Zoids Index

RZ-052 Gunbluster   Technical Data   ガンブラスター

Name Note: None
Alignment: Helic Republic
Rollout: ZAC 2052
Type: Ankylosaurus
Length: 19.0 m
Height: 8.1 m
Weight: 125.0 t
Max Speed: 120 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 Accelerated Shock Gun x1  (Barrel below HRC)
 Beam Rifle x2  (Bottom barrels)
 Hyper Rolling Cannon x1  (Back guns)

 3D Radar x1  (Horn)
 Cooling Vents x4  (Legs)
 Electron Bite Fangs  (Mouth)
 Electromagnetic Shield Horn x24  (Spikes)
 Energy Charger x1  (Lower back)
 Rear Alert Radar x1  (Tail)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Ex Ploit
  • Gilbert
  • Graham
  • Roiiy Seay Kruger
  • Syuw Shuu
  • Verditor Rowen
 The Gunbluster is one of the most intimidating artillery Zoids ever developed, with an obscene amount of guns installed to its back. It's also one of the few Zoids able to handle jamming battles.  [1]

- Military History

ZAC 2052, August, Rollout

When the Gunbluster first launched it was sent to Entrance Bay where it helped to seize control of a 5 km radius in just 20 hours.

~ZAC 2101, August, Defense Against The Eisen Dragoon

After the battle of Nixie Base, in which the Republic lost three times as many Zoids as they destroyed in their effort to defeat the Elephanders, they prepared for future battles against the Dark Continent. This included preparations to re-launch the Gunbluster, a Zoid that would be able to slip past enemy E-Shields, which were becoming more of a problem with high-end Imperial Zoids.

When the Ray Force stumbled upon an Eisen Dragoon base they fell victim to powerful jamming waves launched by the Grounchars. The Republic decided it was finally time for these Zoids to set foot on the battlefield. Salamander Cargos descended to the ground and dropped Gunblusters, who immediately marched forward and drove back the Eisen Dragoon. This gave the Ray Force the chance they needed to reorganize. Ray Gregg, a Liger Zero pilot of that force decided to jettison the armor of his Zero. The less electronic gear on the Zoid, the less there was to jam. He could rely on its powerful instincts instead. The other Zeroes followed suit, and Gunblusters provided cover fire while the group launched into battle once more.

ZAC 2101, October, Clash on the Dark Continent

During the early weeks of this month battles broke out across various parts of the Dark Continent, at Urd Lake, Bifrost Plain, Vigrid Plains, and Vana Plain. Gunblusters were pictured in these battles, though which specific battle they took place in isn't clarified.

ZAC 2106-ish , Corporal Verditor

Though not featured prominently in the story, Verditer, the Gorhecks pilot from Fan Book EX 3, was said to typically pilot a Gunbluster as part of the Republic's Heavy Artillery Force. He was so keen at crunching numbers that he said it was more unusual for his bullets to not find their enemy, as long as they were within range.

ZAC 2106, Early Spring, Battle of Cook Fortress

At this point in the war, Neo Zenebas overpowered the Republic by 20 to 1 odds. Thus, a counter attack coming almost a month early took them by surprise. If the Republic could capture Cook Fortress, one of the most impenetrable fortresses, they would have no better defensible position to launch their counter offensive. It was a battle that would determine the fate of the entire Republic. They employed diversionary tactics, such as bombing, rushing the High-Speed Force into various locations, and even having Guylos, their ally at the time, send empty transporters just to make the Empire think there was a bigger threat than there was.

Gunblusters joined a variety of other powerful Republican Army Zoids in this effort, all striving to make up for their humiliation over the past 3 years as Neo Zenebas had conquered their land. With this dedicated effort they were able to gain access to Cook Fortress in just 3 days.

- Notable Facts

  • The Gunbluster is said to be the most powerful artillery Zoid in history, and with its advanced radar it serves as a key Zoid in the Helic Republic's army.

- Equipment Information

- 3D Radar x1

3D Radar x1: 3Dレーダー×1

 The 3D Radar Horn is installed to the Gunbluster's forehead, but it doesn't seem to get any use, so its effects are unknown. Even so, Gunbluster's radar is said to be the latest technology as of its second rollout.

