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Browsing Zoids Wild

ZW Gatling Fox Metallic Blue Ver.!   [Official]

    A recent article from CoroCoro introduced the Gatling Fox "Metallic Blue Ver.", which will be the next silver-peel present in the October issue of CoroCoro (released September 14th). This not only introduces a new variant, but is our first look at the Gatling Fox's entire design. The Metallic Blue Ver. seems to include metallic blue armor, bright yellow parts, and a transparent black body.

Sniptera!   [Official]

    Sniptera has been posted the TakaraTomy Mall! This includes the box art, which interestingly seems to feature the red Sniptera as a commander machine, followed by some ghostly blue color variations. It also shows off the Machine Blast, in which the mouth opens up to reveal a new sniper rifle and the crest flips forward to serve as a laser sight.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2019-08-17 10:00:00

ZW Sniptera Killing Red Ver.!   [Official]

    There's been some more coverage on the Sniptera. With the CoroCoro limited (the Killing Red Version) coming out soon, CoroCoro has also posted a video introducing the Zoid. This shows off some of its motorized action, though not a lot of detail is given about the Zoid just yet.

ZW Raptoria!   [Official]

    Raptoria is scheduled to be released on August 24th for 1,500 yen, so we've got some new information on the Zoid! First, you can view it in the TakaraTomy Mall where you can see stock images and box art. They also posted a tweet with a comparison shot. The official product page contains a bit more information and a build video was posted by CoroCoro (seen below).

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2019-08-17 08:00:00

ZW Bazootle!   [Official]

    Bazootle is scheduled to be released on August 24th for 3,000 yen. You can view it on the TakaraTomy Mall where you'll also find box art and product photos! The TT Website includes a bit more information, and it seems CoroCoro posted a build review showing off the Zoid and its Machine Blast details.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2019-08-17 07:00:00

Battle Card Hunter News!   [Official]

    The third bulletin of Battle Card Hunter was launched a while ago, and you can view most of the cards on the official website. This even lists the limited time cards. The limited armor kit for the third bulletin is the Fang Tiger Saber! Now that the second bulletin is over, the secret card art for Death Rex has been posted. An article by Dengeki Hobby discusses some of these cards.

- New Limited Game Cards

    Starting from August 8th, the Wild Rare card Fang Tiger "White Tiger Form" will be available! This card is based on the CoroCoro limited armor.

    The Command Liger (featured from Zoids Wild Battle Wars) will also be available from August 15th through September 11th. This is an interesting choice, since Battle Wars itself never quite took off. It includes all the basic cards: Normal, Rare, Super Rare, and Wild Rare.

- CoroCoro Limited Card!

    The CoroCoro September 2019 issue comes with a limited edition card, which features the Beast Liger. It contains a scannable code on the back of the card, which if scanned into a Battle Card Hunter machine, will award the exclusive card "Meeting a Partner"!

- McDonalds Campaign!

    On August 31st and September 1st, visitors of McDonalds in Japan can obtain a Beast Liger M by purchasing a Happy Set All-Star with Water. By using the limited battle code on the back of the card, you can also get the Death Rex M, and a mysterious subtype of Zoid called the "Blue Knight"! An article from Dengeki Hobby details the Death Rex card.

Zoids Wild Second Generation!  [Official]

    Exciting news! A few months ago we saw some leaks for Zoids Wild kits, including Zoids like the Cannon Bull and Beast Liger. TakaraTomy has announced these kits officially, boasting them as the second generation of Zoids Wild during the Tokyo Toy Show 2019! This implies a large continuation of the series, and with the reveal of a new Gilraptor, we have confirmation of kits up to ZW34. Articles on Dengeki Hobby Online and Figsoku take a more in depth look at the event. A preview of the diorama setup for the next commercial was also posted on Twitter.

