Zoids Index

Gojulas the Ogre   Technical Data   ゴジュラス ジ オーガ

Name Note: None
Alignment: Helic Republic
Rollout: ZAC 2100
Type: Dinosaur
Length: 34.6 m
Height: 21.0 m
Weight: 287.0 t
Max Speed: 125 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 8-Shot Missile Pod x2  (Sides of Belly)
 AMD 30mm 2-Barrelled Beam Gun  (Top of Tail)
 ARZ 20mm Beam Gun  (Left Arm)
 AZ 4-Barrelled Shock Cannon  (Left Arm)

 Crusher Claw x2  (Hands)
 Hyper Bite Fangs  (Mouth)
 Long Range Buster Cannon x2  (Back)

 Maxer 30mm Multipurpose Machine Gun x2  (Tail Side)
 Panova 20mm Surface-To-Air Beam Gun x2  (Upper Tail)
 TRZ 20mm Linear Laser Gun  (Right Arm)

 Backpack  (Back)
 Energy Tank x2  (Under Guns)

 Stabilizer x2  (Sides of Tail)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Irvine
 Gojulas the Ogre is a Gojulas equipped with an Organoid System. By the Republic's calculations, all of the heavy equipment combined with the OS should give the Ogre 5 to 10 times the combat power of a normal Gojulas. However, adding the OS made the Zoid so ferocious that nobody could handle it, and eventually, the Republic settled for piloting via remote control. At least, until it met the right pilot.  [1]

- Military History

Experimental Tests, Introducing the Organoid System

Gojulas the Ogre started as an experimental testbed. The Republic had just recently succeeded in implementing an Organoid System into their lion-type Zoid, the Shield Liger, reinventing it as the Blade Liger. Without giving much time for proper testing, however, they moved forward with their grander plan: To implement this system into a Gojulas, the strongest active combat Zoid of the Republic at the time. However, they failed to notice how different Zoids became after this system was installed. Upon start up, the Gojulas was so ferocious that nobody could control it. Ultimately, the Republic decided to abandon the notion of an OS-equipped Gojulas. The experimental machine was named "Ogre", and afterwards some of its power was sealed and it was equipped with an autopilot, then was sent to Europa as a support artillery machine for the Western Continent War. It's said that some of the Ogre's equipment was simplified and used in normal Gojulas units. [4]

ZAC 2100, June, Transport Fleet

As a massive fleet carrying over 20 of the Republic's strongest mainland forces was traveling towards Europa, intending to support the Republic during the Western Continent War, the fleet was attacked by Sinkers. Their enemies were stunned to realize that the ship was carrying some massive artillery, though, including Gojulas the Ogre, who helped to fend off their attackers.

ZAC 2100, July, Defense of Rob Base

While Republican Forces began organizing at Rob Base, the Empire waited for a coming storm, and launched a ferocious attack with the intent of ending the battle in one decisive move. During the chaos, a single Iron Kong PK, which had been sent to the frontlines by Prozen in order to raise morale, slipped past their defenses and entered the base. With so many Zoids in the base trying to move at once, the base became hopelessly deadlocked, leaving the PK to rampage as it pleased.

Soon, the PK targeted the Ogre, who sat inactive. It was then that the Imperial Zoid was attacked by a black Command Wolf piloted by Irvine. He'd fallen in love with the Ogre at first sight, and as the Zoid now stood vulnerable, he fought to protect it. As the Command Wolf was heavily damaged, the Ogre awoke, without ever activating its auto pilot. It tore through the Kong like it was nothing, and opened its cockpit, accepting Irvine as its pilot. The two then set out to help in the defense of Rob Base.

ZAC 2100, September, Escort

When Ultra Saurus the Destroyer was mobilized on the battle field, it was escorted by a huge number of Zoids, including Gojulas the Ogre. As an escort, it protected the Ultra Saurus while the large force marched towards and eventually overwhelmed Nixie Base.