- Accelerated Shock Gun x1

Accelerated Shock Gun x1: 加速衝撃砲×1

 With so many weapons crammed onto the Gunbluster's back it can be hard to tell what you're actually looking at. Most of these weapons are bundled together and titled the Hyper Rolling Cannon, but there's also some weapons underneath, including the Accelerated Shock Gun. Its effects aren't well clarified.

- Beam Rifle x2

Beam Rifle x2: ビームライフル×2

 The two Beam Rifles are the lowermost guns on the back, and we can assume they fire energy based on the name. Depending on the source, it (along with the other stationary back guns) may or may not be bundled into the "Hyper Rolling Cannon."

- Cooling Vents x4

Cooling Vents x4: 冷却用放熱口×4

 Each of Gunbluster's low-set legs contains a fairly large cooling vent, taking up almost half of the upper leg's surface.

- Electron Bite Fangs

Electron Bite Fangs: エレクトロンバイトファング

 The Gunbluster is equipped with Electron Bite Fangs. This was actually an addition made after the old war. While the Gunbluster is rather slow, it could still be a valuable defensive measure. Electron Fangs typically immobilize targets with high voltage, but Gunbluster in particular wasn't pictured using them.

- Electromagnetic Shield Horn x24

Electromagnetic Shield Horn x24: 起電磁シールドホーン×24

 The Gunbluster's sides are lined with E-Shield generating horns. By the time the new war rolled around this shield was powerful enough to withstand a direct hit from a Geno-Saurer-class Charged Particle Cannon for 10 straight seconds. It also proved incredibly useful against the Eisen Dragoon, as the shield could halve the effects of the Grounchar's electromagnetic waves, which immobilized Zoids.

- Energy Charger x1

Energy Charger x1: エネルギーチャージャー×1

 The Energy Charger is installed to the lower back of the Zoid, but it doesn't get any specific mention, so its effects aren't clear.

- Hyper Rolling Cannon x1

Hyper Rolling Cannon x1: ハイパーローリングキャノン×1

 The Hyper Rolling Cannon is an incredible weapon, consisting of over a dozen guns. Its name comes from three tight clusters of guns, each one installed to a massive turning gear plate on the back. As one gear turns, all three clusters start to spin, and all guns fire in a nightmarish hail of bullets that could obliterate enemy Zoids with ease.

 The three main clusters of guns include x1 Accelerated Beam Gun, x1 Beam Cannon, x2 Blazer Cannons, x1 Plasma Cannon, x2 Pulse Guns, x1 Rail Cannon, x1 Shotgun, x1 Thunder Cannon, x1 Triple Rapid-Fire Gun, and x1 Twin Pulse Beam Guns. Depending on the source it may also include the Accelerated Shock Gun and the two Beam Rifles.

 All of this aside, the weapon's true effectiveness comes from these guns all firing at once. E-Shields have, in many cases given a solid defense against enemy firepower. In the Gunbluster's case, each gun has a different effect, and by firing them all simultaneously at different frequencies, they can penetrate even powerful E-Shields like those of the Berserk Führer, making traditional metal plate shields more effective.

- Rear Alert Radar x1

Rear Alert Radar x1: 後方警戒レーダー×1

 The Rear Alert Radar is installed to the tail. Though its effectiveness doesn't get discussed, we can probably assume from the name that it detects enemies coming up behind the Gunbluster, an important task for such a forwardly-focused Zoid.

- Merchandise

Model Kits

RPZ-11 Gunbluster
RZ-052 Gunbluster

- Featured In Media

- Zoids Official Fan Book

 Though the Gunbluster wasn't much of a 'character' in the Official Fan Books it still gets an honorary mention for its important role against the Eisen Dragoon. Had these Zoids not been air dropped onto the battlefield by Republican command, there's a good chance that the Ray Force would've been wiped out entirely by the Eisen Dragoon.

Other Media Appearances

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 3
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 4

Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Field of Rebellion

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the box, official product info, or Official Fan Books. Media appearances reference their respective media.