Zoids Index

RZ-045 Salamander   Technical Data - サラマンダー

Name Note: None
Alignment: Helic Republic
Rollout: ZAC 2031
Type: Pterosaur
Length: 24.1 m
Height: 17.1 m
Weight: 100.0 t
Max Speed: Mach 2.0
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 2-Barrelled Anti-Air Hyper Laser Gun x2  (Front of wings)
 2-Shot Tactical Missile  (Back)
 AZ High-Temperature Flamethrower  (Mouth)
 Small-Calibre Anti-Air Laser x2  (Tips of wings)
 Vulcan Phalanx x2  (Chest)

 Magnesser Falcon Wings  (Wings)
 Multi-Blade Radar x2  (Head crest)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Bird (F2)
  • Braun
  • Bruno
  • Eindecker
  • GoGo Satie (Bombvern)
  • Gordon Junior
  • Pafi Fist
  • Roiiy Seay Kruger (F2)
  • Syuw Shuu (F2)
 The Salamander is a massive flying Zoid that regained its status in the Western Continent War by operating as a powerful bomber. [1]

- Details of Design

Load Capacity And Range

 Looking at the Salamander one might ponder its purpose compared to newer, high-tech flying units. The simple answer is that the Salamander can travel further, higher, and carry more than nearly any other flying Zoid out there. It's one of the largest ever developed, with a cruising range of 15,000 km and can reach altitudes of 30,000 meters. It's also noted to have a considerable weight capacity, illustrated by numerous operations where loadout was key. Because of this, the average operations for the Salamander typically involve carrying a high bomb load for long-range or high-altitude bombing operations.

- Military History

Old Central Continent War, Rollout

The Salamander was developed during the old Central Continent War, but after the Grand Catastrophe of Planet Zi, its numbers dropped to near extinction. This made mass producing this powerful Zoid impossible.

ZAC 2101, January, Redeployment

The Salamander was secretly deployed by the Republican Army who anticipated the intercontinental war. Following their victory over Nixie Base, the Republic was besieged by unmanned Zabats doing risky bombing maneuvers over their newly-acquired base and its port. This caused severe damage, and with the Zabats being launched from Whale Kings flying 30,000 feet in the air, reaching them was impossible. That is, if they hadn't prepared for such possibilities in advance. The Salamander was deployed following the arrival of the second wave of bombers.

Equipped with large anti-aircraft missiles they took flight, aiming for the Whale Kings. Their flight speed slowed after 20,000 meters, and at 26,000 their Magnesser Wings could barely grip the planet's magnetic force. At 30,000 meters they were able to launch their missiles, killing five of the Whale Kings and driving the rest to flee.

ZAC 2101, June, Battle of the Andar Sea

After the Republican Army set out across the sea, their aim was the Dark Continent. However, they had an entire ocean to get through first, and their top priority was locating the enemy units. They were the first to detect their enemy, and the fierce battle ensued. They immedatiately dispatched bombers, likely containing Salamanders (though the Zoids were not specified, we know these bombers were in the vicinity.) The battle dragged on for a long time, until both armies had to return to their carriers to refuel. At this time, the long-range Salamander was the only air power that the Republican Army had available to them. They alone couldn't stop the subsequent Sinker ambush, and with no other option, the Republic fled into the Triangle Daras, a powerful electromagnetic sea. Though they lost this battle, they would succeed in landing on Nyx.

ZAC 2101, August, War of the Eisen Dragoon

When the Ray Force stumbled upon the Eisen Dragoon's base, they were immediately immobilized by Grounchars. Facing what seemed like emminent death, they were saved by the arrival of Salamander Cargos, who dropped Gunblusters on the battlefield. These Zoids used powerful electromagnetic shields to halve the effects of the Grounchar's jamming waves, and their ability to filter energy through E-Shields allowed them to target the larger Zoids of the Dragoons. Had it not been for this brief opening, the battle may have ended very differently.

ZAC 2106, August, Cook Fortress

After the Republican Army managed to capture Cook Fortress from the Imperial Army Salamanders and Buster Eagles were used to hold the skies in the region, ensuring that aerial threats from the Empire couldn't get through. For a time they'd enjoyed air superiority with this combination, but by ZAC 2108 it was said that most of their Salamanders had been lost to various battles.

- Notable Facts

  • The Salamander is claimed to have a cruise range of 15,000 (over 9,000 miles) and is capable of flying at an altitude of more than 30,000 meters. This range is so vast that it can conduct bombing runs on the Dark Continent, from Nixie base, without having to refuel.

  • The Salamander is noted to have an outstanding bomb loading capacity.

- Equipment Information

- 2-Barrelled Anti-Air Hyper Laser Gun x2

2-Barrelled Anti-Air Hyper Laser Gun x2: 2運対空ハイパーレーザーガン×2

 These double-barrelled guns are placed at the front of the wings and fire energy based shots. They're also able to freely rotate.

- 2-Shot Tactical Missile

2-Shot Tactical Missile: 2運装戦術ミサイル×1

 These are located on the back of the Salamander. Though they don't see a lot of use, the OJR material denotes them as being heat-seeking missiles.

- AZ High-Temperature Flamethrower

AZ High-Temperature Flamethrower : AZ高熱火炎放射器×1

 The flamethrower is an often underestimated weapon located in the Salamander's mouth. It rarely sees use in print media but was featured in the VS games. While many people ponder how a flamethrower could hurt a metal opponent they fail to realize just how serious overheating military crafts can be, or the aspect of melting or overloading cables and other sensitive materials.

- Magnesser Falcon Wings

Magnesser Falcon Wings: マグネッサーファルコンウィング

 Like other flying Zoids the Salamander relies on the Magnesser System to get in the air, a system that relies on magnetic force to lift the Zoid. The old Battlestory books featured Salamander customs with the hollow spaces filled in.

- Multi-Blade Radar x2

Multi-Blade Radar x2: マルチブレードレーダー×2

 The radars are the fins on the side of the Salamander's head. These detect enemy Zoids, and are able to rotate up and down.

- Small-Calibre Anti-Air Laser x2

Small-Calibre Anti-Air Laser x2: 小ロ径対空レーザー×2

 These tiny lasers are at the very tips of the Salamander's wings. They rarely see use, but we can assume that they fire energy. They're stationary on the wing.

- Vulcan Phalanx x2

Vulcan Phalanx x2: バルカンファランクス×2

 The Vulcan Phalanx is the two chest guns of the Salamander, which appear to be able to move up and down. Though their ammunition type isn't covered it seems they're used to finish off ground-based targets. In the Fan Books, it's used alongside the flamethrower, taking out close-range targets.

- Merchandise

Model Kits

RZ-045 Salamander
Salamander Bombvern

Other Media Appearances

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 3
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 4
Book Media: Zoids Fan Book EX 4 (Mentioned)

Game Media: Zoids Saga I
Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Saga Fuzors
Game Media: Zoids Saga DS: Legend of Arcadia
Game Media: Zoids VS II

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the box, official product info, or Official Fan Books. Media appearances reference their respective media.