- Orders to Capture the Fox

 In the beginning of the episode we find ourselves back with Byrne and his Gatling Fox. After helping to clear the Jaminga out of a town, he meets up with Ed Mais, a professional Zoid excavator currently in charge of and working on Raps Island. Hes been excavating the location for years, convinced that something still remains there, even after the two armies have given up on it. He asks for Byrne's help to clear the Jaminga off of the island, but once they get there, Ed flees, leaving Byrne to deal with the Imperial Army alone.

 Luckily for him, Leo and the group are in the town looking for work. They notice explosions at the island and rush to see what the trouble is, finding the Gatling Fox trapped by the army.

- Characters

Featured Characters:
Buzz Cunningham
Byrne Blood
Jo Aysel
Leo Conrad
Sally Land
Ed Mais

Featured Zoids:
Beast Liger
Gatling Fox
Gabrigator (Imperial Army Spec.)
Cannon Bull (Skeleton photo)
Raptor (Skeleton photo)
Triceradogos (Skeleton photo)

- Notable Facts

  • Raps Island is said to be a location where many Raptors were excavated from. Around the time that they had settled on the planet, the Empire and Republic fought for the island, as many of the small Zoids used by the first generation were excavated from that location. Ultimately, however, they felt that they had excavated all that they could from the island, and both parties abandoned it. Resources for the project had been exhausted more than 10 years before the present day.

  • Ed had struck a deal with the Imperial Army to trap Byrne in exchange for them funding his dig, as the funding for his project was running out. They agreed to only destroy the bridge, however, they ended up attacking the island itself, and when Ed protested, they blatantly disregarded his concerns. He was devastated to see his island so severely damaged.

  • While the fox was temporarily captured, they stated that they'd strengthen the visor to make the fox function, as it was still a valuable asset. It seems the army was unaware of the fact that this very attempt at control would ultimately kill the fox, as explained in Episode 5, which is what led Byrne to abandon the Empire in the first place.

  • In the end of the episode it is revealed that there was indeed another fossil on the island.

  • - Zoid Profile: Gatling Fox

    Fox-Type Zoid
     It excels at intelligence gathering and optical camouflage covert operations by using the Optical Stealth Armor and Invisible Bones, earning it the name of the "Silver Phantom."

      Speed: 9    Attack: 7    IQ: 10    Stamina: 7    Defense: 8    Wild Blast: 7

    - Screen Glyphs

    - Screenshots