- EZ-059 Glaive Quama
- Lore
Information: |
Technical Data: |
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Released: Feb 16th, 2002
Cost: 400 Yen
Motor: None
Pieces: 30
Caps: 4 (4 are used)
Length: 11.5 m
Height: 7.9 m
Weight: 22.0 t
Max Speed: Mach 2.5
High Mobility Booster x6
Hyper Killer Claw x4
Pulse Laser Gun x2
Sword Wings
- Zoids Battle Story
ZAC 2102...
In Valhalla, the Imperial capital, the PK division let by Prozen rebelled. Immediately, the Imperial Army aimed to recapture the capital, but they were exhausted from their battle with the Republican Army and had no chance of winning. However, the Republican Army stood up and fought to save them. Can the two large militaries finally join forces to defeat Prozen, the cause of this war!?
- Fuselage Explanation
An ultra-small Zoid assigned to the Eisen Dragoon unit. Originally it was developed for ground attacks, with a maximum speed of Mach 2.5 and a light body made it highly capable when it came to air combat. In actual battle tests, it proved that it had the fighting power to surpass even the Redler. Furthermore, by attaching a special hook, it could operate as air transport for other ultra-small Zoids.
* Disclaimer: The translations on this page rely on google translate and may contain mistakes.