Zoids Concept Art!  [Official]

 This week we have some non-anime concept art! Starting with the Bazootle sketches, the Genospino sketches, and some Pachycedos sketches. As a fascinating last note, Shinohba, who worked on the old Zoids web comics, posted two concepts of the Quad Liger, one of which we have seen photos of before. These are beautiful, clear images of this Zoid's design process. Quad LIger can always use some more love!

- Zoids Wild Zero Concepts

 When you move on to Wild Zero concept art, there is a heaping ton of it. So let's begin! Fortress City Mosaic, Brigadier General Seeger, General Garrett, Lapis Island, Genospino Restoration Site, Imperial Army Weapons, Abandoned Town at the bottom of the cliffs (sky view), Sniptera Cockpit, Brigadier General Collins, Frank Land, On-board the Science Ship, Leo's All-purpose Armament, Baan, Diaz, Jo Aysel, Lieutenant Knox, Beast Liger Cockpit, Imperial Army Training Area, and finally, the Genospino Cockpit.

Tagged  Concept Art Official Zoids Wild Zoids Wild Zero2020-01-11 23:03:00