The Age of Tribal Unification
- The Central Continent's First United Country is Born
- Development of Culture and Industry

The Central Continent was unified by Helic and peace returned.
Once public order was maintained and stability was brought about, culture and industry developed.
The cultures of the various tribes fused together and new cultures were born. As the population increased further, an age of mass production finally arrived.
Excellent living goods were supplied to the entire continent, and to make this possible, products had to be standardised and produced in large quantities in short periods of time. To achieve this, large-scale factories were constructed one after another, and an industrial revolution occurred.
And so, the people's lives that had gone to ruin in the long war gradually regained their benefits.
It was still rudimentary, but this was the first step in a type of mass-production, mass-consumption era. And Zoids were also included among the industries that shifted to mass-production. An age arrived where Zoids too were bought and sold as a commodity.
In addition, the Zoids sold as commodities in this period were sometimes called by the name "Mechabonica" to distinguish them from Wild Zoids, but there was opposition to treating people's Zoids as completely artificial objects, and Wild Zoids declined sharply in the later wars, so the name "Zoids" remained.
- Zoid Management and Facilities

When the entire continent was unified, the production and management of Zoids also progressed further.
The Zoid creation, remodelling and management technologies that the various races had reared uniquely until this point were synthesised into one, and seeking a more efficient and productive management system, the "Zoid Administration Bureau" was established.
Of course, there was a need to prepare against invasion by foreign enemies, so the production and remodelling of war Zoids continued without pause. But at the same time, many Zoids were also developed as a civilian industry.
The standardisation of the Zoids' countless parts, such as complex power systems and machine engines, progressed as much as possible, and Zoid Cores were strictly managed as a national asset.
The people of Zi believed they needed to constantly seek and develop the potential Zoids held in order to go on living with them, so management of Zoids in general became state-run, and production, management and research continued.
In this way, various Zoids had new functions added so that they could support the lives of the people, and were supplied to the entire continent.
In addition, civilian enterprises that would undertake repairs on crashed Zoids and remodelling within permitted extents, nicknamed "repair shops", prospered greatly in this period.
ZAC 1957
- The Discovery of Dinosaur-Type Zoids
- The Unexplored Land Inhabited by the God Tribe

At the base of the Central Mountain Range is an unexplored region where other tribes never set foot. Before the beginning of history, a billion-ton glacier carved out a desolate valley. Rising at right angles, its rocky walls continue for tens of kilometres, and its base is a world of darkness beyond the sun's reach and was believed to lead to Hell.
It is a harsh region located above the lava pulse of an active volcano, where hot steam gushes from the bottom of the valley even in midwinter and the stench of sulphur hangs in the air, so people did not come near it. Even in the age when intertribal conflict intensified there was nobody who entered this area, and for a long time it was left as a blank zone on maps of the continent with not even its terrain drawn on.
This rugged region is the unexplored region and sacred ground ruled by the "God Tribe". A minority race, the "God Tribe" preserved its mystique and defended against invasion by other tribes by living in this untouched, unexplored area. However, there was another, even greater reason why they continued living in this land.
It was to raise and domesticate the Gojulas, a dinosaur-type Zoid thought to have already gone extinct. The high-temperature underground caverns of lava reservoirs, deep below this valley where the "God Tribe" lived, were inhabited by many dinosaur-type Zoids that until now were thought to have been extinct species. This fact first became clear after the unification of the continent, when the staff of the Helic Republic Zoid Administration Bureau visited this area.
- A Kingdom Deep Underground

Near the lava reservoirs deep underneath the huge valley where the "God Tribe" live are vast underground cavities which were once the lava's passageways. Their environment has an average temperature of over 90 degrees and an atmospheric pressure twenty times that on the surface! With sulphur and molten minerals raining down, it is truly hell incarnate.
However, there were some that chose to inhabit it precisely because it had such an environment. They were the dinosaur Zoids that had prospered on the surface in ancient times. This underground, high-temperature, high-pressure environment was similar to the primeval seawater in which their distant ancestors, the primeval lifeforms, were born. Consequently, the dinosaurs survived in their original forms without evolving, and even now live in this subterranean paradise.
The "God Tribe" has known about the existence of this subterranean paradise since long ago, and has grown and tamed Gojulas from juveniles captured underground.
The dinosaur-type Zoids living underground are a truly precious research topic, biologically speaking, and it goes without saying that they were also an incredible discovery for the staff of the Zoid Administration Bureau, who were attempting to make use of Zoids in people's daily lives.
These dinosaur-type Zoids would later be remodelled as combat Zoids one after another, making use of the large bodies and aggression they naturally possessed.
C. ZAC 1960
- The Enlargement of Zoids
- Enlargement of Bodies and Expansion of Zoid Cores
Looking back on the history of Zoid development, it can be broadly divided into four stages. The first stage is the stage where it became possible to breed and domesticate Wild Zoids, and the second stage is the initial stage of so-called "cyborgisation", where artificial limbs were attached in order to gain greater manoeuvrability. The third stage is the stage of "Machine Beasts", where most parts other than the Zoid Core were replaced by artificial components.
The Zoid Core, which is the Zoid's life itself, was enlarged with each of these three stages. This was done through the development of unique technology to make Zoid Cores larger and stronger, and before "biotechnology" developed, it was carried out through a steady accumulation of effort spanning centuries, such as placing Zoid Cores in blast furnaces and selecting only the larger Zoid Cores to rear.
And in the fourth and final stage, Zoids gained their present form as gigantic machine beasts through the development of robotronics, in order to store larger power units and gain larger payloads (carrying capacities).
- Artificial Components and Unified Standards

