- RZ-075 Rayse Tiger

 Rayse Tiger is a unique Zoid that features glowing tubes wired throughout its body. These can be a little bit of a pain to assemble, but once done, looks amazing. Especially with it giving light to the panels throughout the body.

- Lore

Technical Data:
Released: Jul 15th, 2004
Cost: 2980 Yen
Motor: x2 AAA Batteries
Pieces: 120
Caps: 12 (12 are used)
Length: 20.5 m
Height: 7.56 m
Weight: 87.0 t
Max Speed: 280 km/h
2-Barrelled Tail Cannon
3-Barrelled Shock Cannon
Condensor Panel x4
Explode Bite
Pin-Point Laser Guns
Strike Laser Claw x4

- Zoids Battle Story

 The seal on the Whitz Tiger was finally released. The overwhelming power produced by the ancient tiger's Zoid Core one-sidedly cornered the cutting-edge Zoid Decalto Dragon. However... The Whitz Tiger's power suddenly dropped. Unable to bear the high energy from the ancient tiger's core, the control system had melted. As a result, although the Decalto Dragon bore severe wounds, it succeeded in kidnapping ZOITEC's president. It managed to retreat to Zi-ARMS successfully. At this rate, the ancient Zoid Core analysis know-how would be stolen away. To recover their president, ZOITEC's board of directors immediately approved the activation of the second ancient tiger, equipped with a new type of energy control system, the "Rayse Tiger"!

- Fuselage Explanation

 The Rayse Tiger is one of the legendary ancient tigers, of which there are said to be three. It's a state-of-the-art machine from ZOITEC that has been equipped with heat-dissipating tubes running throughout its body, circulating and releasing excess energy through this system to successfully control the power of the Ancient Zoid nucleus. With this new system, the Rayse Tiger can take full advantage of its potential. Its fighting capabilities in particular are incredible, and the "Explode Bite", which directs laser energy through the fangs directly into the enemy's body, can bury opponents in a single blow. Even giant Zoids in the same class as the Gojulas and Iron Kong. In addition, four light collecting panels are installed as additional equipment. By neutralizing enemy beam weapons, it drags its opponents into its favorite combat type, melee.

- Instruction Manual

Though a lot of Zoids contained stories in their instruction manuals, labeled the Official Fan Book EX, Rayse Tiger and the several kits around it didn't really include much story. It essentially contains the Fuselage Explanation written above, and some basic fusion combinations.

* Disclaimer: The translations on this page rely on google translate and may contain mistakes. Battle story segment courtesy of Falcarius!

- Rayse Tiger Review

- Introduction

- First Impressions

 Rayse Tiger is an interesting Zoid, because while it introduces new concepts, it also feels very much like a prototype that was released before it could be fully finished. This ranges from significant differences in box art design to unfinished features that still made it into the final kit and its associated components. That's not to say that it's a bad kit, Rayse Tiger is one of my favorites, but it feels like a look into the mid-development process, and who knows, you may get a kick out of that.

 The first and most notable thing about it is that it glows. Rayse Tiger not only contains glow-in-the-dark panels (the pale green), but it also contains tubes that run through the body. These tubes have built-in LEDs that run off of the motor. They're an absolute pain in the neck to assemble, but the tradeoff is a cool one. Unfortunately they aren't very bright, even in the dark. The glow-in-the-dark panels are of average brightness.

 Although this is such a minor thing, I love seeing ancient text on Zoids.

New Construction Gimmicks
 Rayse Tiger's construction is also interesting. The shoulders, for example, are flat and detail-less. If you've built other moto kits from this era you're familiar with the triangular boxes above the elbows, that attach to pegs to help control lower leg movement. On Rayse Tiger, this piece attaches to the shoulder first, then all of the surface detail for the shoulder is actually a separate piece of plastic that you attach overtop of that triangular box. This completely hides it from view, while still maintaining its functionality, so that the Rayse Tiger can benefit from non-conventional details for this section of the leg.

- Unfinished Features and Changed Details

 Rayse Tiger differs from its box art, which isn't entirely uncommon. On the box you can see that the tubes run down the center of the back, and around the rear armor, while on the final version, the tubes run around a newly added port. Below you can see a plain comparison between the two, as well as a center graphic with color highlights on the changed parts.

 This port was originally intended to house electronics, using metal prongs to establish a connection between the main motor and the Laser Nest's battery compartment. We can assume this from the fact that if one disassembles the Rayse Nest backpack from the associated Ptero Rayse BLOX, they'll find a compartment with three battery slots with the metal and electronics stripped out.

 Unfortunately, the electronic function didn't make it to the final version. Instead, the Rayse Tiger comes with a port cover part, and the port itself is used purely to attach the weapon. Interestingly, only a year or two later, the Soul Tiger released as part of the Zoids Genesis line. It included a functioning Rayse Nest. Perhaps Rayse Tiger was not able to be completed under the available budget at the time, and was able to be updated when a contract had been agreed upon for the Genesis era kits, but this is purely speculation.

 Another small change is the blue "cap" piece that attaches to the lower back, containing the "Off - On" text. I'm not sure this was particularly necessary, or why they couldn't just mold the text onto the back, instead of creating ugly gaps.


 New and interesting mechanics
 Functional mechanics not all of which are dependant on batteries (Condensor Panels glow just by light)
 Unique aesthetic compared to other feline Zoids
 Comes with a bonus DVD

 Numerous unfinished mechanics and details that would've made the kit even cooler
 Few mechanical gimmicks (movable parts)
 LED Lights are weak

- Box

- Instructions

- Gallery

- Gimmicks

- Cockpit

 The cockpit is hinged at the end of the nose, and opens up to reveal the pilot. This is, unfortunately, another way that Rayse Tiger feels unfinished. The cockpit is just an empty pit in the head, and doesn't even have somewhere for the pilot to really sit. "Blank" detail cockpits aren't necessarily uncommon in Zoids, but they usually at least have the ability to seat the pilot.

- Head

 Rayse Tiger's head is attached to a ball joint, which provides it the ability to tilt, as well as move left, right, up, and down. The range of motion isn't great, but it still helps with the Zoid's expression.

- Neck

 Rayse Tiger's neck can move up and down, but the mechanics of this feel like it was intended to control a motorized feature, one that never made it to the final product. Moving the neck does nothing to change its functionality.

- Jaw

 Rayse Tiger's jaw can open and close.

- Port

 As discussed earlier, an intended gimmick was for the Rayse Tiger's weapon port to connect to the Laser Nest. While it can still attach the weapon, it contains no electronics. This silver piece can be removed to attach the weapon.

- Tail

 Rayse Tiger's tail is on a peg angled upwards, which allows it to swing left and right, or stand upright. A slight up-down motion is also possible. This is an interesting placement, but I gotta say, I think it's preferable to a standard, limited hinge joint.

- Condensor Panels and Tubes

 One of the best features introduced with the Rayse Tiger is its Condensor Panels, which are made of a glow in the dark material. The light is fairly average, and I tried to capture the glow in the photos above. The environment was quite a bit darker, compared to how light it looks in photos.

 Its second primary feature is the tube system that runs throughout its body, transferring light. This isn't nearly as bright in person as it looks in the photos, but it's still cool!

- Stand

 A few of the late NJR Zoids came with stands, with ports on the top where pegs on the Zoid's belly would secure it in place. This allowed you to put the motorized actions on display, without needing to take the Zoid off the shelf and play with it. A decal is included with the Zoid's name, and can be plastered on the indented rectangle along the base of the stand to properly label it.