- ZW48 Gilraptor

- Basic Details

Release Date: October 24th, 2020
Price: 3000 Yen
Parts: ??
Size: M
Motion: Motor

- Description

 A Deinonychus Zoid that slashes enemies with the large claws on its feet, and the third claw on its back, the "Wing Shotel". The Gilraptor LC (Laser Custom) is a custom machine that's equipped with an additional A-Z Laser Gun and A-Z Impact Laser Gun, allowing it to provide support fire from the rear. By connecting the two weapons, you can also make an A-Z Long Range Laser Gun, which can be fired from a long distance. It's also capable of moving at high speeds with its superior spring-loaded legs and the Jet Boosters on its back. It has a Head Radar with highly developed sensory function on the top of its head, which allows it to coordinate with multiple units to detect enemy movements and ensure that they're killed.

Length: 8.4 m
Height: 4.5 m
Width: 3.3 m
Weight: 36.0 t
Max Speed: 250 km/h
 A-Z Impact Laser Gun Kai
 A-Z Laser Gun
 Hook Claw
 Wing Shotels
 Head Radar
 Jet Boosters

- Wild Blast

 The claw-shaped weapons on its back, the Wing Shotels are deployed, and it specializes in close combat.

 It accelerates using the Jet Boosters on its back, moving at blinding speed to slice through enemy Zoids with countless strikes.

- Box Art

- Clean Version

- Official Product Photos

- Introduction Video