Kotobukiya recently posted a look at the prototype for the HMM König Wolf, as well as the Redlers. The articulation on this kit looks superb, especially regarding cheek armor that now folds out to prevent obstructing neck movement and rotating ears.
A recent
LABO Article went into greater detail about these prototypes, and discussed some of their core features. In the mean time, the wolves, their associated CPs, and the Redler products have been on display in Japan for visitors to come and check them out. Details include:
- Movable Ears
- Rubber belts are used for the head and chest belts
- The tail is articulated at the base as well as in the middle
- The Dual Sniper Rifle has telescoping barrels
- The Dual Sniper Rifle comes with several adapters, allowing it to be equipped to 3mm joints, and even to the old Tomy version.
- The 5-Shot Missile Pods also include multiple port sizes, so they can be connected to standard 3mm hard points.
- For the Heavy Arms, you must choose which had you want to build with it, since the belts run through the parts and it will be difficult to swap later.
- The blog teases for us to look forward to other Zoids that have ranked high in the questionnaires!