- Beast Liger & Cannon Bull

    With the announcement of these two Zoids, TT has published their images and box art. They both have a retail price of 3,500 yen with a release date of July 28th. Beast Liger features a two-part Wild Blast, first functioning as a standard Wild Liger, and later with the claws extending. This is an awesome addition to the earlier gimmick. It's noted to have an "Evo Blast" instead of a Wild Blast, which has some interesting implications for the series story. There's a video of the walk cycle and Wild Blast on Twitter. Rakuten is running a special sale where you'll receive weapon remodeling parts for pre-ordering Beast Liger.

    Cannon Bull is a clear callback to the earlier Dibison, even having a different type than its actual name, and featurs many similarities in design. Except, it's actually called a bull now. Nice! The Wild Blast features gun firing motions for the barrels on its back, and a plate of metal covers the pilot to act as a bullet shield. TT Toys has a video of the walk cycle and Wild Blast.

- Gilraptor Rare Bone

    This unique version of the Gilraptor was previewed at the Tokyo Toy Show. While the color scheme itself is interesting, it's also listed as ZW34. This means there are 3 other kits (31 ~ 33) that we have no idea the species of yet! This particular unit will be available for pre-sale at the Dino Expo in July, and receive a wider public release at an undetermined future date.

- Zoids Wild Weapons & Customization

    One of the most requested things of Zoids Wild was the ability to customize our Zoids, and it seems TakaraTomy has listened! Aside from the ZW30 weapons set we've seen leaks of, a large number of weapons were previewed at the Tokyo Toy Show. Not only do these weapons attach to the numerous pegs on Wild kits, but they're also designed with pegs on the weapons themselves. This means you can combine the weapons in a variety of ways, creating your own unique combinations. These weapons are designed to fit the common pegs and socks of Wild Kits.

    Aside from these additional weapons, TT has previewed many part combinations between the Beast Liger and Wild Liger, implying more interchangeable parts in the second series. It is unclear at this time how many Zoids this applies to.

- CoroCoro Zoids

- Wild Liger "Dual Thunder Gun Armed Ver."

    CoroCoro has announced a Beast Liger variant as part of its upcoming silver peel campaign. This particular Beast Liger comes with two gold chromed Thunder Guns. This will likely include a default Beast Liger to go along with them, but it's interesting as it's the first Zoids Wild limited from CoroCoro to feature unique weapons. The next closest was the Wild Liger Extreme Release Form, which included a set of transparent Twin Fangs.

- Hunter Wolf Flame Wolf Form

    TT Toys posted a video of the Flame Wolf's walk cycle, while Zoids Official posted a couple of pictures of the model kit.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2019-06-25 11:00:00

Next Generation World Hobby Fair!  [Official]

    The Next Generation World Hobby Fair is upon is, only one day after the Zoids Wild anime is scheduled to end! Like earlier WHFs, there will be a featured Zoid Building event. This time, for a brand new Kuwaga Rare White. During this build event you can use a variety of new weapons to arm your Zoid! There'll also be pre-sales of the Beast Liger at this event, giving visitors a chance to grab this Zoid early.

Events Official Zoids Wild2019-06-25 10:00:00

King of Blast News!  [Official]

    The summer DLC has been released, introducing 6 new Zoids into the game! Each Zoid has 2 'variations' with 2 colors each. These variations are color swaps with stat modifications. An official preview is posted below. This DLC is free, and available as a game update. A trailer can be viewed on the Zoids Official twitter.

- King of Blast DLC PV

- DLC Final Info Video

- King of Blast Tournament

    A tournament was recently held featuring the King of Blast DLC! The whole thing was live streamed, and winners could win an assortment of prizes. Most notable is a Death Rex Purple Dragon Form, which was available to the 1st place winner. The follow up won a Wild Liger Guren Ver. (WHF edition) and 3rd place won a Gilraptor Commander Machine.

ZW Battle Card Hunter Update!  [Official]

    Zoids Wild BCH has posted the art for the second bulletin's secret rare, Fang Tiger. An Awakened Wild Liger is getting a limited card of its own. In addition, a second set of Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter "Hunting Chewing Gum" is being released. This will feature a limited edition Death Rex card, and presumeably the commons of the Second Bulletin in the same anime-specific style as the first Hunter Chewing Gum box.

