Zoids Index

Proto Breaker   Technical Data   プロトブレイカー

Name Note: None
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Rollout: ZAC 2100
Type: Tyrannosaurus
Length: 23.0 m
Height: Unlisted
Weight: 128.5 t
Max Speed: 330 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 Anchor x2  (Feet)
 Focused Charged Particle Cannon  (Mouth)
 Hyper Killer Claw x2  (Hands)
 Hyper Killer Fangs  (Mouth)
 Hyper Strike Claw x2  (Feet)
 Laser Gun  (Nose)
 Large-Scale Electromagnetic Cannon  (Upper Back)
 X Breaker x2  (Legs)

 High Maneuver Thruster Pack  (Lower Back)
 Laser Sensors  (Eyes)
 Openable Cooling Units  (Unspecified)
 Propulsion Units  (Unspecified)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Unlisted
 The Proto Breaker was created during the Empire's journey to create the Geno Breaker, and while it lacks the Free Round Shields and Wing Thrusters, it has already achieved the goal of greater mobility and fighting performance. It's said that even as it stands, the Proto Breaker is sufficiently powerful enough to fight on even ground with the Blade Liger.  [1]

- Military History

ZAC 2100, July, Western Continent War

In spite of the Geno Breaker being the final design for the Proto Breaker's developmental path, the Zoid was put into battle in ZAC 2100 as part of the Guylos Empire Special Forces. It, along with its allies, were tasked to distract the Helic Republic's troops at all cost, so that Imperial forces retreating from Rob Base would have time to escape. For this mission they took along various modified Geno Saurers, Lightning Saix, and Death Stinger.

However, the Death Stinger hadn't had time to be properly combat tested before being put onto the field. When a stray bullet from a Shield Liger DCS struck the Death Stinger in the head, it went berserk, attacking both their enemies and their allies. A Proto Breaker tried to put the runaway Zoid down before it could cause any more harm, but its particle cannon was unable to break through the Death Stinger's Energy Shield, and it was subsequently destroyed.

- Equipment Information

- Weapons Disclaimer

 The Proto Breaker, like many battlestory variations, doesn't receive a proper weapons list. For this article we referenced the weapons list of the Zoids who the base components are sourced from. Their effects and capabilities can only be inferred from this, and should be taken with a grain of salt.

- High Maneuver Thruster Pack

High Maneuver Thruster Pack: ハイマニューバーブースターパック

 The Proto Breaker makes use of the High Maneuver Thruster from the Iron Kong, which according to its first appearance in CoroCoro, allows it to reach speeds of over 300 km/h. In fact, its maximum speed of 330 km/h is 25 km/h faster than the Blade Liger, its intended rival.

- Large-Scale Electromagnetic Cannon

Large-Scale Electromagnetic Cannon: 大型電磁砲

 The large gun on the upper back is from a Black Rhimos. Unfortunately Proto Breaker doesn't see much use in media, so we don't have much info on it. The games refer to this weapon as a Long-Range Laser, however that appears to be recycled from the standard Geno Saurer's weapons.

- Laser Gun

Laser Gun: レーザーガン

 The Proto Breaker has a laser gun on its nose similar to the Flexible Laser of the Psycho Geno Saurer. As it's created by sawing off the barrels of the Geno Saurer's standard Laser Gun, we've opted for this name.

- X Breaker x2

X Breaker x2: エクスブレイカー×2

 Before the Breaker design scheme introduced the Free Round Shields, the Proto Breaker tested equipping the X Breakers to the sides of the legs. Here they're on a hinge system that allows them to fold out to the side to slash enemies. They also appear to have thruster nozzles on the back, but these are never listed as equipment.

- Featured In Media

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 2

Game Media: Zoids Saga I
Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Saga Fuzors
Game Media: Zoids Saga DS: Legend of Arcadia

- Color Variations

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the Official Fan Books. The weapons are based on the Geno Saurer.