After the unification of the continent, the Zoid Administration Bureau endeavoured to strengthen and spread Zoids further, in order to provide better lives for people and prepare against invasions from foreign enemies. Under the management of the Zoid Administration Bureau, a ground-breaking system was completed to allow any civilian to be able to use a Zoid.
This was the development of the "common cockpit".
Zoids had a variety of shapes, sizes and functions, so designing and producing control systems for each one was too inefficient.
The control system is an interface between the Zoid and the human piloting it. If this could be standardised, it would allow an incredible increase in efficiency in Zoid production and maintenance work.
What was therefore designed was a common cockpit for all Zoids. If one traces the etymology of "cockpit", it means "a confined space". As the name suggests, it was slightly cramped, but if this cockpit unit was mass-produced, one could pilot any Zoid using the same control methods. The troublesome existing procedure of the crew undertaking months of training according to the type of machine they were piloting became unnecessary, and the spreading rate of Zoids rose at once.
- Control and Amplification of Wildness
An era arrived in which most components other than the Zoid Core were replaced with cybernetic parts. But at the same time, just how quickly and nimbly they could respond to the orders transmitted from the Zoid Core, its centre of movement, became a task imposed on artificial arms and legs.
It was only when it could directly reflect the wild survival and fighting instincts of the Zoid that it had a true meaning to exist as an enhancement system of artificial components centred on a Zoid Core - in other words, a "machine beast".

The development of tougher and more agile machines was performed, and the necessity of common parts in order to increase productivity began to be seen as important.
Each Zoid's body required hundreds of thousands of parts, so if they could turn even a tenth of these into common parts, it would be astonishing progress.
They first set about a type of consumable product. These were the servomotors at each joint. The idea of joints that could be dismantled when necessary and instantly combined during construction was later realised through the development of common joint caps for all Zoids.
Using these, the servomotors built into the joints could be replaced when they became old, successfully increasing the efficiency of maintenance.
C. ZAC 1960
- The Evolution of Weapons
- Zoid Evolution and Weaponry

In the age when Zoids were domesticated and used for hunting and combat, this was at the level of adding external armour to Wild Zoids, so all the soldiers riding (straddling) them fought enemies by carrying swords and shields.
However, as they gradually became able to add modifications to the Zoids themselves and replace their limbs with artificial ones, they began to equip the "weapons" that had started to develop at the same time.
Powerful bow-guns and catapults were attached to parts where they wouldn't hinder the Zoids' running abilities, and simple cockpits were expanded for the riders to sit in safely. The riders controlled the Zoids by pushing levers and switches, and simultaneously operated the "weapons".
Zoids developed further and became gigantic battle machine beasts, with most components other than the Zoid Core becoming artificial parts.
"Weapons" at this point in time were so-called "firearms", which fired metal bullets at high speed using the gas pressure of burning gunpowder and destroyed targets by way of kinetic energy. For close combat, they equipped high-speed gatling guns that stressed rapid firing over accuracy, and for long distances, they developed long-range cannons.
In order to deal greater damage more precisely to more distant targets, they required large, long artillery. To carry more bullets, they required greater payloads (carrying capacities). In order to fulfill these requirements, Zoids' bodies were enlarged further.
C. ZAC 1850 ~ 1960
- Zoid Energy
- Approx. 200 Million Years Ago

When the lifeforms on Zi were primeval metal lifeforms that did not yet possess strong armoured shells, their food chain was simple.
Juveniles grew up in high-temperature, high-pressure metallic seawater, preyed on similar metal lifeforms, and recycled them as parts of their own bodies. Small insects and plants existed at the lowest rung of this ecosystem, those that ate them were in turn eaten by stronger individuals, and so the food chain repeated.
- Until Circa ZAC 1900

When the creatures of Zi developed Zoid Cores, a food chain centred on these Zoid Cores was established. All of the elements necessary for Zoids' living activities were concentrated in the Zoid Core. If an individual preyed on Zoid Cores, it could instantly replenish the energy and ingredients it needed to grow and move.
This was far more efficient than preying on parts other than the Zoid Core. The Zoid Core was a splendid system for surviving on land where the environment had gone through upheavals, but at the same time, it produced a new food chain.
- Until Circa ZAC 1950

