- ZW0 Zoid: Stylaser

Pilot(s): Douglas Aldridge, Knox
Primary Army: Imperial Army
Blast Type: Machine Blast

 The Stylaser uses a deadly combat style, combining heavy armor and electrical output devices to stun enemy Zoids before they have a chance to truly challenge that armor. It's primarily featured as Knox's Zoid of choice.

- Featured In Episodes

4  10 


Invasion of the Archeological Compound, Episode 4, Douglas Aldridge's Stylaser

A set of three Imperial Gabrigators, led by Douglas Aldridge and his Stylaser, invaded an archeological compound that had been claimed and sectioned off by the Republic. He not only defeated Clive Dias and his Triceradogos Kai, but nearly defeated the Beast Liger, and would have, had it not been for traps set by Jo Aysel and her team's Raptoria.

Capture of the Gatling Fox, Episode 10, Knox's Stylaser

A Stylaser piloted by Knox, accompanied by two Bazootle and several Raptors, attempted to capture Byrne Blood and his Gatling Fox. However, while they succeeded in capturing the Zoid once, it escaped before it could be fully separated from Raps Island, where the battle had taken place. After escaping back onto the island, the group encountered Leo Conrad and his Beast Liger, along with the rest of Leo's crew. They held the Stylaser off, and ultimately escaped by taking advantage of the Gatling Fox's flash grenades.

Equipment Information

- Ground-to-Ground Guidance Missile

 Two missiles attached to the Stylaser's rear legs.

- A-Z 2-Barrelled Anti-Aircraft Gun

 The two top barrels on the Stylaser's frill are the Anti-Aircraft guns. They normally tilt slightly back, following the shape of the frill, but can rotate forward to fire at the target.

- A-Z Short Laser Gun

 The Stylaser's frill is surrounded with laser guns. There are two on each side, for four in total. While these normally fill the foundation of the frill, upon activation, they can rotate forward to more directly face an opponent and fire red laser beams.

- A-Z Gun Sword

 The Gun Sword is exactly what its name implies, a sharp blade attached to a gun. In the show, it is frequently also used to counter the moves of opponent Zoids, just as real world creatures use their horns to drive their enemies back.

- Electo Frill, Spike Electrode, Stun Horn

 A cluster of equipment weapons focused around electrical combat is built into the Stylaser's frill. The silver prong Spike Electrodes concentrate electricity stored in the Zoid's body around the Electo Frill, and ultimately into the Stun Horn at the center. When the Stylaser slams into an enemy Zoid they're hit with both the physical impact as well as a horrifying electrical shock that damages or immobilizes the target Zoid. This is often used as a defensive measure, activated just in time to catch a lunging opponent in a web of sparks.

- Smoke Dischargers

 The Stylaser piloted by Douglas Aldridge in Episode 4 escapes from a losing battle by activating smoke dischargers. Although this equipment is standard to the Gabrigators that accompanied it, it is not standard to Stylasers.

 * Equipment lists only contain equipment that features prominently in the show. Unused equipment is left off.

- Evo Blast State

- Website Profile

Rider: Knox
Name: Stylaser
Affiliation: None

  Stylaser is a large-scale Styracosaurus Zoid used for short-range electric shock and medium-range bombardment.

 It has a large-capacity storage system inside the body, and can constantly discharge a high voltage from the Spark Electrodes. By using the A-Z Short Laser Gun attached to its nose and the Electofrill, it can fire lasers in all directions at medium range, creating a defensive net that can clear the distance to make contact with enemy Zoids.

 For its Machine Blast, the electricity accumulated in the body is concentrated on the Spark Electrodes, and the Electric Frill is pushed forward instantly, striking the enemy to deliver an electrical shock at the same time as a physical impact. The Plasma Wall stops the function of the enemy Zoid.

- Gallery