Zoids Index

Liger Blue "Souga"   Technical Data   ライガーブルーソウガ(蒼牙)

Name Note: Souga: Japanese for
"Pale Fang"
Alignment: None
Rollout: None
Type: Lion
Length: 22.0 m
Height: 7.6 m
Weight: 81.5 t
Max Speed: 307 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 AZ 108 mm High Density Beam Gun  (Tail)
 AZ 208 mm 2 Barrel Shock Cannon x1  (Chest)
 Laser Fang  (Mouth)
 Strike Laser Claw x4  (Paws)

 Downforce Stabilizer x2  (Sides)
 Ion Turbo Booster x2  (Back)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Midori
 The Liger Blue Souga is a special Liger Zero from the Zoids Generations series. A story that first developed in Dengeki Hobby Magazine but was later compiled into an art book. The Liger, like most Zeros specializes in close range combat and tends to act on its own.

- Details of Design

Small Size

 The Liger Blue is actually a rather small specimen of Liger Zero, measuring around 9% smaller than the standard model. This also means that it's lighter than the typical Liger Zero. In spite of this, Souga retains the same speed as the normal sized Liger, and is noted to make up for its lack of weight by its fast and maneuverable combat skills. Nevermind a ferocious personality. It's worth noting that the box for the Liger Blue specifies standard Zero stats, but its smaller size and stats are noted in the actual Generations material.


 The Liger Blue, aside from having a blue body is noted to have a scar over its right eye. This was a wound received while fighting Bio Zoids, and unlike most Zoid injuries it never actually healed.

- History

Early Life

Souga, at first, refused to take any pilot. He lived in Kageri Village with Midori for quite some time, and eventually warmed up to her. She actually started riding Souga when she was only 5 years old, and stayed with the Zoid ever since.

Chapter 1, Start of an Adventure

When the Jin Commando Squad stayed with them in Kageri Village, Midori decided she wanted to join them on their adventure. Though it may be dangerous, Souga was excited to tag along. It didn't take long for them to encounter their first Bio Zoid, and though Souga couldn't defeat it due to a lack of Metal Zi weaponry, he certainly put up his best effort.

Chapter 2, A New Armor

When Midori and Ken delivered a letter from Lord Hakukuu to a nearby village, they were surprised to immediately be attacked by an Iron Kong wielding a hammer. This Kong was evidently piloted by Masakuni, a skilled blacksmith from the village, who'd been instructed to test Midori's combat style and make a wepaon based on her aptitude. Not only did he deliver a Metal-Zi Sword, but he also gave Midori an ancient armor that'd been passed down through the generations of his village. She was reluctant to use it, however, fearing for whether it would change Souga or not.

Chapter 3, A Painful Lesson

During a scouting mission Ken and Midori heard explosions from a nearby field, and charged through the forest to find it. They found a slaughter field of Bio Zoids preying on civilian Zoids, and at first, Midori didn't believe that Bio Zoids were truly immortal. When she failed to kill any targets, she relented and began using her new Metal-Zi Sword. In the course of the battle, however, she was still overwhelmed. Souga took a direct hit to the head from the Reaper as surrounding Bio Zoids began eating him alive. Jin arrived just in time to save the two of them, but Souga was left with a potentially fatal poison from the Reaper's claws. While they were able to retrieve the antidote in time, the wound left a permanent scar over Souga's right eye.

Chapter 4, Assisting Ya Han

Souga and the Hebby Rhimos joined a battle involving a swarm of Bio Zoids and pilots from the country of Ya Han, who'd received orders to investigate the recent incursion. With the benefit of defense from the Myoukou armor, Souga was able to move much more freely in combat, tanking hits and downing Bio Zoids one after another.

Chapter 5, Rice and Cowboys

Souga participated as an assistant during a Zoid Fried Rice competition, but lost. Later, he and Midori ran into Veauregard, a rancher who Midori had been ordered to deliver a letter to. The letter warned of the increasing Bio Zoid problem. When Veauregard revealed that they had already reached the ranch, Midori agreed to stay and fight the swarm of 20 some odd Zoids. Souga handled enemies further away in the field while Veauregard sniped them from near the barn, guarding it with his life, as it was where the infant Zoids were held. Many of the elderly Zoids at the ranch fell during the battle, but it's presumed that they protected the ranch itself.

Chapter 6, The Temple

After Midori and Souga depart from Veauregard's ranch, following the road to the Cursed Forest, said to be where the Bio Zoids are coming from but also where no one returns from. In their travels, Souga realized that they were being followed. He raced through the forest into a clearing, where he was attacked by a large number of Baratz. Tobizaru showed up just in time to warn them of the bigger threat: The Shinobi Saix on the roof of the nearby temple. The Zoids scrapped in the forest until Souga's leg took a poison dart, hindering his movement, and the match was called off by Jin.

ZAC 2101, August, EVENT

- Notable Facts

  • Souga is classified as a Liger Blue, and was given the name "Souga" (Pale Blue Fang) by Midori because she thought it sounded cooler.

  • Souga is particularly stubborn, even compared to your normal Liger Zero. He insists on going for a run at least once a day.

  • He also displays cat-like behaviors, such as cleaning his face.

  • When Souga would go out on his walks he often left without any ammunition.

  • Though this may well refer to standard equipment, Souga's noted to have an auditory system (his ears) that can monitor sound in a 360 degree radius and has adjustable range.

  • Souga not only has the speed of a normal Liger Zero, but is also noted to have fast acceleration, reaching max speed in two strides.

  • Souga's emblem was a gift from the rest of the Jin Commando Squad when they invited Midori to join them as a permanent member.

- Equipment Information

 Please see the basic Liger Zero article. Souga has all of the same equipment.

- Concept Art


- Gallery


- Merchandise

Model Kits:

Model Kit: Dengeky Hobby "Liger Blue Souga"

- Featured In Media

Zoids Generations

 The Liger Blue Souga is the main character's Zoid in the Zoids Generations art book. He lived in a village for quite some time before finally accepting a pilot, a girl named Midori. Even among Liger Zeros he has a sour personality, but he's a skilled combat Zoid with ferocious fighting instincts. He leaves the village alongside Midori to go on their own adventure, after meeting some other pilots.

- Secondary Media Appearances

Book Media: Zoids Generations

Game Media: Zoids Dash (Color Variant)
Game Media: Zoids Infinity Neo EX
Game Media: Zoids Saga M

- Notable Variations

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, comes from the Zoids Generations book or the associated Generations kit boxes.