In comparison, in Zoids where the majority of their parts other than the Zoid Core had been replaced by artificial ones, "surviving" became impossible without the humans that repaired and reinforced them.
To keep the Zoid Core alive as a lifeform, people needed to regularly supply it with the components of high-temperature, high-pressure primeval seawater that it consumed as energy, and to operate the artificial body, they needed at least a few types of energy sources, such as batteries to drive the servomotors, oil to run the internal combustion engines depending on the type, and oil for lubrication and oil cylinders in each of the moving parts.
Constantly supplying these would be impossible without an advanced and polished management system - in other words, the battle machine beasts Zoids could not exist or continue without humans.
(However, feral Stray Zoids do exist as an exception to this. But in order to maintain their existence, they attack other Zoids and gain these multiple energy sources from them, so in that sense, one could say that they could not survive without indirect human intervention.)
~ C. ZAC 1960
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Differences in the Monthly Zoids Graphics
There were quite a few differences between the Zoids Bible, printed and released through the Zoid Core Box, and the Monthly Zoids Graphics, which included pages from the Bible. We'll go through and list those below. The differences are in a bold, italic font.
- Differences
Original Text:
Once public order was maintained and stability was brought about, culture and industry developed.
In ZAC 1957, once public order was maintained and stability was brought about, culture and industry developed.
Original Text:
To achieve this, large-scale factories were constructed one after another, and an industrial revolution occurred.
This was equivalent to the Industrial Revolution on Earth. Large-scale factories were constructed one after another, and the goods they produced were distributed and supplied to the entire continent.
Original Text:
so the production and remodelling of war Zoids continued without pause.
so the production and remodelling of war Zoids continued constantly without pause.
Original Text:
and the second stage is the initial stage of so-called "cyborgisation"
and the second stage is the beginning of "cyborgisation"
Original Text:
The third stage is the stage of "Machine Beasts", where most parts other than the Zoid Core were replaced by artificial components.
The third stage is the stage of "Machine Beasts", where almost all parts excluding the Zoid Core were replaced by artificial components.
Original Text:
Under the management of the Zoid Administration Bureau, a ground-breaking system was completed to allow any civilian to be able to use a Zoid.
This was the development of the "common cockpit".
Zoids had a variety of shapes, sizes and functions, so designing and producing control systems for each one was too inefficient.
The control system is an interface between the Zoid and the human piloting it.
Under the management of the Zoid Administration Bureau, development was hastened on a control system to allow any civilian to be able to use a Zoid.
The control system is an interface between the Zoid and the human piloting it.
Original Text:
If this could be standardised, it would allow an incredible increase in efficiency in Zoid production and maintenance work.
If this could be standardised, it would allow an incredible increase in efficiency in Zoid production, maintenance and equipment conversion.
Original Text:
If one traces the etymology of "cockpit", it means "a confined space". As the name suggests, it was slightly cramped
As suggested by the etymology of "cockpit", "a confined space", it was slightly cramped
Original Text:
one could pilot any Zoid using the same control methods. The troublesome existing procedure of the crew undertaking months of training according to the type of machine they were piloting became unnecessary, and the spreading rate of Zoids rose at once.
Control and Amplification of Wildness
An era arrived in which most components other than the Zoid Core were replaced with cybernetic parts. But at the same time, just how quickly and nimbly they could respond to the orders transmitted from the Zoid Core, its centre of movement, became a task imposed on artificial arms and legs.
It was only when it could directly reflect the wild survival and fighting instincts of the Zoid that it had a true meaning to exist as an enhancement system of artificial components centred on a Zoid Core - in other words, a "machine beast".
The development of tougher and more agile machines was performed, and the necessity of common parts in order to increase productivity began to be seen as important.
Each Zoid's body required hundreds of thousands of parts, so if they could turn even a tenth of these into common parts, it would be astonishing progress.
one could pilot any Zoid using the same control methods.
The wave of standardisation that began with the cockpit also reached the engine system.
Each Zoid's body required hundreds of thousands of parts, so if they could turn even a tenth of these into common parts, it would lead to an astonishing increase in efficiency.
Original Text:
Using these, the servomotors built into the joints could be replaced when they became old, successfully increasing the efficiency of maintenance.
Using these, the servomotors built into the joints could be replaced when they became old, successfully increasing the efficiency of maintenance.
Due to this, the spreading rate of Zoids rose sharply, whether military or civilian.
Original Text:
Powerful bow-guns and catapults were attached to parts where they wouldn't hinder the Zoids' running abilities, and simple cockpits were expanded for the riders to sit in safely.
Powerful bow-guns and catapults were attached, and simple cockpits were expanded for the riders to sit in safely.
Original Text:
Zoids developed further and became gigantic battle machine beasts, with most components other than the Zoid Core becoming artificial parts.
Zoids developed further and became gigantic battle machine beasts, with their entire bodies other than the Zoid Core becoming artificial parts.
Original Text:
In order to deal greater damage more precisely to more distant targets, they required large, long artillery.
In order to deal greater damage more precisely to more distant targets, they required larger, longer artillery.
Original Text:
When the lifeforms on Zi were primeval metal lifeforms that did not yet possess strong armoured shells, their food chain was simple.
When the lifeforms on Zi were primeval metal lifeforms that did not yet possess armoured shells, their food chain was simple.
Original Text:
When the creatures of Zi developed Zoid Cores, a food chain centred on these Zoid Cores was established.
When the creatures of Planet Zi developed Zoid Cores, a food chain centred on these Zoid Cores was established.