- ZW0 Zoid: Gannontoise (Republic Spec.)

Pilot(s): ---
Primary Army: Republican Army
Blast Type: Wild Blast

 Gannontoise is a heavy-armored Zoid that features prominently in the Republican Army. While additional guns can serve it well, it's one of the few wild Zoids that has a natural armament: An internal cannon that can deploy during its Wild Blast.

- Featured In Episodes

4  7  12 


Defense of the Excavation Site, Episode 4, Gannontoise AZ

Gannontoise were stationed at the Republican dig site overseen by Clive Dias and Jo Aysel. When the base was attacked by Aldridge and his unit, they tried to fend them off. This was no easy task, but with Leo and the Beast Liger's help, they were able to re-secure the site.

Defense of Mosaic City, Episode 12

When the Genospino launched its attack on Mosaic City, numerous Gannontoise were stationed to defend the city, both on the ground and inside the walls of Mosaic. They joined the front lines alongside Clive Dias and his Triceradogos Kai, but were taken out, in spite of every Gannontoise using its Wild Blast as its main weapon.

Equipment Information

Gannon Cannon

 The only long-ranged weapon of the Gannontoise is its Gannon Cannon, which is used during its Wild Blast. When in use, the Gannontoise retracts its head into its shell, and deploys various armor plates. The back lifts up and the Gannontoise extends the barrel.

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- Gannontoise AZ (Anti-Zoid Cannon)

Pilot(s): ---
Primary Army: Republican Army

 It's common to see Republican Gannontoise equipped with a couple of 2-Barrelled Anti-Zoid Cannons. These weapons provide additional firepower that isn't connected to its Wild Blast.

- Featured In Episodes

4  7  12 

Equipment Information

- 2-Barrelled Anti-Zoid Cannon

 Typically Gannontoise in the Republic are seen with one of these weapons attached to each side. Their standard weapons used widely in the Republic.

 * Equipment lists only contain equipment that features prominently in the show. Unused equipment is left off.

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