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Crystal Machine Beast Reviews!  [Site]

    A few bootleg Zoids have also been added to Action Figures. These are the Zoids Machine Beast 'Crystal Version' figures, apparently from China (thanks to Falcarius for the name translation!) We hope to add more of these in the future but right now they're split into two sections, boosters and boxes.

STK and Dragon Momoko Bladey Reviews!  [Site]

    Oh no, the Blade Ligers are multiplying! We've added a ton of reviews for Blade Liger related items, starting with these bootlegs from STK and Dragon Momoko. Some of them include custom box art (simply recolored from the standard) and even custom colored instructions. Those that don't have had the box scans and instructions simply left out, since they're the same as the official blue D-Style Blade Liger.

Bootleg D Model Kits Reviews2014-02-21 06:00:00

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