- Liger Zero

Cockpit Design

- Technical Information

Pilots: Bit Cloud
Team: Team Blitz

 An incredibly rare Zoid, but so obscure that it's understood as junk. Liger Zero is one of two "Ultimate X" Zoids known to the serious. Unusual Zoids that are capable of learning on their own, independant of combat systems. This gives them the ability to act on their own, separate from the pilot. An ability that seems to have mostly been lost amongst battle registered Zoids.

 This particular liger was a little different. He lacked the chest guns that were originally known to Liger Zero, and these were instead chopped up from a Saber Tiger canon.

 In terms of its personal history the Liger Zero was sold by a con man to Dr. Toros. He insisted that white ligers were rare, and being an impulse buyer the good Dr. just had to have it. Parts were hard to come by so repairs weren't a likely option. Unfortunately it was also very temperamental, going berserk any time someone entered the cockpit. This was until it received some flattery from Bit Cloud and opted for him to become its new pilot.

- Featured Episodes

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23 

24  25  26 

- Equipment Overview

AZ 208mm Double-barreled Shock Cannon x1

 This weapon was actually chopped up from a Saber Tiger's 3 barrel gun. This applies to Bit Clouds Liger Zero only, which is, of course, the only Liger Zero featured in NC0.

Downforce Stabilizer x2

 These items are intended to create a down draft, pushing Liger firmly against the ground while it runs. This transfers 100% of the kicking power from the legs into the ground, creating better stability and acceleration.

Ion Booster

 A set of boosters installed to the back. The anime doesn't discuss these too much, but they give the Liger Zero a significant boost in speed.

Strike Laser Claw

 Liger Zero's primary attack. This technique covers the claws in a golden energy which dramatically improves the cutting capabilities of the weapon. This is what allows Liger Zero to slice and dice Zoids so effectively, and without this charge the claws would be substantially weaker.

- Changing Armor System (CAS)

 The most famous feature of the Liger Zero is the use of CAS (Changing Armor Systems), which swap out the exterior armor for a different armor that specializes in a specific type of combat. This method of installing allows a single Zoid to fulfill multiple combat functions, and allows Liger Zero to adapt to different combat situations. The three CAS units seen in the show are the Jager, Schneider, and Panzer.

- Naked Form

 Zero's naked form is usually only seen during the CAS sequence, or following the Burning Big Bang. This attack causes such massive overheating that the only way to quickly get ahead of the problem is to eject the entire armor unit, leaving Zero to stretch in all his naked glory.

- CAS Sequence

- History

Episode 1, The Fated Meeting

The Liger Zero first joined Team Blitz when an alleged con man convinced Steve Toros, who owned the team, to buy it. He was happy to do so since white Ligers were rare. Unfortunately, it was not only hard to find repair parts for, but was also insanely temperamental, said to go berserk any time someone entered the cockpit. So, the Liger ended up collecting dust in the team's hangar.

Episode 1, EVENT

Episode 1, EVENT

Episode 1, EVENT

Episode 1, EVENT

Episode 1, EVENT

- Notable Facts

  • Bit's Liger Zero originally lacked any long-ranged weaponry. The chest gun was sawed down and customized from a Saber Tiger's 3-barrelled chest gun.

  • - Liger Zero BC

    - Technical Information

    Pilots: Bit Cloud
    Team: Team Blitz

     An upgraded Liger Zero that was featured in Episode 2 (name is not official). It carried a Beam Cannon that was hacked together from a Hel Digunner, for the purpose of a battle limited to 6 shots. While this weapon gave the Liger more ranged equipment, the weight of the weapon was uncomfortable to Liger. So, once it had served its purpose and all 6 shots had been used, Liger was quick to jettison the weapon.

    - Featured Episodes


    - Equipment Overview

    Long Range Assault Beam Gun

     A Hel Digunner gun that was installed to the Liger Zero. Its accuracy was slightly off, and the weapon was uncomfortable for Liger, but it seems to have worked as Bit intended. It's possible that this gun came from the junk dealer that Bit is friends with, as he mentioned getting some Hel Digunner parts in earlier that day. Although that was a Desert Type, it wouldn't be the first time a chop shop changed the aesthetics of a part for the sake of resale.

    - Liger Zero Jager

    - Technical Information

    Pilots: Bit Cloud
    Team: Team Blitz

     The first used CAS unit of the Liger Zero, as well as the most frequently used. The Jager was designed for high-speed combat and emphasizes the already well-established close combat capabilities of the Liger Zero. It is also highly regarded as the easiest CAS to use, because it is so close to the handling of the original. Aside from speed, the unit also adds some vulcans that provide the base Liger Zero with more articulated ranged weaponry.

