- Model Kit PSDs
The Zoids Index features color charts for certain Zoids, which use the lineart from the model kits or other official media as a quick reference for different color schemes. Sometimes with adjustments. On this page you'll find downloadable PSD files for the available Zoids. Each PSD will contain the core color layers, and maybe a few extra, for ease of use.
- How Does A PSD Work?
PSD Files can be opened by Photoshop, Clip Studio, GIMP
(free), and a wide variety of other programs. These documents are designed for photoshop, but most should have layers cleaned up to function without clipping masks. They require layer styles.
When opening the file you'll see a list of layers, with each of the Zoids' colors. They're automatically clipped to the base layer and by default, transparent pixels are locked. These two things basically mean you can scribble on any of the layers without going outside the lines. To draw custom details, create a new layer, or to modify the color layers, click the "lock transparent pixels" button (a tiny checkerboard icon above the list of layers.)
Select a layer you want to modify (such as the caps) and use a large brush to color over the layer.
Click images to download the files!
- PSD Files
Berserk Fürher |
Blade Liger |
Brastle Tiger |
Command Wolf |
Command Wolf AC |
Energy Liger |
Geno Breaker |
Gilraptor |
Helcat |
König Wolf |
König Wolf DSR |
Liger Zero |
Liger Zero X |
Lightning Saix |
Saber Tiger |
Saber Tiger (Downgraded Equipment) |
Shield Liger |
Wild Liger |