- EZ-074 Death Raser
In spite of commonly being mistaken for a carnivore, the Death Raser is a Therizinosaurus-type, the only of its species in the franchise. It sports a unique low posture that gives it a much more threatening appearance.
- Lore
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Released: Jun 17th, 2004
Cost: 2000 Yen
Motor: x1 AA Batteries
Pieces: 130
Caps: 12 (10 are used)
Length: 22.3 m
Height: 8.64 m
Weight: 110.0 t
Max Speed: 295 km/h
Break Needle Tail
Electric Claws x2
Electric Dischargers
Laser Gun x2
Plasma Blade x4
Strike Claw x2
Tail Sword
- Zoids Battle Story
The two military corporations ZOITEC and Zi-ARMS confronted each other on the Eastern Continent. Learning that ZOITEC had succeeded in analysing the cores of the "Legendary Ancient Tigers", Zi-ARMS schemed to kidnap ZOITEC's president in order to steal their secrets. They sent in a fusion of Death Raser and Parablade, the super-powerful assault Zoid Decalto Dragon. In this crisis, ZOITEC sent out their cutting-edge high-speed unit, Whitz Wolf. But divided from the Savinga and with its original power sealed away, the Whitz Wolf was gradually cornered. Where is the Savinga right now? Will the Whitz Wolf be destroyed without ever awakening into the legendary ancient tiger Whitz Tiger!?
- Fuselage Explanation
Death Raser is the latest fighting Zoid created by Zi-ARMS. Its sharp, multi-faceted armor is not only a dangerous weapon as well, but also refracts enemy beam attacks and reduces the damage received. In addition, the back is equipped with large Plasma Blades. Even by itself, this unit has more than enough combat power. However the true value of the Death Raser lies in its fusion function. The fusion of Zoids causes the Cores to resonate, and can dramatically improve the basic performance of the base unit. Combined with the supporting BLOX, Para Blade, the Death Raser becomes the Decalto Dragon, which has fighting power that far surpasses all conventional Zoids of the same class.
- Instruction Manual

Though a lot of Zoids contained stories in their instruction manuals, labeled the Official Fan Book EX, Death Raser and its subsequent kits didn't really include much story. It essentially contains the Fuselage Explanation written above, and some basic fusion combinations.
* Disclaimer: The translations on this page rely on google translate and may contain mistakes. Battle story segment courtesy of Falcarius!