- Gun Sniper
- Technical Information
Team: Team Champ, Team Fluegel
The standard Gun Sniper is a long-ranged sniper Zoid designed to take a high position on the battlefield and pick off its opponents one at a time. It was used by two young girls who joined Team Fluegel temporarily to fight againts Team Blitz.
- Featured Episodes
Vs. Team Blitz, Episode 2
Two Gun Sniper pilots joined Team Fluegel with no former experience. In their first battle they took shelter in the forest, drawing attention away from Naomi. Both were shot down by Ballad's Command Wolf LC.
- Gun Sniper NS (Naomi Spec.)
Cockpit Design
- Technical Information
Pilots: Naomi Fluegel
Team: Team Fluegel
A Gun Sniper piloted by Naomi Fluegel of Team Fluegel. Shes never added any particularly advanced equipment to her Zoid, preferring to make the best of its natural sniping abilities. This seems to be more than enough, as Naomi is rumored to have never lost a battle. She would always take the highest sniping position and bring down her enemies long before they could ever get within range.
- Featured Episodes
- Equipment Overview
AZ 144mm Sniper Rifle
Naomi's Gun Sniper has one key difference in equipment: Her Gun Sniper has a silver muzzle flash hider on the end of the barrel, better protecting Naomio's firing position when enganged in combat.
Beam Gatling Gun x2
Two small gatling guns installed to the arms of the Gun Sniper. These are standard equipment.
Strike Anchor Claw x2
The anchor claws are designed to stab into the ground and keep the Gun Sniper perfectly steady while in a sniper position. This does not lock the Zoid down. It can move at any time. They can also be used as weapons to slash enemy Zoids.
Ion Boosters
A set of boosters on the Gun Sniper's back. Although these should probably be used for a speed increase, Naomi also uses them to
fly jump considerable heights.
Vs. Team Blitz, Episode 2
When Naomi started her own team she picked up two inexperienced Gun Sniper pilots to bring along. In this fight they served as a distraction for the Team's normal long-ranged Zoids while Naomi got to a sniper position. While she managed to shoot down the Dibison and the Command Wolf, the ground beneath the Gun Sniper's feet had been weakened by seemingly-poorly-aimed shots from the Liger Zero. Just as she was about to shoot down the Liger, the cliffside gave way, and she slid to the bottom. Though unharmed at this point, the Gun Sniper NS was quickly struck down by the Strike Laser Claws of the Liger.
- Gun Sniper PS (Phantom Spec.)
- Technical Information
Pilots: ---
Team: ---
This Gun Sniper, a reused model from Chaotic Century of the Phantom's Gun Sniper, was seen in the shop where Rinon purchased her Gun Sniper RS in Romeo City. The legs are detached from the body on an automatic leveling rail, which keeps the Gun Sniper steady when on unsteady terrain, such as on a boat.
- Featured Episodes
- Gun Sniper RS
Cockpit Design
- Technical Information
Pilots: Rinon Toros
Team: Team Blitz
Rinon's Gun Sniper was purchased in Romeo City to replace her Dibison, which had been destroyed by the Backdraft Group's Elephander. It was equipped with 2 Weasel Units, 2 Gatling Rifles, 4 Missile Pods, 2 Launcher Units, High Capacity Stabilizers, has highly efficient balancers, and had various parts reinforced, according to the shop owner. Its extremely overgunned design followed Rinon's shoot first and aim second combat style, but because of its pilot's nature, even a Zoid with this many weapons is known to run out of ammo.
- Featured Episodes
- Equipment Overview
Weasel Unit Total Assault
Rinon's Gun Sniper has so many guns, and she rarely uses them individually, so we'll be lumping them into this one category. The Weasel Unit Total Assault involves firing off just about every weapon the Gun Sniper has. The advanced targeting system allows her Zoid to target each individual enemy, if she chooses to, allowing for precision fire to down all targets without harming others. Of course, she usually just shoots in their general direction. When the attack is about to fire, the Gun Sniper's antennas flip upwards on the head.
Grocery Basket
This counts, right? In Episode 15, Rinon's Gun Sniper is seen carrying a basket of groceries. Evidently, her Zoid is the shopper.
- Gun Sniper WW (Wild Weasel)
- Technical Information
Pilots: ---
Team: ---
The Wild Weasel unit was seen equipped to one of the Gun Sniper's in the shop where Rinon got her Gun Sniper, located in Romeo City.
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