- RZ-052 Gunbluster

- Lore

Technical Data:
Released: Sep 27th, 2001
Cost: 2000 Yen
Motor: x1 AA Batteries
Pieces: 61
Caps: 14 (14 are used)
Length: 19.0 m
Height: 8.1 m
Weight: 125.0 t
Max Speed: 120 km/h
3D Radar x1
Accelerated Shock Gun x1
Beam Rifle x2
Electron Bite Fangs
Energy Charger x1
Heat Radiation Port x4
Hyper Rolling Cannon x1
 Accelerated Beam Gun x1
 Accelerated Shock Gun x1
 Beam Cannon x1
 Beam Rifle x2
 Blazer Cannon x2
 Plasma Cannon x1
 Pulse Gun x2
 Rail Cannon x1
 Railgun x1
 Shotgun x1
 Thunder Cannon x1
 Triple Rapid-Fire Gun x1
 Twin Pulse Beam Gun x1
Rear-Alert Radar
Super Electromagnetic Shield Horn x24

- Zoids Battle Story

ZAC 2101...  The Helic Republic landing party finally stepped foot onto the soil of the Dark Continent of Nyx. The strongest high-speed unit, the Ray Force, which lead the units, defeated the Guylos Empire's Defense Forces, which were confused by the attack from the mysterious Eisen Dragoon unit. They continued to make good process towards the Imperial capital, Valhalla. However, the Eisen Dragoons finally appeared ahead of the Ray Force.

"It seems that you're much stronger than we expected. In order to maintain balance between the two nations, you must disappear..."

 The Eisen Dragoon force bared their fangs with these mysterious words. The Berserk Führer unilaterally crushed the Zoids of the Ray Force, whose functions had been disrupted by the jamming waves of the underground Grounchar units.

 The moment of annihilation loomed above the Ray Force.

 In order to save them from this crisis, the Republican Army's new heavy artillery Zoid, the Gunbluster, is now mobilizing.

- Fuselage Explanation

 The Gunbluster, a famous machine from the previous war, has been revived for the decisive battle on the Dark Continent of Nyx, where even fiercer battles are expected to take place. It's equipped with as many as 20 long-range beam guns on its back, and stands as the strongest artillery Zoid in history. Not only does each beam gun have different powers and effects, but it can also burn through any powerful E-Shield by changing the frequency of each cannon while firing them simultaneously. In addition, the Super-Electromagnetic Shield generated from the 24 spikes along its left and right sides is designed to withstand the direct hit from a Geno Saurer-class Charged Particle Cannon for over 10 seconds. In addition to all this tremendous defensive and offensive power, the Gunbluster is also equipped with a powerful radar, and is a key unit of the Republican Army forces.

* Disclaimer: The translations on this page rely on google translate and may contain mistakes.