Zoids Wild Concept Art!  [Official]

    We have a large amount of concept art to go through! So let's get started~ For character concept art, they've posted the following: Avocado, Bacon, Caviar, Drake, Drake's Parents, Gallagher, Hermit Mushi, Ikadzuchi, Salt, and Sanratan. They've also posted a couple of location concepts, including Death Rocky and the Death Metal Throne.

Zoids Wild Manga Vol. 3!  [Official]

    Volume 3 of the Zoids Wild manga has been announced! The cover was posted on Twitter, with a release date of July 3rd for 490 Yen. Also be sure to check out the artist of this great manga, Moritya Dayo! They recently made a twitter account, posting tons of art, including some that was only seen in CoroCoro and even brand new art!

Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Manga2019-06-25 06:00:00

Zoids Graffart Collaboration!  [Official]

    TT has announced a collaboration with Graffart Shop to feature some Zoids merchandise! This will include a few different types of items, mostly in the generic merch categories (keychains and the like). It features some cute art of the Zoids and their characters. Check here for a better look at the items, and here for more.

Assorted Official Zoids Wild2019-06-25 03:00:00

Zoids Puzzle Rubber Game Figures!  [Official]

    A set of Puzzle Rubber Game figures has been announced! These are small rubber figures split into multiple parts (namely body, head, legs, and tail). You can then mix and match the parts, putting rex limbs on a Liger, or a raptor tail on Fang Tiger. The set includes 5 Zoids: Death Rex, Dimepulsar, Fang Tiger, Gilraptor, and Wild Liger. A box set can be ordered on sites like amiami for around 3,480 yen.

Assorted Official Zoids Wild2019-06-25 02:00:00

Fang Tiger White Tiger Form!  [Official]

    Details on the Fang Tiger "White Tiger Form" have been released. It appears this Zoid is obtained by sending in a postcard (if you're a Japanese resident) with your zip code, full name, age/school year, and phone number. 100 lucky winners will receive the armor part set featuring the white Fang Tiger armor (armor only.)

Hunter Wolf Command!  [Official]

    Battle Card Hunter has announced its second model kit campaign, this time featuring the Hunter Wolf Command! Designed after the beloved Command Wolf, this new armor parts set (armor only) can be used on any stock Hunter Wolf kit. A short pitch for this armor was shown in a recent CoroCoro video, and shows off the limited edition card. Participants in the campaign can obtain the card through Battle Card Hunter arcade machines, then tear off the right side of the card and redeem it at participating stores for the armor.

Feature by CoroCoro

Hunter Wolf Flame Wolf!  [Official]

    CoroCoro has announced its new 100 piece limited, following the White Tiger Form! It's the Hunter Wolf "Flame Wolf" version, which features red armor for the wolf-type Zoid. It'll probably be obtained in a manner similar to the others. We'll have more details soon. A video reviewing this issue of CoroCoro was recently posted showing off a tailless build of the Zoid, with extra detailing.

Feature by CoroCoro

Zoids Wild Chess Pieces!  [Official]

    TakaraTomy recently posted a tweet showing off the chess piece prototypes. These are special chess pieces scheduled to be released in late June. Pre-orders are already available, for a box including 10 pieces. Buying the box set will net you all 10 types. Each Zoid comes in gold and silver.

Assorted Official Zoids Wild2019-04-29 06:00:00

Upcoming Wild Kit Updates!  [Official]

    Also on display at the Hobby Show were the upcoming Zoids Wild Kits: The Dilofos and the Pachycedos. A tweet by Zoids Official shows off the Pachycedos as well as an example custom. The Pachy is looking great. TakaraTomyToys posted a picture of the Dilofos as well.

Model Kits Official Zoids Wild2019-04-29 04:00:00

Zoids Wild Concept Art!  [Official]

    Concept art has been posted for Drake and Onigiri, showing off their earlier concept drafts. The Anime twitter also posted concept art for Drake's parents (the version seen in the anime, of course.)