Battle Card Hunter News!   [Official]

    Battle Card Hunter has a series of new cards, both limited and otherwise. We mentioned this before, but a special Beast Liger M was available at McDonalds when buying the Happy Set All-Star Water on August 31st ~ September 1st. This set also included a limited DVD with a number of series on it, but we don't yet know what was on this. Probably advertisements. TT posted a custom painted model to advertise the card.

The Fang Tiger White Tiger Form limited card has also been retired, and replaced with the Hunter Wolf Flame Wolf. Similar to the prior card it has a foil embossed flame effect, allowing the fire to shift colors depending on the angle. This card became available on September 5th, with only 10 cards available from each machine.

There's also a new campaign starting from September 19th, where users will be able to encounter the Death Rex Death Metal Ver. As a final note, the Death Rex Buster, a Zoid first seen as a custom model in Zoids Wild Battle Wars (a CoroCoro diorama battle story, which never got off the ground) has joined the game. Like normal BCH Zoids, it has a N, R, SR, and WR card. You can view them all on the main site.

Tagged  Zoids Wild Battle Card Hunter Games Official Zoids Wild2019-09-14 11:00:00