    - Featured Episodes

    5  6  7  9  10  11  13  15  17  18  20  21  23  25 

    - Equipment Overview

    Large Ion Booster

     Jager's Large Ion Booster gives the Zoid a massive increase in speed. Enough to keep up with even the lighter-weight Lightning Saix. When in use, the stabilizers extend from the sides of the boosters and the boosters themselves open up into a fan. Air streams off the sides and the engine intakes at the front of the boosters glow red hot. The set can be swiveled around to face sideways, allowing the Jager to carry out high-speed maneuvers to dodge around enemy attacks, even midair.

    Strike Laser Claw

     Jager is the only other CAS to use the Strike Laser Claw in the show. All of the light appears to come from the frame of the Liger Zero itself, rather than filtering through some of the armor parts like it does for the standard Liger Zero. Its high speed and agility highlight this standard attack from the base Zero.

    Vulcan Pod

     The Jager is equipped with a set of Vulcan Pods on the cheeks, which allows it to take on an active pursuit role. These are the small ridges on the cheek armor.

    - Liger Zero Schneider

    Cockpit Design

    - Technical Information

    Pilots: Bit Cloud
    Team: Team Blitz

     The Schneider was a close-range CAS designed to hack and slash its opponents. It's probably one of the better all-rounder types as it has both speed and power, as well as defense with the use of its E-Shield. However, it seems that the unit is particularly fussy, and susceptible to system freezes that'll cause it to shut down in the middle of a battle. It took Bit some time to work out how to work with this system.

    - Featured Episodes

    8  9  11  12  15  16  18  19  25  26 

    - Equipment Overview

    Buster Slash

     The Buster Slash is a move that involves deploying all five of the face blades forward and charging them with blue energy, then using the sharp pointed at the front to cut deep into an enemy. This move has been used to rip off weapons and to deliver a final blow to opponents, but is one of only many blade combination attacks that the Schneider can employ.

    E-Shield Generator x5

     Although the Schneider has an E-Shield, it was only used once: During its fight against Leon Toros' Blade Liger. It acts much the same as the Blade Liger's shield.

    High-Mobility Thrusters

     The Schneider's thrusters are actually supposed to be on its upper back, but the anime depicts the thrust coming from the backs of the mane. Like the E-Shield, it's used very infrequently.

    Laser Blade x2

     This weapon refers to the two laser blades on the Schneider's side. They aren't often used over the Rushing Blades, but seem to have a much greater reach than the blades on the head.

    Rushing Laser Blade x5

     Although the Schneider uses all 5 blades in unison for the Buster Slash, it also uses the Rushing Blades independently on many occasions. These weapons are used to cut through enemies as the Liger races past them. While the blades have proven more than capable of cutting through metal (even cutting through an entire Whale King), they have struggled immensely with the E-Shield used by the Elephander. In every instance (and there are several) the top blade snapped. However, this was not the case when used against Leon Toros' Blade Liger's shield.

    Seven Blade Attack

     This powerful attack was only used once, against Leon Toros and his Blade Liger during the Royal Cup. It involved adjusting every blade of the Zoid forward, charging them with energy, and activating the Energy Shield. Ultimately, the Schneider won the attack, and defeated Leon's Blade Liger.

    - Liger Zero Panzer

    Cockpit Design

    - Technical Information

    Pilots: Bit Cloud
    Team: Team Blitz

     Liger Zero Panzer is the third CAS. It's a heavy-armor unit composed of high-tensile steel, which is so heavy that it puts additional strain on the suspension system. Overuse of the weapons can cause the combat system to shut down, or even cause irreparable damage. Its immense weight prevents the Panzer from taking so much as a step without almost falling over. Because of all of these limitations the Panzer unit sits in reserve, used only against large fleets or the most durable Zoids.

    - Featured Episodes

    19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26 

    - Equipment Overview

    Burning Big Bang

     The Panzer has a huge variety of missile launchers on it. However, in the context of the show, they're rather simplified and always fired off in one massive boom called the Burning Big Bang. It's the Panzer's final move, but because of the immense amount of heat generated, the Panzer is forced to eject its armor immediately following the attack. Use of this attack brings up monitors around the cockpit, with locks to target each individual opponent.

    Hybrid Cannons

     The Hybrid Cannons are composed of two different guns, and are usually depicted with the top barrels firing. This is one of the Panzer's more powerful attacks, and while it doesn't demand that the entire armor be ejected like the Burning Big Bang, excessive use can cause the combat system to shut down.