- Stealth Viper

- Technical Information

Pilots: ---
Team: Team Vipers

 Standard Stealth Vipers. These were seen as a part of Team Vipers, which consisted of three of these Zoids. The Stealth Vipers in NC0 tend to have dramatically lengthened bodies, which can be recreated in the kit by changing multiple Stealth Viper bodies.

- Featured Episodes

6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23 

24  25  26 

- Stealth Viper BS

- Technical Information

Pilots: Benjamin
Team: Team Champ

 Name unofficial. This Stealth Viper is a registered member of Team Champ, and Benjamin's go-to Zoid in battle. It's equipped with a Weasel Unit on the sides of the hood (typically used on Gun Snipers), a Beam Cannon on the upper back (typically used on Cannon Tortoise), and a Dibison's 35mm Anti-Aircraft Gun on the head.

- Featured Episodes

3  12  18