- Sturm Führer Espada de Plata

Registration Number: ???
Name: Espada de Plata (Sturm Führer)
    Sturm (German: Storm)
    Führer (German: Leader)
    Espada de Plata (Spanish: Silver Sword)
JP Name: エスパーダ・デ・プラタ (シュトゥルムフューラー)
Height: 14.4
Length: 23.4
Weight: 140 t
Speed: 450 km/h
* Stat Information: Based on Battle Story Sturm Fürher
Weapons: Equipment:
    Electron Fangs
    Strike Laser Claws x2
    Strike Smash Tail
    Charged Particle Cannon
    X Breaker x2
    Vernier Thrusters x10
    High Maneuver Thrusters x2
    Ion Booster Pack
    Sturm Booster x2
    Anchors x4
    Head Shield

- Introduction

    Espada de Plata is a Sturm Furher that is featured in Zoids Cyber Drive. This Sturm Furher features grey armor with blueish accents, a dark bluish gray frame, and green eyes.

    The art you see to the right shows a bluish color all over, but in the game the armor is solid gray, while the accents are further blue toned. The art colors for almost all Zoids differ from the in-game colors, so we're going with the actual in-game "media" colors.