ZAC 2105, August, The Final Stand

After the onslaught of the Neo Zenebas Empire, the Republic's bases on the Central Continent had been reduced from 100 to less than 30. It was a devastating defeat, without a single victory in all of their battles. Their only hope was to hold out until spring, when the Gojulas Giga was expected to be completed. However, before that time could come, the base was attacked by Genius Deldaros' unit of Stealth Stingers, Sack Stingers, and Dark Spiners, rendering almost every Zoid in the base's defense force immobile.

It was only the Ogre that stood to confront them, in a battle of 100 to 1. The Ogre's natural fighting instincts drove it into battle regardless of the Spiner's jamming, and the Ogre single-handedly defeated six of the Dark Spiners. However, when it approached the seventh, Genius' Stealth Stinger was lying in wait. In a surprise attack, it used the blade on the tail to pierce the Ogre's Zoid Core. The final Dark Spiner then moved on to the base. However, the Ogre, even fatally wounded, caught up with and slaughtered the final Dark Spiner, saving the Republican Base by giving them a chance to activate the Giga and fight back. The Ogre, having seen its duty through, collapsed. Though the Ogre was fatally wounded in this fight, the cockpit took little damage, leaving hope that its pilot, Irvine, survived.

- Notable Facts

  •  When Arthur Borgmann witnessed the miracle of the Ogre activating on its own, and accepting Irvine as its pilot, he realized that the Zoid was responding to Irvine. This changed how Arthur viewed his own relationship with the Blade Liger, inspiring him to abandon conventional wisdom when it comes to Zoid piloting and strive to understand his own machine even better.

- Additional Equipment Information

- 8-Shot Missile Pod x2

8-Shot Missile Pod x2: 8連装ミサイルポッド×2

 Two missile pods attached to the sides of the Ogre's stomach, providing the ogre with 16 total missile slots between the two. This weapon serves as medium-range defense for the Ogre, and though it's not given much explanation, they're connected to the Energy Tanks via black cables.

- AMD 30mm 2-Barrelled Beam Cannon

AMD 30mm 2-Barrelled Beam Gun:ÿfo?¦ color="aaaaaa">AMD30mm2連装ビーム砲

 This weapon is inherited from the Gojulas, and sits on the tip of the tail. It can rotate left and right, with 360 degree movement, giving it quite a directional range.

- ARZ 20mm Beam Gun

ARZ 20mm Beam Gun: ARZ20mmビームガン

 Another weapon inherited from the Gojulas. It's installed to the right elbow, with an up-down rotation range.

- AZ 4-Barrelled Shock Cannon

AZ 4-Barrelled Shock Cannon: AZ4連装ショックカノン

 This weapon is installed to the right arm. This gives it a decent range of movement, as well as being able to rotate up and down at the attachment point. The purpose of the 4-Barrelled Shock Cannon is to provide short-range firepower, but because of the densely armored plating over the cannon, it can also be used for defensive purposes. [2]

- Backpack

Backpack: バックパック

 The backpack, though inherited from the Gojulas, is specifically noted in Ogre's equipment list. It carries much of the extra equip on the Ogre, including the two large Energy Tanks and the Long Range Buster Cannons.

- Crusher Claw x2

Crusher Claw x2: クラッシャークロー×2

 The Crusher Claws are inherited by the Ogre, who, in spite of its insane armament loadout, still follows its natural fighting instincts in close-range combat. With the increase in aggression and fighting strength, caused by the Ogre's Organoid System, this weapon becomes absolutely devastating. It contributed to the Ogre ripping apart an Iron Kong PK without so much as breaking a sweat.

- Energy Tank x2

Energy Tank x2: エネルギータンク

 The Energy Tanks were added as overall support for the Ogre's tremendous strength, providing additional power where needed. They're installed directly to the backpack, and the cables coming out of the tanks loop around to the 8-Shot Missile Pods on the sides of the belly.

