Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed!

 Game company "Outright Games" has announced their plans to localize the Nintendo Switch game, "Zoids Wild: King of Blast" as "Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed"! This is exciting news, and they've already posted trailers for localization in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and North America.

 It's also worth noting that most of these localization trailers included branding by Hasbro. The logo seen for the game is also the same as the original Hasbro announcement at Mipcon (right). That initial release showed a promo image of the Wild Liger and our first look at the new logo, and the same style of artwork was seen later in the leaked box arts that were circulating the web late last year (center). All in all, it's an exciting time for western Zoids fans! Here's hoping we hear some info on the kits or western dub later.

- Trailer

Tagged  Games Official Zoids Wild2020-07-11 22:56:44