Zoids Wild Custom Examples!  [Official]

 Aside from your typical custom examples, the folks at the Zoids Official twitter have started making customizing examples based on the variations in the Wild Zero instruction manuals. They are strikingly similar to the actual thing, and some of them are even made with the most basic of items!

 First up is the Gatling Fox Special Forces Spec., the Drei Panther Fighter Prototype, the Fire Genospino (with a second post), the Raptoria Ground Reconnaissance Spec. (with a second post), the black Triceradogos, and the Imperial Scorpear. All of these Zoids can be recreated using Zoids Wild kits and weapons sets. The following two ligers require additional items not sold in this franchise to create: The Beast Liger Amphibious Spec. and the Beast Liger variant that appeared in the first episode of Wild Zero.

 There was also a Beast Liger customization video, and a customs example video for the ongoing Zoids Wild custom contest.

Tagged  Model Kits Official Wild Customs Zoids Wild2020-01-11 23:03:03