- RZ-063 Guntiger
- Lore
Information: |
Technical Data: |
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Released: May 18th, 2002
Cost: 500 Yen
Motor: None
Pieces: 41
Caps: 4 (4 are used)
Length: 7.9 m
Height: 5.5 m
Weight: 12.5 t
Max Speed: 270 km/h
AZ 105mm Static Magnum
Dual Sensor Eye x2
High Frequency Claws x4
High Frequency Fangs
Ion Booster x2
Multi Antenna x2
Radar Ear x2
Rear-Alert Sensor
- Zoids Battle Story
ZAC 2102...
The Saberlion carrying the Republican president, Louise Camford, escaped from the capital of the Republic, which was surrounded by the Eisen Dragoons. They rushed northward to join the remaining Dark Continent Dispatch Forces. However, a shadow chased after the Saberlion. The Guntiger, a new machine of the Eisen Dragoon's Phantom Unit. Can the Saberlion shake off the Guntiger's pursuit, and protect the president?
- Fuselage Explanation
The Eisen Dragoons tried to establish a new nation, Neo Zenebas, on the Central Continent. The Guntiger was their new ultra-small Zoid, developed as a counter to guerrilla warfare and city warfare. The Guntiger, which was incorporated into the Eisen Dragoon's "Phantom Unit" (a surprise attack unit composed of stealth and high-speed units), demonstrated abilities above and beyond what they expected in their battle to capture the capital of the Republic. Its firepower and speed surpassed the Saberlion, and it was assigned to the Presidential Pursuit Unit.
* Disclaimer: The translations on this page rely on google translate and may contain mistakes.