- Zoids BLOX

    Zoids BLOX caught the tail-end of the NJR, and feature Zoids meant to combine in different combinations. While there were many official fusions listed on the boxes and accompanying media, builders can combine them in any combination using the BLOX cores.

    This Zoids BLOX list is separate from the Zoids Fuzors release. So please head on over to that page for more information!

- Zoids BLOX Pages

BZ-001 Leoblaze
BZ-002 Unenlagia
BZ-003 Mosasledge
BZ-004 Nightwise
BZ-005 Flyscissors
BZ-006 Shellkarn
BZ-007 Diploguns
BZ-008 Demonshead
BZ-009 Buster Eagle
BZ-010 Boldguard
BZ-011 Lord Gale
BZ-012 Leostriker
BZ-013 Cannondiver
BZ-014 Deantler
BZ-015 Styluarmor
BZ-016 Scissorstorm
BZ-017 Laserstorm
BZ-018 Dispelow
BZ-019 Evoflyer
BZ-020 Leo Gator
BZ-021 Dimetroptera
BZ-022 Jet Falcon
BZ-023 Savinga
BZ-024 Parablade
BZ-025 Death Raser

Additional BLOX Pages

Battle BLOX Genius Wolf

Dengeki Hobby Magazine Blitz Haken
Dengeki Hobby Magazine Blitz Hornet
Big Zoid Expo Buster Eagle Clear Version
Big Zoid Expo Lord Gale Clear Version
Zoids VS III Pterorayse

Zoids Tactics Shield Liger BLOX
Zoids Infinity NEO EX Geno Saurer BLOX
CoroCoro Transhawk

Special Color Version Gold Leoblaze & Nightwise Set
Special Color Version Metal Silver Unenlagia & Mosasledge Set

- List of Zoids

Standard Zoids
Combination BLOX
Additional & Limited BLOX
    - BZ-001 Leoblaze
    - BZ-002 Unenlagia
    - BZ-003 Mosasledge
    - BZ-004 Nightwise
    - BZ-005 Flyscissors
    - BZ-006 Shellkarn
    - BZ-007 Dipliguns
    - BZ-008 Demonshead
    - BZ-009 Buster Eagle
    - BZ-010 Boldguard
    - BZ-011 Lord Gale
    - BZ-012 Leostriker
    - BZ-013 Cannondiver
    - BZ-014 Deantler
    - BZ-015 Styluarmor
    - BZ-016 Scissorstorm
    - BZ-017 Laserstorm
    - BZ-018 Dispelow
    - BZ-019 Evoflyer
    - BZ-020 Leogator
    - BZ-021 Dimetroptera
    - BZ-022 Jet Falcon
    - BZ-023 Savinga
    - BZ-024 Parablade
    - BZ-025 Death Raser

    - Chimera Dragon
    - Double Arm Lizard
    - Matrix Dragon
    - BBX Genius Wolf
    - Blitz Haken
    - Blitz Hornet
    - Buster Eagle (Clear Version)
    - CB01 Metal Hopper
    - CB02 Spear Wing
    - CB03 Garninaru
    - CB04 Harpers
    - CB05 Killer Bee
    - CB06 Deadbuster
    - CB00 Airsplitter
    - Geno Saurer BLOX
    - Infinity Leo
    - Leoblaze/Nightwise Gold
    - Lord Gale (Clear Version)
    - Pterorayse
    - Saint Gale (Yuji Kaida)
    - Shadow Arm Lizard (Yuji Kaida)
    - Shield Liger BLOX
    - Transhawk
    - Unenlagia/Mosasledge Metal Silver

- Zoids BLOX Customize Parts List

Customize Parts
    - BLOX Customize Parts A (Flyscissor: Clear Blue)
    - BLOX Customize Parts B (Demonshead: Clear Red)
    - BLOX Customize Parts C (Boldguard: Clear Black)
    - BLOX Customize Parts D (Leostriker: Clear Black)
    - BLOX Customize Parts E (Deantler: Clear Purple)
    - BLOX Customize Parts F (Cannon Diver: Clear Yellow)
    - BLOX Customize Parts G (Buster Eagle: Gunmetal)
    - BLOX Customize Parts H (Laser Storm: Clear Black)
    - BLOX Customize Parts I (Dispelow: Clear Brown)
    - BLOX Joint Set
    - BLOX Set

- Indirect BLOX Releases

Sold in Combination Kits
    - Fire Phoenix: Blue (Liger Zero Phoenix)
    - Fire Phoenix: Red & Transparent Yellow (Fuzors Zero Phoenix)
    - Savinga: Gold (Whitz Tiger Imitate)