- Wild Liger

    Name: Wild Liger
    Type: Lion Type
    Team: Freedom

        - Arashi

    The Wild Liger is a legendary lion-type Zoid, said to be the king of Zoids. While the beast certainly seems capable in its own right, the only known individual thus far in the series is Arashi's Wild Liger.

    Before meeting Arashi, the Wild Liger was imprisoned by Death Metal, who wanted to add the Liger to their ranks. Eventually the Liger escaped, supposedly defeating nearly 100 Death Metal Zoids in the process. When the word got out, Supreme decided to come and search for the legendary lion themselves. By the time it was discovered, the Liger was covered in scars. Its distrust in humans was obvious by its immediately violent reactions to them.

    In the end neither faction was fast enough to capture the liger. Instead, it became loyal to Arashi, after several attempts on his part to save it. In spite of this, the liger was slow to trust, and very cautious about loyalties. For example, when Arashi considered bailing off the side of the Liger during a battle, the Liger refused to achknowledge him as a partner and even stood idly by as his village, and even his grandfather was attacked.

- Featured In Episodes

     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

- Wild Blast: King of Claw