![]() ![]() The above concepts show off Dias's core character design. |
When Clive caught Giller chasing the Beast Liger across their borders, he was quick to clarify whose airspace he was tresspassing in. With the Red Reaper taking its leave, he invited Leo and his group to come take a look at their archeological site, where they met Jo Aysel. Later the Empire attempted to attack the archeological site, and though Dias fought a fierce battle against Aldridge and his Stylaser, he was unable to stop the invasion. Leo and the group stepped in to ensure that the site wasn't completely destroyed.
When Leo's Beast Liger was captured by the Empire's Zagato Base Aysel reached out to Dias to ask for help. He was already in the area on a training operation with his troops, so agreed to lend a hand. He loaned the group Imperial uniforms, allowing them to sneak into the base. Soon after, Aysel made her way to the base's Long Range Cannon, instructing Dias to get his men inside to take shelter. She then fired a shot at their training operation, in spite of Dias' amused frustration. Dias, realizing what she was up to, ordered a counter attack, but instructed his soldiers to fire at the base's gate, instead of the buildings. Thanks to him, the group was able to escape right through the front gate.
When the Empire lost track of the final fossil to the Genospino, Dias immediately reached out to issue orders to Jo Aysel to find the fossil and destroy it. They were unfortunately unable to do so, and the Empire gained control of the fossil again.
When the Genospino set out on its war path, the Republic decided to make a stand at the city fortress of Mosaic. Dias was in the very forefront of that attack, losing several of his Gannontoise comrades right off the bat and moving to antagonize the Genospino. After firing several shots he turned tail, kicked some dust, and charged away. The Genospino fell quickly for the bait and pursued his Triceradogos to the kill point, where waiting allies attempted to drop the walls of Mosaic on the pursuing Zoid. Unfortunately, this failed to do any real damage, and the battle quickly spun out of control. When Leo Conrad and his Beast Liger were being torn apart, and the Genospino was prepared to launch its final kill shot, the Triceradogos Kai rammed into its side, throwing it out of the way. The saw blades of the Genospino struck it instead cutting the Triceradogos Kai in half.
Much to Dias' surprise, in the middle of the night he received reports that the Sniptera "Red Reaper", piloted by Christopher Giller, was heading towards their base. He permitted it to land, and met with Giller, who said that he wanted to clear Collins' name regarding the Genospino incident. Siegal, who'd taken over the Genospino project, had blamed the attack on Mosaic City to be the responsibility of Collins, who he claimed had gone rogue. This simply was not true. Giller offered to allow himself to be taken prisoner so that Dias could make use of his Sniptera without it being considered treason.