- Hyper Bite Fangs

Hyper Bite Fangs: ハイパーバイトファング

 The other melee weapon inherited by Gojulas the Ogre. These jaws are ferocious even under normal circumstances, but like the claws, they benefit from the increase in fighting strength and aggression brought on by the Organoid System. This impressive boost of strength was exhibied during the Ogre's final stand, where it used its powerful jaws against enemy Dark Spiners. In one case, even biting the Spiner's head clean off. [3]

- Long Range Buster Cannon x2

Long Range Buster Cannon x2: ロングレンジバスターキャノン×2

 These two massive guns were equipped to the Ogre to provide it with long-range firepower. They're so large that they're used almost excluively with Gojulas variants, and often referred to as Gojulas Cannons. They're not only capable of penetrating the armor of large-scale Zoids, but can also fire in rapid succession. Each cannon is placed on a rotating arm that allows the cannons to pivot up and down at both ends. [2]

- Maxer 30mm Multipurpose Machine Gun x2

Maxer 30mm Multipurpose Machine Gun x2: マクサー30mm多用途マシンガン×2

 Part of the standard Gojulas equipment. These guns are attached to the side of the tail, providing automatic fire while allowing them to benefit from the Tail's range of motion. They can also rotate up and down independently.

- Organoid System

Panova 20mm Surface-To-Air Beam Gun x2:

 Ogre was the first Gojulas equipped with an Organoid System, and it's due to the Ogre that this notion was abandoned by the Republic. When it was first equipped, the Organoid System was still very much in its experimental phase, so Ogre's OS is considered imperfect when compared to the Empire's later perfected OS, which is implied to have far better control.

 Even so, it's strong enough that the Ogre was said to sport 10x the power of a conventional Gojulas when taking its weapons into account, as well as to instantly heal gun shot wounds to the armor, some of which would've been fatal. Ogre's instincts are so strong that it also isn't effected by Jamming Waves, such as those from Dark Spiners. [3]

- Panova 20mm Surface-To-Air Beam Gun x2

Panova 20mm Surface-To-Air Beam Gun x2: パノーバ20mm地対空ビーム砲×2

 Dedicated anti-aircraft guns equipped to the sides of the Ogre's tail, just above the stabilizers. They're able to rotate up and down.

- Stabilizer x2

Stabilizer x2: スタビライザー

 These two heavy stabilizers are installed to the sides of the Gojulas the Ogre's tail. They stabilize the Zoid while it's firing the Long Range Buster Cannons.

- TRZ 20mm Linear Laser Gun

TRZ 20mm Linear Laser Gun: TRZ20mmリニアレーザーガン

 This arm gun is inherited from the Gojulas stock equipment, and fires energy-based rounds.

- Featured In Media

- Zoids Official Fan Books

 Ogre featured prominently in the Official Fan Books, where it was an experimental unit, testing the introduction of the Organoid System to the Gojulas platform. It became an uncontrollable beast, piloted only by auto-pilot, until it had a fateful encounter with the mercenary Irvine. After this event, Irvine piloted the Ogre for the Helic Republic.

- Zoids Fan Book EX

 Ogre returned during the continuation of the Official Fan Books, Fan Book EX. In this segment of the story it helped to fend off the Imperial Army, who was attempting to destroy a base where the Republic's secret Gojulas Giga project was coming to completion. Unfortunately for the Ogre, this was also its final appearance, being fatally wounded by the Imperial Zoids.

Other Media Appearances

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 2
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 3
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 4

Game Media: Zoids Saga I
Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Saga Fuzors
Game Media: Zoids Saga DS: Legend of Arcadia
Game Media: Zoids VS I
Game Media: Zoids VS II
Game Media: Zoids VS III

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the box and official product info.

2. CoroCoro April 2000 issue.

3. Zoids Fan Book EX 1 (Gojulas Giga)

4. Technical Data profile from Official Fan Book 2.