08:16

ZW36 Rising Liger!  [Official]

 The ZW36 Rising Liger was also announced! This kit is scheduled to be released on January 25th for 4000 Yen, and has been one of the more heavily debated kits thus far. Originally leaked with an unpainted photo, the kits colors left a lot to be desired. However, as it turns out, the Rising Liger will be released in a beautiful painted gold (for all gold parts except the Evo Blast unit). The recent product photos make the kit look worlds better, and not only was it featured as the cover to the Zoids Wild Fan Book, but many theorize that it will (quite likely) have a major role in the anime soon.

 This kit is focused on a revolver scheme, with a spinning chamber and a gunblade on the front. It has a lot of heavy armor, and a new paw design. It is known to puff up its Rising Frill (Mane) and intimidate enemies with the Roar Cannon (unlisted). You can see a build review video with customization examples on TakaraTomy's channel, and a shorter build review video on CoroCoro Next. Here are some other posts on this Liger! Evo Blast Video, Photos, Close Up, Another Photo, and the Dengeki Hobby Article (with additional product photos).

Technical Information:
  Wild Blast: Rising Gun Slasher / Rising Buster Blade, Length: 8.7 m, Height: 4.8 m, Weight: 53.5 t, Max Speed: 225 km/h, IQ: 107

  A-Z Autocannon
  A-Z Mane Blade
  Heavy Tail
  High Efficiency Radiation Fin
  Impact Revolver
  Rising Armour
  Rising Claw
  Rising Frill

- Rising Liger Commercial

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:07:56

Death Rex Purple Dragon Form Rerelease!  [Official]

 TakaraTomy has announced that the Death Rex Purple Dragon Form will see a wider rerelease! This kit is already up for sale through Pal-Shop, Shogakukan's web order shop, for 8,250 yen (tax included). This set comes with both the purple dragon armor and the base Death Rex. There are a limited quantity available and orders will begin shipping out in late January, in the order that they were received. You can use proxy services like From Japan, Celga, etc. to order this kit!

Beast Liger Optical Camou. Spec.!  [Official]

 The Beast Liger "Optical Camouflage Spec.", which was originally announced as a CoroCoro 100 Ltd., has already been announced for a rerelease at the next World Hobby Fair! This event will take place on January 25th, and the Liger will be on sale at the event for 3,850 yen.

Events Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:07:14

Beast Liger Zero!  [Official]

 Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter has released its new armor parts set, the Beast Liger Zero! This set features all new gold pieces to replace most of the red on the Beast Liger, along with transparent white armor. Paying homage to the Liger Zero, it's a kit worth picking up! A video showing off this kit was posted on CoroCoro Channel.

Genospino Limited Rampage Form!  [Official]

 A CoroCoro 100 Limited Genospino was announced some time ago, for the CoroCoro 500th issue! This parts set features bright red armor on the original dull red Genospino base. It is limited to 100 lucky winners. You can view photos of it here and here. CoroCoro posted a regular Genospino image recently as well, but it doesn't warrant its own news post.

- Example Video

Genospino Silver Dragon Form!  [Official]

 The second CoroCoro 100 Genospino in a row, the Silver Dragon Form bares a striking resemblance to Zenebas Zoids of the OJR. It has beautiful silver armor over a dull red frame, which can be seen in CoroCoro's Article on it. Like always, this kit is limited to 100 lucky winners.

- Example Video

2nd Great Treasure Excavation Event!  [Official]

 We first saw this event in Zoids Wild: Battle Card Hunter, with the release of the limited (150) Wild Liger Crystal and (1000) Assault Boost Unit Clear Ver. Well, it looks like we're about to have a second competition! This time, we're mainly looking at the Fang Tiger Amber (150 released), which shows the Fang Tiger in a solid gold color. It... looks surprisingly nice! The runner up prize is the Buster Radar Unit Black Clear Ver. (1000 released) The more common prize will be a Buster Radar Unit Black Clear Ver. You can view a twitter post on these two kits here.

Unknown Zoid Teased in CoroCoro!?  [Official]

 The February issue of CoroCoro will come with a "Real Size Zoids Calender 2020", a special calender featuring Zoids in 1/1 scale around Shibuya in Japan. While this is cool, CoroCoro has also pointed out an unknown Zoid that will be featured in the calender. It's a little difficult to tell what type it's even supposed to be, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't match any of the leaked Zoid designs that we've seen so far.

CoroCoro Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:03:04

Zoids Wild Custom Examples!  [Official]

 Aside from your typical custom examples, the folks at the Zoids Official twitter have started making customizing examples based on the variations in the Wild Zero instruction manuals. They are strikingly similar to the actual thing, and some of them are even made with the most basic of items!

 First up is the Gatling Fox Special Forces Spec., the Drei Panther Fighter Prototype, the Fire Genospino (with a second post), the Raptoria Ground Reconnaissance Spec. (with a second post), the black Triceradogos, and the Imperial Scorpear. All of these Zoids can be recreated using Zoids Wild kits and weapons sets. The following two ligers require additional items not sold in this franchise to create: The Beast Liger Amphibious Spec. and the Beast Liger variant that appeared in the first episode of Wild Zero.

 There was also a Beast Liger customization video, and a customs example video for the ongoing Zoids Wild custom contest.

Model Kits Official Wild Customs Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:03:03

New Wild Purchase Campaign!  [Official]

 A new Zoids Wild purchase campaign is underway. Starting back on November 16th, people who purchase 3,000 yen or more worth of items from participating stores will receive one of two weapons, the Combat Rifle (claw one) or the Long Assault Cannon. as well as one save card for the Battle Card Hunter arcade machines. For overseas buyers there's no guarantee, but amiami sometimes provide theses campaign bonuses.

Model Kits Official Z Cap Campaigns Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:03:02